How can i get exact data from a figure? (2024)

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Chaudhary P Patel on 20 Jan 2024

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Answered: Sulaymon Eshkabilov on 20 Jan 2024

How can i get exact data from a figure? (2)


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Answers (3)

Morgan on 20 Jan 2024

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I'm assuming you're talking about extracting data from a picture of a figure, you can use something like WebPlotDigitizer. It's rather accurate in my experience and has a nice automatic data extraction feature.

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Chaudhary P Patel on 20 Jan 2024

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I extracted the data manually, i need the eqation for the data extracted from the figure.

please help me.

0 0

93.07876 0.224404

186.1575 0.476858

262.5298 0.729313

303.1026 0.869565

310.2625 1.290323

319.8091 1.598878

329.3556 1.486676

341.2888 1.318373

353.222 1.542777

362.7685 1.851332

372.315 2.103787

377.0883 2.412342

381.8616 2.664797

386.6348 2.889201

391.4081 3.169705

396.1814 3.45021

400.9547 3.702665

408.1146 3.98317

410.5012 4.235624

415.2745 4.460028

420.0477 4.712482

424.821 4.964937

446.3007 5.021038

467.7804 5.105189

477.327 5.329593

484.4869 5.553997

494.0334 5.778401

501.1933 5.946704

508.3532 6.143058

515.5131 6.367461

522.673 6.563815

529.8329 6.788219

536.9928 7.040673

544.1527 7.265077

548.926 7.517532

556.0859 7.798036

565.6325 8.078541

572.7924 8.387097

579.9523 8.695652

589.4988 9.004208

594.2721 9.284712

601.432 9.565217

606.2053 9.817672

613.3652 10.07013

625.2983 9.901823

637.2315 9.677419

649.1647 9.509116

663.4845 9.340813

675.4177 9.11641

684.9642 9.340813

692.1241 9.565217

696.8974 9.817672

704.0573 10.07013

706.4439 10.18233

718.3771 10.26648

720.7637 10.49088

723.1504 10.63114

725.537 10.79944

727.9236 10.96774

730.3103 11.1641

732.6969 11.41655

735.0835 11.64095

737.4702 11.86536

739.8568 12.08976

742.2434 12.37027

744.6301 12.62272

747.0167 12.84712

751.79 13.09958

756.5632 13.29593

761.3365 13.54839

766.1098 13.77279

770.8831 13.99719

775.6563 14.2216

780.4296 14.446

785.2029 14.69846

789.9761 14.89481

792.3628 15.11921

797.136 15.28752

801.9093 15.45582

806.6826 15.68022

811.4558 15.84853

813.8425 16.10098

818.6158 16.32539

828.1623 16.63394

830.5489 16.91445

835.3222 17.13885

840.0955 17.36325

844.8687 17.64376

852.0286 17.89621

875.895 17.89621

890.2148 17.89621

902.148 17.89621

918.8544 17.89621

926.0143 17.89621

933.1742 17.75596

940.3341 17.58766

947.494 17.3913

952.2673 17.223

954.6539 17.0547

964.2005 16.91445

971.3604 16.69004

978.5203 16.46564

985.6802 16.24123

995.2267 15.98878

1002.387 15.79243

1009.547 15.53997

1016.706 15.31557

1028.64 15.03506

1033.413 14.78261

1035.8 14.5582

1038.186 14.36185

1040.573 14.1655

1042.959 13.94109

1045.346 13.74474

1047.733 13.52034

1050.119 13.32398

1052.506 13.09958

1054.893 12.90323

1059.666 12.65077

1062.053 12.39832

1064.439 12.14586

1069.212 11.80926

1071.599 11.5568

1076.372 11.3324

1078.759 11.07994

1083.532 10.85554

1090.692 10.63114

1097.852 10.32258

1107.399 10.07013

1109.785 9.873773

1112.172 9.649369

1114.558 9.453015

1116.945 9.284712

1114.558 9.088359

1116.945 8.920056

1116.945 9.11641

1119.332 9.284712

1121.718 9.453015

1121.718 9.621318

1121.718 9.789621

1124.105 10.01403

1124.105 10.21038

1126.492 10.40673

1133.652 10.40673

1136.038 10.23843

1138.425 10.09818

1145.585 9.929874

1145.585 9.70547

1147.971 9.509116

1147.971 9.284712

1147.971 9.14446

1152.745 8.948107

1155.131 8.723703

1157.518 8.499299

1162.291 8.274895

1167.064 7.99439

1171.838 7.798036

1171.838 7.573633

1171.838 7.293128

1176.611 7.040673

1178.998 6.788219

1181.384 6.591865

1183.771 6.367461

1186.158 6.171108

1188.544 5.974755

1190.931 5.778401

1195.704 5.525947

1198.091 5.357644

1200.477 5.217391

1200.477 5.077139

1202.864 5.13324

1202.864 5.301543

1205.251 5.441795

1202.864 5.553997

1202.864 5.778401

1202.864 6.030856

1202.864 6.227209

1205.251 6.395512

1205.251 6.591865

1205.251 6.84432

1205.251 7.040673

1207.637 7.237027

1207.637 7.489481

1210.024 7.657784

1210.024 7.826087

1214.797 7.826087

1214.797 7.713885

1214.797 7.573633

1217.184 7.461431

1217.184 7.293128

1221.957 7.096774

1221.957 6.816269

1226.73 6.619916

1229.117 6.367461

1231.504 6.143058

1243.437 6.058906

1245.823 5.890603

1248.21 5.638149

1252.983 5.385694

1252.983 5.189341

1255.37 4.908836

1260.143 4.684432

1260.143 4.460028

1264.916 4.235624

1267.303 4.01122

1272.076 3.814867

1276.85 3.955119

1281.623 4.123422

1286.396 4.235624

1291.169 4.347826

1295.943 4.431978

1303.103 4.291725

1305.489 4.123422

1307.876 3.955119

1310.263 3.786816

1315.036 3.562412

1315.036 3.281907

1315.036 3.057504

1319.809 2.8331

1317.422 2.524544

1319.809 2.215989

1322.196 1.991585

1322.196 1.71108

1324.582 1.514727

1324.582 1.234222

1324.582 1.009818

1329.356 1.093969

1334.129 1.262272

1338.902 1.430575

1343.675 1.654979

1348.449 1.823282

1353.222 1.963534

1357.995 2.103787

1362.768 2.215989

1367.542 2.328191

1372.315 2.131837

1372.315 1.935484

1379.475 1.767181

1381.862 1.598878

1384.248 1.430575

1386.635 1.262272

1389.021 1.093969

1403.341 1.12202

1420.048 1.206171

1439.141 1.290323

1460.621 1.374474

1477.327 1.430575

1486.874 1.430575

498.807 1.234222

1510.74 1.037868

1520.286 0.785414

1529.833 0.56101

1539.379 0.392707

1548.926 0.252454

553.699 0.112202

1558.473 0

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Sulaymon Eshkabilov on 20 Jan 2024

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  • Exercise_1.fig

Obtain data from the existign MATLAB figure, e.g.:


xd = get(get(gca,'children'),'xdata'); % Obtain xdata from the plot figure

yd = get(get(gca,'children'),'ydata'); % Obtain ydata from the plot figure

x = linspace(min(xd), max(xd), 200); % Resample x data

y = interp1(xd, yd, x); % Interpolate obtained data @ x resampled data

hold on

plot(x,y, 'r-.', 'LineWidth', 1)

legend('Original Figure Data', 'Obtained and Interpolated', 'Location', 'NW')

How can i get exact data from a figure? (6)

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Chaudhary P Patel on 20 Jan 2024

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Can you provide me equation of the data i uploaded?

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Sulaymon Eshkabilov on 20 Jan 2024

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Here is the fit model computed using your data:

D = [0 0

93.07876 0.224404

186.1575 0.476858

262.5298 0.729313

303.1026 0.869565

310.2625 1.290323

319.8091 1.598878

341.2888 1.318373

353.222 1.542777

362.7685 1.851332

372.315 2.103787

377.0883 2.412342

381.8616 2.664797

386.6348 2.889201

391.4081 3.169705

396.1814 3.45021

400.9547 3.702665

408.1146 3.98317

410.5012 4.235624

415.2745 4.460028

420.0477 4.712482

424.821 4.964937

446.3007 5.021038

467.7804 5.105189

477.327 5.329593

484.4869 5.553997

494.0334 5.778401

501.1933 5.946704

508.3532 6.143058

515.5131 6.367461

522.673 6.563815

529.8329 6.788219

536.9928 7.040673

544.1527 7.265077

548.926 7.517532

556.0859 7.798036

565.6325 8.078541

572.7924 8.387097

579.9523 8.695652

589.4988 9.004208

594.2721 9.284712

601.432 9.565217

606.2053 9.817672

613.3652 10.07013

625.2983 9.901823

637.2315 9.677419

649.1647 9.509116

663.4845 9.340813

675.4177 9.11641

684.9642 9.340813

692.1241 9.565217

696.8974 9.817672

704.0573 10.07013

706.4439 10.18233

718.3771 10.26648

720.7637 10.49088

723.1504 10.63114

725.537 10.79944

727.9236 10.96774

730.3103 11.1641

732.6969 11.41655

735.0835 11.64095

737.4702 11.86536

739.8568 12.08976

742.2434 12.37027

744.6301 12.62272

747.0167 12.84712

751.79 13.09958

756.5632 13.29593

761.3365 13.54839

766.1098 13.77279

770.8831 13.99719

775.6563 14.2216

780.4296 14.446

785.2029 14.69846

789.9761 14.89481

792.3628 15.11921

797.136 15.28752

801.9093 15.45582

806.6826 15.68022

811.4558 15.84853

813.8425 16.10098

818.6158 16.32539

828.1623 16.63394

830.5489 16.91445

835.3222 17.13885

840.0955 17.36325

844.8687 17.64376

852.0286 17.89621

875.895 17.89621

890.2148 17.89621

902.148 17.89621

918.8544 17.89621

926.0143 17.89621

933.1742 17.75596

940.3341 17.58766

947.494 17.3913

952.2673 17.223

954.6539 17.0547

964.2005 16.91445

971.3604 16.69004

978.5203 16.46564

985.6802 16.24123

995.2267 15.98878

1002.387 15.79243

1009.547 15.53997

1016.706 15.31557

1028.64 15.03506

1033.413 14.78261

1035.8 14.5582

1038.186 14.36185

1040.573 14.1655

1042.959 13.94109

1045.346 13.74474

1047.733 13.52034

1050.119 13.32398

1052.506 13.09958

1054.893 12.90323

1059.666 12.65077

1062.053 12.39832

1064.439 12.14586

1069.212 11.80926

1071.599 11.5568

1076.372 11.3324

1078.759 11.07994

1083.532 10.85554

1090.692 10.63114

1097.852 10.32258

1107.399 10.07013

1109.785 9.873773

1112.172 9.649369

1114.558 9.453015

1116.945 9.284712

1114.558 9.088359

1116.945 8.920056

1116.945 9.11641

1119.332 9.284712

1121.718 9.453015

1121.718 9.621318

1121.718 9.789621

1124.105 10.01403

1124.105 10.21038

1126.492 10.40673

1133.652 10.40673

1136.038 10.23843

1138.425 10.09818

1145.585 9.929874

1145.585 9.70547

1147.971 9.509116

1147.971 9.284712

1147.971 9.14446

1152.745 8.948107

1155.131 8.723703

1157.518 8.499299

1162.291 8.274895

1167.064 7.99439

1171.838 7.798036

1171.838 7.573633

1171.838 7.293128

1176.611 7.040673

1178.998 6.788219

1181.384 6.591865

1183.771 6.367461

1186.158 6.171108

1188.544 5.974755

1190.931 5.778401

1195.704 5.525947

1198.091 5.357644

1200.477 5.217391

1200.477 5.077139

1202.864 5.13324

1202.864 5.301543

1205.251 5.441795

1202.864 5.553997

1202.864 5.778401

1202.864 6.030856

1202.864 6.227209

1205.251 6.395512

1205.251 6.591865

1205.251 6.84432

1205.251 7.040673

1207.637 7.237027

1207.637 7.489481

1210.024 7.657784

1210.024 7.826087

1214.797 7.826087

1214.797 7.713885

1214.797 7.573633

1217.184 7.461431

1217.184 7.293128

1221.957 7.096774

1221.957 6.816269

1226.73 6.619916

1229.117 6.367461

1231.504 6.143058

1243.437 6.058906

1245.823 5.890603

1248.21 5.638149

1252.983 5.385694

1252.983 5.189341

1255.37 4.908836

1260.143 4.684432

1260.143 4.460028

1264.916 4.235624

1267.303 4.01122

1272.076 3.814867

1276.85 3.955119

1281.623 4.123422

1286.396 4.235624

1291.169 4.347826

1295.943 4.431978

1303.103 4.291725

1305.489 4.123422

1307.876 3.955119

1310.263 3.786816

1315.036 3.562412

1315.036 3.281907

1315.036 3.057504

1319.809 2.8331

1317.422 2.524544

1319.809 2.215989

1322.196 1.991585

1322.196 1.71108

1324.582 1.514727

1324.582 1.234222

1324.582 1.009818

1329.356 1.093969

1334.129 1.262272

1338.902 1.430575

1343.675 1.654979

1348.449 1.823282

1353.222 1.963534

1357.995 2.103787

1362.768 2.215989

1367.542 2.328191

1372.315 2.131837

1372.315 1.935484

1379.475 1.767181

1381.862 1.598878

1384.248 1.430575

1386.635 1.262272

1389.021 1.093969

1403.341 1.12202

1420.048 1.206171

1439.141 1.290323

1460.621 1.374474

1477.327 1.430575

1486.874 1.430575

498.807 1.234222

1510.74 1.037868

1520.286 0.785414

1529.833 0.56101

1539.379 0.392707

1548.926 0.252454

553.699 0.112202

1558.473 0 ];

[x, IDX] = sort(D(:,1));

y = D(IDX, 2);

yy = smoothdata(y, 'gaussian', 5);

plot(x,yy, 'b--', 'LineWidth', 2)

hold on

FUN = @(a, x) a(1) * exp(-((x - a(2)) / a(3)).^2); % Gaussian model

a0 = [15; 777; 333]; % Initial guess values for a

MODEL = fitnlm(x, yy, FUN, a0)


Nonlinear regression model: y ~ F(a,x)Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue ________ _______ ______ ___________ a1 16.505 0.16004 103.13 2.5842e-209 a2 886.33 2.3362 379.39 0 a3 334.76 3.5973 93.06 2.8802e-198Number of observations: 257, Error degrees of freedom: 254Root Mean Squared Error: 1.08R-Squared: 0.953, Adjusted R-Squared 0.953F-statistic vs. zero model: 6.41e+03, p-value = 5.47e-239

plot(x, MODEL.Fitted, 'm-', 'LineWidth', 2);

legend('Data', 'Gaussian Fit Model')

grid on

xlabel('Time, [s]')

ylabel('Depth, [m]')

How can i get exact data from a figure? (9)


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How can i get exact data from a figure? (10)

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How can i get exact data from a figure? (2024)


How to extract the data from an image? ›

Extract text from image with Google Drive.
  1. Upload your image or PDF to Google Drive.
  2. Right-click your file in Google Drive and select Open with > Google Docs.
  3. Wait for your file to load and convert. It may take some time, especially if there's a lot of text to convert.

How to extract data from a chart? ›

You can use an OCR to extract the values and can even try fine-tuning it to capture the symbols. You can correlate the bounding boxes to find the values. Then you can use simple logic to capture the symbols and correlate them on the axis for the value. You can also use an LLM to understand the semantics of the chart.

How do you extract details? ›

How does Data Extraction work?
  1. Identifying Data Sources.
  2. Source Connection.
  3. Query or Retrieval.
  4. Data Transformation and Loading.
  5. Web Scraping.
  6. API-Based Extraction.
  7. Text Extraction (Natural Language Processing – NLP)
  8. OCR.
Jan 5, 2024

What is the program to extract data points from a graph? ›

Plotdigitizer is an online data extraction tool that allows users to extract data from images in numerical format. In short, it reverse-engineers your visual graphs into numbers. The software comes with plenty of useful and time-saving features.

How to get information from a picture? ›

Right-click the file and select Properties in the drop-down menu. Select the Details tab in the Properties window to view metadata.

Can you scrape data from an image? ›

Image scraping techniques can range from basic methods such as downloading images from a given URL to more advanced approaches using computer vision algorithms. These algorithms can recognize objects, detect patterns, and extract meaningful information from images, enabling data scientists to uncover hidden insights.

Is there an AI that can interpret graphs? ›

Graph AI applies neural/convolutional network techniques on graphs to provide insights when the relationships between entities is as important as the entities' attributes themselves.

How do I export metadata from an image? ›

Select the files from which you want to export metadata. Go to File > Export Metadata. Select Export image text to a text file.

How to digitize a figure? ›

Here are simple, easy steps for digitizing graph & plot images using PlotDigitizer:
  1. Step 1: Scanning the plot or graph to create the image. ...
  2. Step 2: Uploading the plot or graph image to PlotDigitizer. ...
  3. Step 3: Editing the image. ...
  4. Step 4: Selecting the type of the graph. ...
  5. Step 5: Calibrating the graph.

How to extract data from an image? ›

Just take a picture of each one, transfer the pictures to your computer (OneDrive is great for this). Then, click Data > Data From Picture and follow the on-screen instructions to convert picture to data.

How to extract Excel from image? ›

Save the image on your computer. Open an Excel workbook and click the Data tab on the Ribbon. Choose From Picture from the Get & Transform Data group, Picture From File, then browse and select the saved picture. The Data from Picture window will open on the right side of the workbook, as shown in the screenshot below.

How do I find raw data from a published paper? ›

Search the literature

Many articles you read are likely based on data. If you find an article that is closely related to your research topic, see if it includes a reference to a dataset, or if it contains supplementary data files. If not, you could contact the author and request access to the data.

How do I extract data from an image in Excel? ›

Click Data > Data From Picture > browse and select the picture file > Open. The image should only depict the data you want to import. If necessary, crop the image.

How do you use a figure from a published paper? ›

To use an adapted figure or table, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner (usually the original publisher) and include attribution to the original source(s) in the Source notes below the reproduced figure or table.

How do you extract data from a source? ›

The process of extracting data includes locating and identifying the relevant data, then preparing to be transformed and loaded. Transformation is where data is sorted and organized. Cleansing — such as removing missing values — also happens during this step.


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