I am struggling trying to figure out this code I have it completed ... (2024)


Error using load
Unable to find file or directory 'eegdata.mat'.

data = eegdata;

srate = 500;

N = size(data, 2); % Length of data on a channel; total number of data points

nchans = size(data, 1) ; % Number of channels, which is the size of the first dim of 'data'

time = (0:N-1) / srate; % Time vector

ntrials = 10; % Number of trials

% Lowpass Filter --------------

% You will create the gaussian kernel here for low-pass filtering. Use

% a steepness value of 0.5 and kernel length of 15.

steepness = 0.5; % kernel steepness

kernelLength = 15; % kernel length

incr = 2*steepness/(kernelLength-1);

kernel = exp(-(-steepness:incr:steepness).^2);

kernel = kernel./sum(kernel); % normalize kernel

% Filtering

% Use a loop to go through the data on each channel and

% use the 'conv' function to convolve the data with the gaussian

% kernel you created above. Ensure that the output has the same

% length as the input data, using the 'same' option. The fdata matrix

% will store the filtered data.

for i = 1:nchans

fdata(i,:) = conv(data(i,:), kernel, 'same');


% FIGURE 1: Plot Raw and Filtered Channel Data

% Plot the raw and filtered data ('data' and 'fdata') for each channel

% separately, in the first and second columns. Modify the x/y labels and

% the plot titles as shown in the figure in the question prompt.

figure('Name', 'Channel Data')

for i = 1:nchans

subplot(nchans, 2, (i-1)*2 + 1)

plot(time, data(i,:))

xlabel('Time (s)')


title(['Raw Data - Channel ', num2str(i)])

subplot(nchans, 2, (i-1)*2 + 2)

plot(time, fdata(i,:))

xlabel('Time (s)')


title(['Filtered Data - Channel ', num2str(i)])


% Epoch data --------------

% The number of epochs (trials) are indicated by the 'ntrials' variable.

% Data in each channel should be divided into 'ntrials' epochs and

% the resulting data should be stored in the 'efdata' matrix.

% The 'efdata' is a 3-dimensional matrix; with channels, data points, and trials

% as the dimensions, respectively.

efdata= reshape(fdata,nchans,[],ntrials);

% Average data across the epochs

% Calculate the mean data for each channel.

% You should take the average of all trials, separately for each channel.

% The 'mean' function allows you to indicate over which dimension

% should the mean be calculated. You should take the mean over trials.

mefdata = mean(efdata, 3);

eN = size(efdata, 2); % Calculate the length of a single epoch (number of data points in an epoch)

etime = 0:1/srate:(eN/srate)-1/srate; % Create the time vector for a single epoch

% Taper averaged epochs --------------

% As we discussed in class, edges in epoched data cause artifacts in

% frequency analysis. To avoid this problem, we will taper the data with

% a Hann window. Use the 'hann' function to create a hann window

% at the lenght of an epoch (you will need to transpose the output),

% then multiply the hann window with the averaged

% epoched data ('mefdata'). Remember, this is an element-wise

% multiplication, meaning that each point in the hann window will be

% multiplied with the matching point in the data, separately for each

% channel (use '.*'). Store the tapered data matrix in 'tmefdata'/

hanntaper = hann(eN); % Use the hann function and 'eN' as length. Transpose as well.

tmefdata = 'mean(efdata, 3)' .* 'hann(eN)' ; % multiply the mefdata with hanntaper. Use element-wise multiplication '.*'

% Frequency Analysis --------------

% Before you conduct the frequency analysis, go to the bottom of the script

% and follow the instructions to complete the 'myFourier' function. Once

% done, come back here to continue.

% Go through each channel and calculate the frequencies and powers for both

% the untapered (mefdata) and tapered (tmefdata) data.

for i=1:nchans

[mef_freqs(i,:),mef_pows(i,:)] = myFourier(mefdata(i,:)); % Left side is already done, complete the right side

[tmef_freqs(i,:),tmef_pows(i,:)] = myFourier(tmefdata(i,:)); % Left side is already done, complete the right side


% Time-Frequency Analysis--------------

% Before you conduct the time-frequency analysis, go to the bottom of the

% script and follow the instructions to complete the 'myMorlet' function.

% Once done, come back here to continue.

% Let's say we are interested in frequencies between 0 and 40 Hz

minFreq = 0;

maxFreq = 40;

% Calculate the frequency vectors and matching power values over time using

% the 'myMorlet' function. Remember, we don't use the epoched data for frequency analysis

% First use the continous filtered data, 'fdata' for the transformation to

% the time-frequency domain, then epoch the t-f data.

for i=1:nchans

[tf_freqs{i}, tf_pows{i}] = myMorlet(fdata(i,:), srate, minFreq, maxFreq); % Only complete the right side. Use 'fdata', 'srate', 'minFreq' and 'maxFreq' inside myMorlet


nfreqs = size(tf_freqs{1},1); % The number of frequencies

etf_pows = zeros(nchans, nfreqs, eN, ntrials); % Initiate matrix for epoched t-f data

metf_pows = zeros(nchans, nfreqs, eN); % Initiate matrix for averaged epoched t-f data

% Epoch the t-f data and calculate the mean t-f data

% This part is already done, though inspect it to see how it was done

for i = 1:nchans % calculate etf_pows and metf_pows

etf_pows(i,:,:,:) = reshape(tf_pows{i}, nfreqs,[], ntrials);

metf_pows(i,:,:) = squeeze(mean(etf_pows(i,:,:,:),4));


% Plots

nC = 4; % Number of types of plots


figure('Name','Analysis Results', 'Position', [10 200 900 nC*200]) % Create figure 2, adjust its size

% Here you will create Figure 2, where averaged TD (time-domain), averaged untapered FD (frequency-domain),

% averaged Tapered FD, and the averaged TF (time-frequency domain) data are plotted, separately for each channel

% Use subplots in the loop to create the figure. The figure created should

% look like the one in the question (Figure 2).

for i = 1:nchans

subplot(nchans, nC, (i-1)*nC + 1) % Use 'nchans' and 'nC' variables to adjust the indices

plot(etime,mefdata(i,:)) % Plot epoch time vs mean epoched, filtered data.

title('Averaged Signal TD')

xlim([min(etime), max(etime)]) % Use min and max etime for the range of x values

ylabel(['Channel ', num2str(i)]) % The ylabel should show the channel number (see Fig. 2 in the question)

subplot(nchans, nC, (i-1)*nC + 2) % Use 'nchans' and 'nC' variables to adjust the indices

plot(tf_freqs{i}, tf_pows{i}) % Plots freqs vs pows for untapered data

title('Avg. Signal FD')

xlim([minFreq, maxFreq]) % Use minFreq and maxFreq as limits

subplot(nchans, nC, (i-1)*nC + 3) % Use 'nchans' and 'nC' variables to adjust the indices

plot(tf_freqs{i}, tmefdata(i, :)) % Plots freqs vs pows for tapered data

title('Avg. Tapered Signal FD')

xlim([minFreq, maxFreq]) % Use minFreq and maxFreq as limits

subplot(nchans,nC,(i-1)*nC + 4);

% Use etime, tf_freqs, and metf_pows for the contourf plot. Be careful

% about whether you use () or {} and the indices. Consider using the

% squeeze function as well. Number of contour levels is already set as

% 40, and 'linecolor' is set to 'none'.

contourf(etime, squeeze(tf_freqs{i}), squeeze(metf_pows(i, :, :)),40,'linecolor','none')

title('Signal TF')


% Coherence Analysis

% Here you will study the coherence in the signal between pairs of

% channels.

% Initialize the cell array to store coherence results

cohRes = cell(nchans, nchans);


figure('Name','Coherence Analysis', 'Position', [10 200 800 800])

% Loop over each pair of channels

for i = 1:nchans

for j = (i+1):nchans

% Extract data for the current channel pair

chanA_data = data(i, :);

chanB_data = data(j, :);

% Perform spectral coherence analysis

% Check the 'mscohere' documentation. Use chanA_data and chanB_data

% for the two signals. Use the default window and nooverlap values

% (just put '[]' to use the default values). Check frequencies 0 to

% 40. Use srate for the sampling rate.

[cohVals, cohFreqs] = mscohere(chanA_data, chanB_data, [], [], 0:40, srate);

% Store coherence results in the cell array

cohRes{i, j} = cohVals;

% Plot coherence results in subplots

subplot(nchans, nchans, (i-1)*nchans + j); % Cool indexing magic here

plot(cohFreqs, cohVals); % Plot coherence frequencies vs coherence values

xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');


title(['Chan. ', num2str(i), ' & ', num2str(j)]);



% My Fourier Transform Function

% The 'myFourier' function takes the signal and sampling rate as inputs

% and produces a vector frequencies and a vector of matching power values

% Use the 'fft' function to calculate the Fouerier coefficients.

function [freqs, pows] = myFourier(signal,srate)

n = length(signal); % length of signal

freqs = linspace(0, srate/2, n/2+1); % frequency vector

signalx = fft(signal); % conduct fft with the signal

pows = abs(signalx(1:n/2+1)).^2; % calculate power values based on the coefficients


% Morlet Convolution

% The 'myMorlet' function takes the signal, sampling rate, and min & max

% frequencies as inputs, and outputs the frequencies and matching powers

% over the time series. Use Matlab's 'cwt' function with the 'amor' option

% to conduct a Morlet wavelet transofrmation. Use the 'FrequencyLimits'

% option with 'minFreq' and 'maxFreq' as limits. Check the 'cwt'

% documentation for info on how to use these options.

function [freqs, pows] = myMorlet(signal,srate,minFreq,maxFreq)

[coefs, freqs] = cwt(signal, 'amor', srate, 'FrequencyLimits', [minFreq, maxFreq]); % Use the 'cwt' function with the 'amor' option to calculate the coefficients and frequencies

pows =abs(coefs).^2; % Use the 'abs' function to calculate ampltitudes from 'coefs' and take its square to calculate power


I am struggling trying to figure out this code I have it completed ... (2024)


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