2.2 Automating data reading with NDI (2024)

2.2 Automating the reading of data from your rig or lab or collaborator

In the previous tutorial, we reviewed the steps necessary to create ndi.daq.system objects to read in a dataset, andto add the metadata that is necessary to tell NDI about the contents of each epoch.

Most labs use the same data acquisition devices and file organization schemes over and over again, and many labs also storethe necessary metadata that describes the probes and subjects that are acquired. NDI allows you to create small software objectsthat read this metadata directly from the laboratory files. Then, opening an experimental session becomes as simple as a oneline command such as

S = ndi.setup.vhlab([reference],[foldername]);

Once this command has been run once, the directory can be opened with the standard ndi.session.dir command thereafter(though there is no harm to re-issuing the ndi.setup.* command).

It's our guess that many labs have at least one person handy with code, and this task might fall to them. This tutorial iswritten for people who already have some familiarity with coding. If you'd like help creating these functions for your lab,use the issue tracker to post a question. Creating these automatic readers is the biggest stress point in using NDI. The system is relatively easy to use once you are able to read your data!

While there are many ways to organize code for custom setups, we have created a motif that is easy to follow. The ndi packagein Matlab has a subpackage called setup. Here, we have placed m-files that create an ndi.session with the defaultsettings for various labs or users. The setup package also has a subpackage structure that mimics the subpackage structureof ndi. In Matlab, packages are denoted by putting a + in the folder name:

  • +ndi/+setup/
    • +daq/
      • +metadata/
      • +metadatareader/
      • +reader/
      • +system/

2.2.1 Download an experiment with all vhlab metadata left intact

Please download an example data directory called ts_exper2. Be sure to unzip the files, and we recommend placing them in your Matlab userpath under 'MATLAB/Documents/NDI/' as before. This directory contains the files that were generated at thetime of acquisition on Steve's rig in the Fitzpatrick lab at Duke, which is nearly identical to the format that we use in thevhlab now. You'll see that these directories have a few more files. It's not necessary to follow the identities of the files in detail, but let's look at what is in t00001 as an example:

  • t00001/
    • filetime.txt - The time of the acquisition beginning in seconds from midnight
    • reference.txt = A file describing the probes that are present in this directory
    • spike2data.S2R - This is an irrelevant file! But it's there every time.
    • spike2data.smr - The raw data file acquired by CED's program Spike2 (data acquired via Micro1401)
    • spike2datalog.txt - A text log file (not relevant)
    • stims.mat - The record of stimulation as produced by the stimulus computer. It uses NewStim stimuli and is written by VH lab's RunExperiment program.
    • stimtimes.txt - A text file where each line contains a) the stimulus onset trigger, b) the stimulus ID number between 1-255, and c) an array of video frame trigger times (when the video frame was changed)
    • twophotontimes.txt - A record of triggers of all 2-photon frames. None in this experiment.
    • verticalblanking.txt - A record of each refresh of the monitor. This was not yet used in these experiments but is now part of the VH lab's suite.
    • vhspike2_channelgrouping.txt - A text file that indicates which acquisition channels of our vhspike2 DAQ system are connected to each probe.

2.2.2 Example NDI-matlab files for vhlab

To import data from our lab, we created 4 Matlab files:

  • +ndi/+setup/vhlab.m - A function that builds an ndi.session object with daq systems that read from our lab's major devices.
  • +ndi/+setup/+daq/+metadata/epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab.m - A class that examines our lab's metadata files that describe the mapping between probes and data acquisition systems and returns an epochprobemap that NDI can interpret. Overrides the default ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem.m class that reads the probemap.txt text files we saw in Tutorial 2.1.
  • +ndi/+setup/+daq/+reader/+mfdaq/+stimulus/vhlabvisspike2.m - A class that reads stimulus event data from our custom acquisition files.
  • +ndi/+daq/+metadatareader/NewStimStims.m - A class that imports stimulus metadata from our lab's open source NewStim package. (We put it in NDI proper because it is an open source program, not intended solely for our lab.)

2.2.3 Creating a setup file.

The setup file accomplishes, in an automated fashion, exactly what we did in Tutorial 2.1: it opens an ndi.session with a particular reference name and directory path, and adds the daq systems that are necessaryto read the probe data. It normally lives in +ndi/+setup/LABORINVESTIGATORNAME.m. We include the code here:

Code block Content of +ndi/+setup/vhlab.m. (Do not type into Matlab command line.)

function S = vhlab(ref, dirname)% ndi.setup.vhlab - initialize an ndi.session.dir with VHLAB devices%% S = ndi.setup.vhlab(REF, DIRNAME)%% Initializes an ndi.session.dir object for the directory% DIRNAME with the standard compliment of VHLAB devices, as% found in ndi.setup.daq.system.vhlab.%% If the devices are already added, they are not re-created.%S = ndi.session.dir(ref, dirname);vhlabdevnames = ndi.setup.daq.system.vhlab(); % returns list of daq system namesfor i=1:numel(vhlabdevnames), dev = S.daqsystem_load('name',vhlabdevnames{i}); if isempty(dev), S = ndi.setup.daq.system.vhlab(S, vhlabdevnames{i}); endend % update SYNCGRAPHnsf = ndi.time.syncrule.filematch(struct('number_fullpath_matches',2));n_intan2spike2 = ndi.time.syncrule.filefind(struct('number_fullpath_matches',1, ... 'syncfilename','vhintan_intan2spike2time.txt',... 'daqsystem1','vhintan','daqsystem2','vhvis_spike2'));S.syncgraph_addrule(nsf);S.syncgraph_addrule(n_intan2spike2);

This function calls another function that we will see in a minute (ndi.setup.daq.system.vhlab) that actually builds thedaq system objects that we use in our lab. At the end of this function, 2 ndi.time.syncrules are added that describehow synchronization is performed across our devices. If 2 or more of the same files are present in an epoch, then it is assumedthat files are from the same underlying device and they are assumed to have the same time clock. Our custom acquisition codealso produces a file vhintan_intan2spike2time.txt that has the time shift and scaling between our Intan acquisition systemand our CED Spike2 acquisition system, and we instruct NDI to use that file to synchronize the 2 devices using shift and scale in that file.

2.2.4 Creating a function that creates the daq systems for a lab

We also write a function that builds the daq systems that we use in our lab. This process involves 1) naming the daq system,2) specifying the ndi.daq.reader that is used, 3) specifying any ndi.daq.metadatareader if necessary, and 4) specifying the ndi.file.navigator to find the files that comprise each epoch.

If this function here is called with 0 input arguments, then it returns a list of all known daq systems objects for our lab('vhintan', 'vhspike2', 'vhvis_spike2').Otherwise, if it is called with the name of a daq system that this function knows how to build, it builds it. It adds theappropriate ndi.daq.reader, ndi.daq.metadatareader, and ndi.file.navigator.

Code block Content of +ndi/+setup/+daq/+system/vhlab.m. (Do not type into Matlab command line.)

function S = vhlab(S, daqsystemname)% ndi.setup.daq.system.vhlab - initialize daq systems used by VHLAB%% S = ndi.setup.daq.system.vhlab(S, DEVNAME)%% Creates daq systems that look for files in the VHLAB standard recording% scheme, where data from different epochs are organized into% subdirectories (using ndi.file.navigator.epochdir). DEVNAME should be the % name a daq systems in the table below. These daq systems are added to the ndi.session% object S. If DEVNAME is a cell list of strings, then multiple items are added.%% If the function is called with no input arguments, then it returns a list% of all valid device names.% % Each epoch is defined by the presence of a 'reference.txt' file, as well% as specific files that are needed by each device as described below.%% Devices created | Description% |------------------|--------------------------------------------------|% | vhintan | ndi.daq.system.mfdaq that looks for files |% | | 'vhintan_channelgrouping.txt' and '*.rhd' |% | vhspike2 | ndi.daq.system.mfdaq that looks for files |% | | 'vhspike2_channelgrouping.txt' and '*.smr' |% | vhvis_spike2 | ndi.daq.system.mfdaq.stimulus that looks for |% | | files 'stimtimes.txt', 'verticalblanking.txt',|% | | 'stims.mat', and 'spike2data.smr'. |% -----------------------------------------------------------------------%% See also: ndi.file.navigator.epochdirif nargin == 0, S = {'vhintan', 'vhspike2', 'vhvis_spike2'}; return;end;if iscell(daqsystemname), for i=1:length(daqsystemname), S = ndi.setup.daq.system.vhlab(S, daqsystemname{i}); end return;end % all of our daq systems use this custom epochprobemap classepochprobemapclass = 'ndi.setup.daq.metadata.epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab';switch daqsystemname, case 'vhintan', fileparameters = {'reference.txt','.*\.rhd\>','vhintan_channelgrouping.txt'}; readerobjectclass = ['ndi.daq.reader.mfdaq.intan']; epochprobemapfileparameters = {'vhintan_channelgrouping.txt'}; mdr = {}; case 'vhspike2', fileparameters = {'reference.txt', '.*\.smr\>', 'vhspike2_channelgrouping.txt'}; readerobjectclass = ['ndi.daq.reader.mfdaq.cedspike2']; epochprobemapfileparameters = {'vhspike2_channelgrouping.txt'}; mdr = {}; case 'vhvis_spike2' fileparameters = {'reference.txt', 'stimtimes.txt', 'verticalblanking.txt',... 'stims.mat', 'spike2data.smr'}; readerobjectclass = ['ndi.setup.daq.reader.mfdaq.stimulus.vhlabvisspike2']; epochprobemapfileparameters = {'stimtimes.txt'}; mdr = {ndi.daq.metadatareader.NewStimStims('stims.mat')}; otherwise, error(['Unknown device requested ' daqsystemname '.']);endft = ndi.file.navigator.epochdir(S, fileparameters, epochprobemapclass, epochprobemapfileparameters);eval(['dr = ' readerobjectclass '();']);mydev = ndi.daq.system.mfdaq(daqsystemname, ft, dr, mdr); % create the daq system objectS = S.daqsystem_add(mydev); % add the daq system object to our ndi.session

Let's look at the creation of these daq system objects in detail.

  • vhintan - This daq system looks for groups of files with one file named reference.txt, a file that ends in .rhd, andanother file called vhintan_channelgrouping.txt. These files are produced by the computer that runs our main acquisition on our rigs, when an Intan acquisition device is used. Together, reference.txt and vhintan_channelgrouping.txt have informationabout the probes that were used in that recording and the channel mapping of those probes. We will look at these in more detail later. We use the reader ndi.daq.reader.mfdaq.intan, which knows how to read channel data from Intan .rhd files. We tell ourdaq.system object that 'vhintan_channelgrouping.txt' is the file to use to read epochprobemap information (we will instruct ithow to interpret the data in a later function), and there is no metadata reader mdr. We also tell ndi.file.navigator thatall of these files will appear in subfolders within our main folder by using the ndi.file.navigator.epochdir class.

  • vhspike2 - This daq system is very similar to vhintan, except that it looks for files that end in .smr and looks for adifferent epochmap metadata file (vhspike2_channelgrouping.txt).

  • vhvis_spike2 - This system is more custom. It relies on text files that are generated by our scripts that run on our CED Micro1401 acquisition system: stimtimes.txt, verticalblanking.txt, spike2data.smr, and a file generated by our visual stimulation system called stims.mat. We add a metadatareader ndi.daq.metadatareader.NewStimStims that knows how to interpret the stims.mat file. We will cover this custom ndi.daq.reader next.

2.2.5 Creating a custom ndi.daq.reader.mfdaq.stimulus object:

Our visual stimulation system produces a variety of event data, including information about stimulus onset and offset, thevertical refresh signal from the monitor, an 8-bit code for each stimulus ID, a video frame trigger (every time we update theimage on the screen), and a signal we call the "pretime" trigger that is generally issued 0.5 seconds before a stimulus isbegun (used for baseline subtracting in intrinsic signal imaging experiments among other applications).

Our acquisition system running on a CED Micro1401 generates text files related to these events, and we propagate them throughas a set of event channels. We define 5 fixed channels for our daq system:

  • mk1: a marker channel that indicates stim ON (+1) or stim OFF (-1)
  • mk2: a marker channel that indicates the 8-bit stimulus identifier (stimid)
  • mk3: a marker channel that indicates when the stimulus period opens (+1) and closes (-1); this includes interstimulus "background" time
  • e1: an event channel that indicates each frame trigger / video frame update
  • e2: an event channel that indicates the vertical refresh times of the stimulus monitor
  • e3: an event channel that indicates the pre-stimulus trigger (indicates stimulus is upcoming, usually 0.5s away)

Rather than copying the entire code here, we will include a link to the file: ndi.setup.daq.reader.mfdaq.stimulus.vhlabvisspike2.m . It should be relativelyself-explanitory for someone with a coding background to read and mimic this file.

2.2.6 Creating a custom epochprobemap class

In Tutorial 2.1, we saw that each epoch of data had an associated epochprobemap that contained the following fields of information:


We need to write a substitute class that is a subclass of ndi.epoch.epochprobemap that reads the epoch information and returns all of this same information.

In our vhlab session directories, we always have a single subject whose unique identifier is specified in a text file calledsubject.txt in the top directory. This file is read, and this text is used as the subjectstring for all probes.

In each vhlab epoch directory, we have a file called reference.txt that includes the name, reference, and type of recordingpresent in each epoch. Our class's creator reads this file, and uses it to pull out the name and reference number for allelectrode (or imaging) probes.

If our reference.txt file indicates that our vhlab "type" is singleEC (single extracellular) or 'ntrode', then it looks forother text files that contain a mapping between the name and reference of each probe and the channels that were used on arecording device to acquire it. In this experiment, we have vhspike2_channelgrouping.txt that indicates that ourprobe 'ctx | 1' was acquired on channel 11 of our CED Micro1401/Spike2 system.

Finally, if a file named stimtimes.txt exists in the epoch directory, then we add in an epochprobemap entry for our visualstimulator:


We will not reproduce the code here but refer the reader to the link for the source code of the class ndi.setup.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem_vhlab that is a subclass of ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem.

2.2.7 Putting it all together

Now that we have these pieces together, we can read our example data that we call ts_exper2. We will pull up the same plots that we pulled up in Tutorial 2.1.

Code block Type this into Matlab

prefix = [userpath filesep 'Documents' filesep 'NDI']; % if you put the folder somewhere else, edit thisS = ndi.setup.vhlab('ts_exper2',[prefix filesep 'ts_exper2']);p_ctx1_list = S.getprobes('name','ctx','reference',1) % returns a cell array of matchesp_ctx1 = p_ctx1_list{1}; % take the first one, should be the only oneepoch_to_read = 1;[data,t,timeref_p_ctx1]=p_ctx1.readtimeseries(epoch_to_read,-Inf,Inf); % read all data from epoch 1figure(100);plot(t,data);xlabel('Time(s)');ylabel('Voltage (V)');set(gca,'xlim',[t(1) t(end)]);box off;p_visstim_list = S.getprobes('type','stimulator') % returns a cell array of matchesp_visstim = p_visstim_list{1}; % take the first one, should be the only one[data,t,timeref_stim]=p_visstim.readtimeseries(timeref_p_ctx1,-Inf,Inf); % read all data from epoch 1 of p_ctx1 !figure(100);hold on;vlt.neuro.stimulus.plot_stimulus_timeseries(7,t.stimon,t.stimoff,'stimid',data.stimid);

If you are paying close attention, you'll notice we got a little more information out of the readtimeseries command here. t.stimoff exists (it's extracted from our stimulus metadata), so we don't have to know the stimulus duration from elsewhere. That information is not directly accessible in the event record of the smr file, so there is an advantage to reading all the metadata that is available from all sources with a custom object.

2.2.8 Discussion/Feedback

This concludes our tutorial on setting up code files to read one's own data and metadata into NDI.

To help make this process clearer, we also include 3 other case studies in reading data (tutorials currently under construction):

Post comments, bugs, questions, or discuss.

2.2 Automating data reading with NDI (2024)


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