Fort Worth Daily Gazette (2024)

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t3 2j I
S PSK fS l STgzS
fc3cn ai the principal cities of Europe
DKtKTORS K M VanZandt Qios5
Bcall ft L Ellison
Corner Main and Fourth Streets Ji rFWorth Tex
Rates 250 Per Day Jea C Hudgias Manager
No 207 Houston Street Fort tStiffi
Texas otcs and Texas Brief Paper Architect and ArtlfriWmerlal Complete
Stationery Ink EtcT
Fiz aift greyRvaLTra
7 7 > 1o3aoy
Sterling Bilverware Spec-
tacles and Clocks
Fine Watch Work Engraving
and Jewelry Manufacturing
05 Main St Fort Worth Tex
U702Tt22 Tozsc
Ono Ilnndrcd and Fifty Well Ventilated and
Comfortable Booms Fifty Booms Becentlj
Added In Adjoining Building
Commercial Travel Solicited
Good Sample Rooms
pgip Edwaud Mtjller Proprietor
Late of the Girardin Hotel Galveston Tea
Nos 16191621
> = 9
Formerly of Jefferso T xt
Wholeela wsT grocers
lndM Sl n and 16181620 and 1622 Rusk Streets
PS7V < o o t2 s 2 S3 z ss
This sale will be particularly interesting to every one We have clothing for every class
of men in the country
We have Boys QprEhing Boys Straw Hats Boys Waists and Knee Pants to interest
the ladies and the chnaren
E erything hjrcnis Mammoth Clothing Establishment has been looked after and all small
lots and all goo pthat will pass out of season with the summer have been marked down at a
price that wilp5tonish you t
OurlMght Weight Coat and Vest Sale will please every one who looks Our Remnant
sale in other dejDartments will continue and many very attractive things can be picked
up for almost nothing >
Do not forget that this is our Memncmt WeeJc and every day a HeWMlCMlt Day
aS8 St New York
Now offering liberal advances at low rates of
interest to shippers who will make their con-
signments of Cotton Wool Hides etc either
to Galveston or New York during the coming
season 183990 Accounts received on favor
bl e terms Correspondence solicited u < S
Have the following lotdf goflflfcattTe for sale
raised in Red river bottom BtrvneTcounty for
S75Q per bead and calveajn tebnhted
40yearlings half efsurndTialf heifers
35 twoyearoldgghalf rsteers and half heifers
40 cows andcalves
23 cowsyg 1
25 steeJre f firee years old
23 steers four five and six years old
> gr De Kalb Bowie County Tex
i ± Ss
Oash Capital and Surplus OverjjM
And upstairs over Dahlman Bros
J T Trezevanfc
J T Dargaiir
1st HcePresident
J Q OtJonnor
Henry K Fox
Kd VicePresident
53 =
13USZ1SDT President
TH0S A TIDBALL TlcaPresidcnt
TTAfiBOLD Cashier
KBL0ID President D C BEXXETT TicoPrcsident 7g
Corner Second and Houston Streets rgtfiGF Fort Worth Texas
Cash Capital 250000 g p Surplus 125000
DIRECTORS John R Hoxu ZJSBSova C H Higbee Zane Cetti D O Bennett Georgo
Tclscn S B Burnett Ef B
SarrSra andE W Harrold
Successors to Tidball VanZandt Co For g h Tex
Capital Siocli Paid Up 125000 51yj P gil Sarplns Fund 30000
A jr pril banking business transacted Collwtlon niade and promptly remitted Exchange
ball N Harding H B Herd J J Jarvis E J
We have on hand MONEY TQ ENt at LOW-
EST PwATES and positivelg SKlTHOUT DELAY
on desirable real estatei4fimrkinds anywhere in
Texas We take riptJiVendors Lien Notes and
extend them fotbfeeto ten years as desired
Our large paidfupcapital and surplus and solid
Eastern conn e c tions give lis unsurpassed facili-
ties forjpnaking cheap rates and meeting our
cusj Sf5ers wants We solicit a share of your
401 Main street corner Third npstairs
N B Reliable and active local correspondents
wanted in every good agricultural district
throughout the state
Ilortgage and Trust Go
Cor Main and Poydras Sts Up stain
Bryan TBarry
General Manage
W W Rodgers
E M Rtardon
Leake Shepard Miller
Bs E Greer Attys
7 T Dargan Jo < C Brown
JjJT Trezevanfc C B Whiting
TUPj Cochran Henry K For
C OConnor Bryan T Barry
W W Leake Alfred Davis
Money Loaned on Eeal Estate
Security of all kinds in all parts of Texas
Our present capital now S100000 every dollar
of which has been paid in cash and our connec-
tions in this country and abroad put us in good
position to meet the present falling rates of in-
terest on all desirable business in any part of
Our Fort Worth office is prepared to handle
business as readily as any otner company
Vendors liennote3 purchased and extended
county municipal and corporation purchasedai
the highest market price SSfcisT
Correspondence solicited from gl Bgirces
Address either office
Join FMM
JEi ffWriter Agent
A Viaduct for Senison
Special to the Gazette
Denison Tex Aug 16 The con
traot for the construction of the Austin
avenue viaduct was signed today
Messrs Wood Bradburn are the con-
tractors and eijter into bond to complete
the structure in sixty days after thq ma-
terial arrives The lumber for the con-
struction is en route and work will com-
mence on the improvement at the earli
est Dosslble moment
Court Adjournment
Out of
Eespect for Terrys Memory
The Action of AttorneyGeneral Miller
Indorsed by the Hon Daniel W
Yoorhee3 oFlndiana
It is Not Believed that Deputy Naglo will Ever
be Tried for His Act Justice Field
Placed Under Arrest
Terre Haute Ind Aug 16 The
senator from Indiana Mr Voorhees
sustains AttorneyGeneral Miller in what
he did to protect Justice Field It has
been well known for some time past
said Mr Voorhees that Justice Field
would be in imminent peril whenever bis
duties called him again to California Ho
was deliberately and openly threatened
with death or extreme punishment by
one of the most desperate and dangerous
men ever known on the Pacifio coast
The committal of Judge Terry for ron
tempt of court was not only imperatively
necessary and demanded in defense of his
own court but also in defense of every
other court in the United States against
lawless outrage In my opinion it was
eminently proper that the attorneygen
eral should see that no harm should come
to him when in his judicial circuit
Indianapolis Ind Aug 16 Attor
neyGeneral Miller when asked f ho
had anything further to say about the
shooting of Judge Terry by Deputy
Nagle replied 1 see from the papers
that tho action of the deputy is pretty
generally indorsed It appears to
considered that Nagles presence
Upcessaryjand his action justifiable I
dont care to speak of the legal aspects
of tho case I dont recall that it has
ever been necessary before to provide for
the protection of a United States judge
If tho case comes to trial I suppose I will
be called to testify but I question
whether there will oyer be a trial The
grand jury may find it a case of justifi-
able homicide I hare not examined the
legal side of the question however I
thought the protection of officers of the
law might be necessary itid I know
something about the desperate oharacter
of tho man with whom Justice Field
had to deal I thoucht of trouble
when tho trial began but of course I
did not look for it at a way station or
upon a train If the justices life was
in danger though he was as much
entitled to the protection of an officer at
am eatinc house as in the court room
upon the bench V
Though the attorneygeneral was very
guarded in his utteranses his manner
indicated very plainly that he believed
Deputy ISTagle was fully justifiable in
shooting Terry
Pittsburg Pa Aug 16 Concern-
ing the tragedy of Judge Terry exSo
lioitorGeneral Jeuks who is in this city
said in reply to the question Had the
attorneygeneral a right to delegate a
nSarrshal to protect Judge Field
iJ f Well I would rather not answer
that question The attornoygeneral is
at the head of the department of justice
and all machinery of the courts is under
his control He is bound to preserve
peace and order in the courtroom It
would certainly be a most atrocious crime
if a justice should be murdered off the
bench for any official action
San Feancisco Cal Aug 16 The
Terry tragedy continues to dwarf all
other news in the popular mind in this
city and throughout California Public
interest in the affair has been increased
by the aotion of tho district attorney of
San Joaquin county in issuing a warrant
for the arrest of Justice Field on the
complaint of Mrs Sarah Althea
Terry and the legal conflict
that threatens to grow out of
the demand The warrant directs Sher-
iff Cunningham of San Joaquin county to
take Justice Field to Stockton the
former home of Judge Terry in which
city Deputy Nagle is at present under
arrest Tho sherriff arrived here last
nlig and expected to make the arrest
taTl oclock this afternoon it being nec
essary to have the writ approved by the
judge of San Francisco county The matter
was called to attention of Judge Rix this
forenoon who declined to indorse it
without first having an opportunity to
consider the facts and he said he might
take the case up this afternoon In tho
event that he approves the warrant it is
understood as soon as tho arrest has
been formally made a writ of habeas
corpus will be sued out in tho
United States circuit court This course
has been decided upon by counsel of
Justice Field and to determine at once
the authority of Federal court and its
officers It is also known that action
will be taken seeking for an order from
the United States court upon Sheriff
Cunningham to at onro deliver Deputy
Marshal jSagle into the custody of tho
United States marshal by which order if
obeyed the deputy will be brought to
this city
San Francisco Cal Aug 16 The
supreme court of tne state of California
of which tho late David S Terry was
formerly justico this morning refused to
adjourn out of respect to Terrys mem
ory This was announced from the
bench and the reasons given that Terry
resigned his judicial position to fight a
duel and that he was killed while in tho
tiot of assaulting a justice of the United
States supreme court
The application for adjournment was
made by Attorney Crittenden but Chief
Justice Beatty declined to entertain the
motion After remarking that he was
sorry the motion had been urged he
It is a very unpleasant affair but
the court has fully considered tho samo
and deems it the wisest course to treat
the subject in silence The sudden death
of David S Terry is notorious and it is
the decision of this court that it take no
further action in the matter
San Francisco Cai Aug 16 A
warrant of arrest was served on Justice
Field at 1 oclock this afternoon at the
latters chambers in the
buildins A writ of haoeas
corpus was
at once sworn out before Judge Sawyer
of the circuit court and heard by him in
the chambers
Tho judge granted the writ and re-
leased Justice Field on S5000 bail The
warrant for Justice Fields arrest was is-
sued by a justice of the peace in Stockton
on complaint of Mrs Sarah A
Terry Sheriff Cunningham of Stock-
ton arrived here with the war-
rant last night and he applied to
Judge Rix of the police court
this morning to indorse it Judge Rix
took the matter under advisem*nt and
asked the advice of District Attorney
Page The latter expressed the opinion
that the warrant should be indorsed
that it was issued in regular form and
tho judge should not consider the indi-
viduality of the person against whom it
was directed
The counsel who appeared for Justice
Field urged the judge to take testimony
to ascertain if Jhe warrant should have
been issued He declared that the issu-
ance of the warrant was nothing more
than an attempt to humiliate
a justico of the supreme court Judge
Rix finally indorsed the warrant and
placed it in the hands of Sheriff Cun-
ningham who went at once to the United
States appraisers building where
Justice Fields chambers are located
Justice Field arrived at his chambers
about noon and with J ustice Brewer
of Kansas and Judge Sawyer awaited the
arrival of the sheriff Sheriff Cunning-
ham went first to the marshals office
and then accompanied by Chief of Police
Crowley Capt Lees and United
States Marshal Franks proceeded
to Justice Fields chambers Justice
Field rose to receive the party
and Sheriff Cunningham presented the
warrant and formally made the arrest
Application was made at once for a writ
of habeas corpus Judge Sawyer granted
the writ and tho paity retired to the cir-
cuit court room
Stockton Cal Aug 16 The fun-
eral of David S Terry was held here to-
day The body was removed from the
morgue at noon and taken to the Epis-
copal church where it lay in state for
two hours and was Viewed by a great
number of people Mrs Terry occupied
a pow near the casket and watched the
face of the dead all the while Several
times she left her seat and threw herself
upon the casket The service was read
by one of tho vestrymen of tho church
The body was interred in the cemetery an
She Attacks a Sheriff to Protect a Number of
Pittsburg Pa Aug 16 At a
meeting of miners and co*ke workers of
the Connellsvillo region at Stockdale this
afternoon resolutions were adopted to
continue the strike at those works where
the scale has not beensigned and re-
questing those working under the scale to
contribute to their relief A speoial from
Greensburg says that Sheriff Byers and
posso this evening brought to Greensburg
sixteen more Hungarians and committed
them to jail They were arrested in the
woods above Mammoth where they have
been secreted for two days A Hunga-
rian woman into whose house Sheriff
Byers entered by knocking the door off
with a pick rushed at him with a
hatchet and had he not thrown up his
rifle she would have struck him There
are now fiftyone Hungarians in jail con-
nected with the recent rioting
A British Ship with Appliances to Eepalr the
Mexican Cable Notes
Special to the Gazette
Galveston Tex Aug 16 The
British cable steamship Celps arrived to-
day with appliances to overhaul and re-
pair the Mexican cable between this point
and Vera Cruz which has been working
defectively for the past two months
The Celps will begin her work in the
The inquest over the body of George
Simpson found dead last night on the
Center Shed street car track was held
this morning and a verdict returned that
death resulted from heart disease His
remains were sent to Bolivar Peninsula
for interment
Matthew P Toohoy the inventor of
the traction engine and a machinist in
the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fo railway
shops was buried this morning
A FourteenYearOld Girl Takes tho Wind
Out of a Courts Sails
New York Aug 16 Ida Harris the
fourteenyearold girl who was found in
tho rooms of Hannah Pearlstein on Mon-
day and for whose alleged outrage Mrs
Pearlstein and five men were arrested
today developed such advanced ability
as a liar that Police Justice Powers dis-
charged all tho prisoners in discust Tho
girl and her mother created a scene m
court each calling the other a liar and
nearly coming to blows The society
for the preventign of cruelty to children
may couclud e to carry the case further
on account of tho girls tender age
Dallas Dots
Special to the Gazette
Daixas Tex Aug 16 R O Gor-
don of the United States geological
survey is in the city
The new elevator is finished
One of the hardest rains of the season
fell this morning
Tho first bale of Dallas cotton has been
picked It wa3 raised on J RJohn
sons farm at Seagoville and is now at
the gin
Mrs S H Taber wife of S H Taber
of Taber Brothers died this morning
The Confederate home benefit at Oak
Cliff last night was a success
Judge J A Carroll of Denton is in tho
Ji o
V Wind and Kain
Special to the Gazette
Tyi k Tex Aug 16 A big rafn
accompanied by considerable wind fell
heretoday Shade trees fences etc
were slightly damaged and all telegraph
communication was shut off for a time
Worms are doing great damage to cot-
ton and farmers are resorting to poison
President Harrison at Home and
Removals and Appoint-
ments Go On n
A Number of the Faithful Made Happy
in Texas By Receiving
Postortices < <
DeGrcss Denies that He is an Applicant
for the Collectorshlp at El Paso
Wants HIs Tlace
Texas Appointments
Special tothe Gazette
Washington Aug 16 The presi-
dent got in today after the longest so-
journ abroal made y himl since going
into the White House and found a crowd
of callers waiting to welcomghim but
there was nothing like Jue oldtime
scramble of placehunters Sdtne im-
portant aDpointments th t were expected
today failed of announcement but will
be given out tomorrow andthe list is
said to embrace a number of presidential
postoffices in Texas f
Tho First National bank of Bastfpp
Tex has been chartered with J C
Buchanan president and S Duncan
cashier capital 25000
The outcome of tho fight for Texas
custom houses is still a mystery and
there is no predicting the winnor Mer-
chant and Campbell have left the field to
Clark and DeGress though the latter de-
nies that he is a candidate
crumbs of comfort
Texas postmasters were named today
as follows
Buffalo Gap J L Reed
Rogers James D King
Stephenville Susie P Hiokman v
Amarillo M H Ingerton
Robv J W Cave
Hidalgo WJ Odoll
Crawford John B Polison
Blooming Grove W J Grandy
Mansfield W B Dunn
Troy D F Northcott
Daingerfield Joseph Terry
Nocona M F Smith
Uvalde N S Stratton
Kilgore C S Bean i I
Weiiner J G Fietsam
Knickerbocker O Ii Tweedy
Regan T B Heggins
Aubrey JoelRhoads
Wallis Station A Engel King
Tanner Objects
Washington Aug 16 The attention
of Pension Commissioner Tanner was to-
day called to the published interview in
Chicago with Assistant Seoretary Bussey
in which he is represented as speaking of
Secretary Nobles relations with the
commissioner Mr Tanner said As-
suming that Gen Bussey was reported
correctly I object most decidedly to his
creating the impression that there are
any personal differences between Secre-
tary Noble and myself Mr Noblo is
one of the most lovable of men and a
man of broad views and while there
may be some official differences between
us these differences are not of a personal
character Any statemout tending to
create any other impression is untrue
Resignations Called For
Washington Aug 16 United States
Marshal Bransdel of the District of
Columbia today called for the resigna-
tion of two deputies and one bailiff in his
office Ho says the men were efficient
but other good and efficient men could be
Absentees Beqnested to Send In Their Names
For Belief More Bodies Found
Johnstown Pa Aug 16 Quite a
number of people who lost by the flood
and shortly afterward loft town have
not yet reported The commissioners
wish to give them their share of the
relief fund To the end that they may
all be notified Secretary Kromer author-
izes the following announcement and
requests its publication throughout the
1 With the view of making a final dis-
position of the funds in the hands of the
relief committee at as early a day a3
possible all persons who resided in
Johnstown and other towns which
suffered in the flood in Conomaugh
valley are requested to send their names
and addresses to the committee of inquiry
or to tho flood commission at Johns
Another body was recovered today
There has been an average of two bodies
a day for the past ten days
A Stockman
Injured Collision
on a
Columbus Ohio Aug 16 A freight
wreck occurred on the Cincinnati St
Louis and Pittsburg road two miles west
of here Jit 235 this morning The first
section of train No 42 stopped to shift
cars to a siding The caboose and most
of the cars composing ttfe train were left
standing on the main track The second
section ran into the caboose wrecking
five cars and the engine James Mears
a stock dealer of Steubenville was
sleeping in the caboose and is fatally in-
jured his neck being broken Engineer-
Ed Stolz of Bradford and Fireman John
Gardner of Columbus were slightly
scalded and bruised The companys
loss will exceed thirty thousand dollars
A Negro to be Boasted
Higbee Mo Aug 16 O S Allen
a negro criminally assaulted Gussie
Nicholas eight years lold yesterday and
escaped A posse of men is searching
tho neighborhood for him They threaten
to burn him alive if they should catch
Raided by Burglars
Boston Mass Aug 16 The jew-
elry store of William B Morse No 268
Tremont was entered by burglars last
night and robbed of valuables amount-
ing to S8000

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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.

Fort Worth Daily Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 310, Ed. 1, Saturday, August 17, 1889,newspaper, August 17, 1889; Fort Worth, Texas. ( June 6, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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Fort Worth Daily Gazette (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.