The Tell City News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)

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HHs i 7 "'1 uiiTC99aesaaaja SEIBERT 'M All1 rft 7 I A KASPER THEIR GRUDGE ENDED Your Clothier Wallpaper A 1 bap 3 on 4 0 0 1 0 0 I 1 () 1 0 0 1 Tell City Planing Mill Manufacturers of Charged With Laps oundry' and Machine Works MANUACTURERS AND DEALERS! Boilers Engines Pumps Pulleys Hangers Grate Bars Car wheels Iron and Brass Castings Wood working mi by chinery Cane mills Sash Weights nAir Grates Chimney Caps Wrought Iron Pipe and fittings etc DENTIST Incorporated a I an ope or recovery took a bottle The Tell City poke tcomyany has of Colic Cholera and Our outfield la a very strong oue and lad nnhtA with Ihs kSAMhra As 1 0 'aae 3 4 4 0 1 1 0 I 0 0 l) 0 1 existence fifteen: years at oca is Sluow preudenr and Charles Herr secretary The Southwestern urniture com pany also of Tell City has extended its charter toLL years The Capital Is 8710000 William Sharpens is president and Gustave Meyer secretary Tell Qty Journal cannot be improved sarganr Under and Gotiiuet are al! doing magnificent oatfieldwork The musical exercises given by the Junior League of the St John Evan gel teal chOTctrlast Suudayr nlgtiU was fine The dead body of an unknown man supposed to be a tramp was Touna hanging from an apple tree in an or chard three miles above Uawesville a short distance from the Texas road Judging by tfie decomposed state of the body it must have be liiere aiw lie body was cutdown and "buried tbit treewheieit was found Grand view Monitor in neat production gay il ors and' is very interest mir for the i die7 i 33 All Ice Cream Various Air Albert Hettinger end party re turned on Wednesday from the Green stiver with his launch They vfotee4 famous moth Cave while gone I 4 Vs Havens played 3rd to perfection his cool movements are admiring 'Mar shall bad a bad day Sunday July hLbut they come sb very seldom that it is hard to remember when 3rd cov ered correctly Marshal has always been one of Tell most reliable players 7 I "The work of the visits rs was sur prise Owensboro us usually so very easy Moved the strongest visiting team ever played here tbis yeap Get them again they will prove a good The Game Last Sun day After a ine Exhibition of the National il 11 Pt A 0 3 1 0 JIMI Grand three days openmg oT' our new Department July 24 25 2(k Emil Kroessman the young artist has re turned from Kockford JU where he has been attending air art school and will now occupy room at Hansers Photo Studiowhere he kindly invites you to come and see his fine display which he has alrrady finished also see him use the A irHrtish best 'whielris the latest and liest divice for executing Portraits is Crayon India Ink and Water Colors It takes beau tiful pictures and good music to make 'real genuine home We now can sup ply you with beautiful artistic pict ures In fine frames ready to bang or set on Easel fail to attend Souvenirs for all Go to tds Atklootio Assort ation Picnic to morrow All who intend to do Wallpapering Will find it to thoir interest to call and ex samine our large stock ofWallpaper before elsewhere Our Spring stock is moe extensive than ever before We have on 'hand a number of patterns of Wall paper for small rooms only which we offer very cheap kargest stock of LUindouu Shades end Trimmings Leroy Watts assistant railroad agent under Herbert Webb resigned bis posi tion last Wednesday and returned to his home Will Scott who was cut in that tight Telt' City Woolen Mills last Wednesday is 'getting along nicely and will recover Many thousands have been restored to health and happinesby the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy If afflicted with any throat or hipg trou ble give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial Coughs that have resisted all other treatment years have yielded to this remedy and per fect health beeo restored Cases that seemed hppeless that the climate of famous health resorts tailed to benefit have been permanently cured by its use Hear in mind that every bottle is warranted and if it Joes not prove beneficial the money will be refunded to you or eale by Dusch Tell City Theo A Gaesser Troy Dr Lomax Bristow behub at '2nd well what can we say ha always does play the game fast True Ina movements of the stand But still be play a faster game than some people give him credit for VC II A ''iemei and Muss Maggie Cullen both of Cannelton were united in marriage on 1 ueeilay morning at the Michael church of that place The groom is a well known business man being a member of the firm: of 1' Clemens Sons and the bride is one of most prominent society ladies She has been a teacher in the public schools of her city foryears and was liked by all that knew her Immedlalety after tjie ceremony they left for Buffalo New Turk where they will visit the Niagara alls The News wishes them a long pros perous and happy married life Mr anl Mrs Geo Shaw are visit ing as Martin rank's home near Mr was lormbrlym Government Mail Clerk on the Packet Co and later ott promoted' 'unto the Honte 1 Last November he was one of the victims the wreck i in I hat road near? Anns i le 1 1 has never i ally recovered and is compelled to use a reclining chair contin ually Mrs Shaw is a daughter of Caps' Lem urn! Taylor aged seventeen years son of Stillwell Taylor a far mer living In Andersom township not far irom Don Juan was tried beforehire Vincent Smith last Saturday charge 1 with having committed a rape on the person of Sarah Hendershot aged ten ears a daughter of Mrs Mary Hendershot a widow of the same vicin ity tit seems that the allalr took place on Tuesday evening July 3 about (i clock It happened throve on the branch of Deer creek The parties were out blaekberrytng the little girl told her mother who swore out the affidavit against him Taylor was arrested on the following SatU' day and placed under bond At the trial last Saturday John Patrick prosecuted and A Land represented the defense There seems to be no doubt as to tire guilt of the young man He was held over under $500 bond to answer the charge at the Perry circuit court Tbs feeling which exists in the neighborhood is that it" is most actrociuous and thak Taylor should be severely dealt with: Taylor and the girl are Cannelton Telephone I Nets envois put on Umbrella or Parasols any color jrprice aUMar i ku*ms 1 Another sogs is book vd for7vngmtt tbe 11'th at rthe EV angelmaL On Tuesday evening the report reached this cit of the killing of Jack "Hasson and the serious condition of Allen ulham who died Wednesday morning at 5 About one month ago both men were at Evausvde and from reports it Seems that both began gambling' the result was Allen Pulliam Install his 'money Mr Pulliam accused Jack Hasson of 'taking him into a den i Noth iiig further was said untiLMonslaywtieu tuey oom met in Hawesville and in encounter was only averted by trierds osloih men Allen swore out a warrant for ths JaiTest of jjasson jonlhttwaharge conduct ail'd returned to his home near Galesville Ivy On Tuesday Allen Pulliam' returned accompanied by Ins brother iank When rank saw Hassen he asked nim to make up with bls brother to which Hasson agreed Jtithout any warning Alim Pulliam who yjoi joi! shot ack ll usaoatlirect ly iver the Jack Hasson returned fire one hot taking street 1'11 his an tagonist's arm others in the neck hip and bowels the last named proved the fatal one i say it pre arraii geffafial the I'ulHani Ilros Afler Uie deatii his brother Allen rame was arres ed on the cliaige qt murder he streets at Hawesville at the time were crowded but no one was Jmrt except those that I he shots were intended for Hasson died very sear the spot were he killed O'Donnell about 12 years ago The fight Is deplored by the good people of Hawesville At Tel! Citj office every Monday At Cannelton rest of she veei 1 Gapt''ulterer played a good tiara game We bejieve be works just' little too bard a pitcher and catcher have always the hardest work but still utterer did most of the base running for Lelmgiuber Sunday Bunce al ways was one of the most earnest workers on the hom*o team Enhn atJst gam There ly a case of improving with age just Aswlub does Sneaky never did play as steady asbedoes this year The I TH AIL 1 During last May an Infant child as lour neighbor was suffering from chol infantum Tbe doctors had given up I nil hrtMl ff MAAvar I Uab A MltU I vpvM ui 4 VVv II I WU uviLiC AN INVALUABLE HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE OR QAL BY All this class Goods you will find in an endless uariety and at special prices that you can' t' 'resist' the opportunity of buying Come and see for yourself 1 MrfST iutu Put CANNELTON tfii CITY Estimates of all kinds of work fuhilshed on application I a is to have a bank It will be open for business by about th a 1st of August or an rnjayabla dav spend it at Garden with the Athlectic Association a I rnn Blackberry pickers read the writings of our Troy correspondent It will in terest yon i Picnic at Garden Ifyoui iiinbr llaor Parasol needs a new cover take it to Marku*ms Lan Helton THl IUT REMIDY OR STOMACH ANO 10MEI TROUBLES havebeeninAha drug business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Cham Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel says Wakefield of Columbns Ga remedy cored two severe case of cholera motbusjn my family and I have recommended and sM lnmdreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satisfac tion It affords a quick and sure sure in a pleasant form No family should ba without it I Xeep il inmy house at all or sale by S' Dusch Tell CityTheo A Gaesser Troy Dr Lomax Bristow 7 1 Im st: Paul Ciuipregatimi will give a I awn ete next Tuesday night in St school House Yard Jvery body is kindly invited to attend The fell City Desk Co at their an nual mt eting Thursday declared: 10 per cr castrti ivi den AVc nder Stand that their profits amoiinij to about 83 per cent77 77 Tt: Wendel Hofmann has had his Hah repainted aqd repaired Mr Hotmann wants to nave it in tip top comfitlum lor the coming theatrical and speaKiugseason 'I he Evansville Cornier has trapped auolhef nn lister this time its victim was EP Crowe a mejliodist ministei of Owensboro He has decided to re sign from the ministry WO I Jacob Bollinger greatly im proved his property on Street now occupied by HenryIl by giving it a Mw'coat ot paint aid parti now weallier boardings "VlirAllnnnAr and Window Shades 1 E4 Th fintertTliit "shat base' ball the gieatost of all oit duor sports rhe i team mccnqaned b) a loyal tiOwd (Jf routers aimed In 6 ir olty last Sunday "determined to: give tha Tell City peop a surprise and this they did nicely The crowd as large as was expected but considering the weither It was a pretty fair rep: refutation The grounds were In good "ships hut on account of the rain the tarns were unable'to practice The pitching last Sunday on both sides was a treat Letmgrnber pitched his usual magni ficent game and Cox of the visitors proved to be the best visiting pitcherj seen here this year Cox ha's a gooddelivery a Tool head and was backed by good all round playing Mitchell at Second proved to be a stone wall In in field He robbed several of the Joe boys of base hits bv running back wnd catching rites In the outfield In jus tice to the visitors we must Say their infield did good work all arourni Their outfield made two costly errors liutwhat can bo expected of amateur players Capt I utterer did some hard play ing Sunday playms that makes friends at ail times and instills a determlns: tion In bls fellow players he Raspers all played a good game ham at short made a cusllr" error on Huber's njre assist fur a double playsW were surprised to see him make the error but we al! err nt playing of Sargant was a feature hr covers an Immense lot of ground The umpiring of Birclik was good it'is thought by some he erred we thought so too but Al was very care ful tb not give decisions without due 1 fie iunpirmgasa whole' tie seure II II 1'0 I 1 0 0 0 1 To Mr andMrs CURE OR CHOLERA IHrZlfUM if XHOWM casstay on weanesaay a gm Nrws extends congratulations out any Words They hot to Kill jSaminer Smu Vfffi'rgw i if rhe Tell ity urniture Co ntit been working the past week nn our roofn cottage t'h Street aj ply at lohn Kreide 'real your Umbrella oi I'araspl to a new cover take lt to Marku*ms Cannel 7 5 Schreibors allpaperTEouse Tell Cit3r Ind Cor 7th and Humboldt Kt wu (WBigii'm keep it up Al: VRAsl'llts AH Sclinh 2nd 1 1 Klugbam ss ri 5 Havens 3rd ettorer 77 Kuhn Is' b' sargent If Gofiinet il Huber eL: Leun grober Total OWENSBORO Geo eldman ohnson 3rd Mitchel 2nd rY Hohen If 4 Muckenfuss 1st 3 snyder ss Cox Westerfield rf Glass cf At Hawesville Kj in Which 'Two Prominent People Killed Helf We Are! We have come to stay Our ahn shall be to buy from ths Jiest houses get the best goods at the lowest figures and give our customers the very low est pi ices on all we sell We buy pro duce of from the farmers and pay them a good price for what they tiring We keep tbur ship stuff and bran for sale Give us a call you'will lind us at the corner of 3th and ulton Sts near Catholic Church Tours truly: (lEonoi: Samples of Paper submitted Cheapest and best on ine mam WORK GUARANTEED Cor 12D1 and ek'Moui SU to morrow Mis' Lizzie Beumers houseiTs ps glttihig ic'ly Albert Is at our lauding Don't forget the to morrow ui Hofmann's tarden The Gam? was Intef Letter List issAndro Elena W'm Hau ser sr ADVANTAGE Oftny special prices xnall classes of 7 5 4 rfo Summer Merchandises ''i'' A 7 pAJf me uietl Aojnsfe aej SZLi iii AnrJs of ft ita A VOl VfjpKWW I'SII Medium or Pine With Great Eaq and Without 7 Mashinx the ood Total 35 si ID 27 It) 7 7 si'7 8Tv Total Owensboro 0 0 0 0 113 0 1 0 It Kaapers 0 1 i 2 0 5 Two base Johnson 2 Mitchell Muckenfuss AVesterfield' bcbuh Ha vens Golbnet and Huber Three base Muckenfuss and Sargent Bases on by Leimgruber 4 by Cox 2 Struck by Leuiigruber4 by Cox 3 by Leimgrubcr 3f balk by 4 Double Mitchell to Mucken enluss eldman to Muckenfuss Blrchler ea Kh Clothing 4 Straw Hats all sizds Summer Caps all sizes i Summer Underwear mme Ne ck we a We werV liHiHled 'rtl cantajnir! alHhe be used in AiilUaery bashiesaHhis fdlUbyiLtinr popu ar AH intrfri ss iuwe lhe oncg Peoples society of xl' Efangelieal Church will give an ie edlors were leeud by the lead cieam len hs thnr in tented on 1 from a trip to laris Muy '3Dli later M1S rron'fR 1 t'rons something extra ordinary in her IVirila rritlrlidvi IPnV itlcTmi mg "TA I 'Vomr Kmgham Jsnlsn Hnprovingrit'atways takes a season or two to develop but we think he will graduate before then Kingbam covers a lot of ground around short I that' the end (hc'Sammer season is close cfhand Soon the will i Ww 'fs irndht face or fltiprcaspn it '') (ning to hot u'cather goog'sfitji greatly P'( mtritt (it i tft'f rft i kiUCt firtj 't' ST a TV Ji 4 a tf 1 ha niea notice with the secretary of state 1)iarrhoea Kemedy to the bouse telling that It intends to extendi its corporate them I fait sure it would do good if av im A hai I It nAli naaaa fflka aaa Jla A HD tatlltDI 4 JI Al UOSU QUUUALUHK iv uirvcuuu ill two Albert Iletr Is aays time thechild had fully recovered lati Isa SAAMlnsn ine chua is now vigorous and heulthy have recommended this remedy fre quently and have never known it to Mrs Curtu Baker Bookwaiter Ohio or sale by Dusch Tell City Theo A Gaesser Troy Dr LomaHatsH was distributing sbme extra line poti4 tots among his tncuus last week Air Divis ii the ex mul tarnet between this city Canndfon and Hawesville Co school Superintendent Logan Esarey annoiinces mat there will tie a Reading Cucle examination at this place Saturday July21lhand on Sat urday uly28ateacher's examinationAll the material tor the Leopold Teiphone Line has at last been re ceived and the work will now be pushed until completed The citizens of Leopold township are anxiously awaiting Its completion A cordial invitation Is given to all to Helen to a se nslble discussion of tlre following subject at the morning ser vices in the Evangelical churplit hat notice in some jot our stores: 'I his sfore is' closed every Sunday 'v AL the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Tell City Desk Co on Thursday the following directors were elected to serve for the issuing year HuihstCirrer red Wicliser Swu zerGeo Reltpan John Birchler erd Basedow and Gustave Walter We noticed quite a lengthy article in the Rockport Democsat of a Dance that was held there last Wednerday evening Atfiong those prominently mentioned was our own Will Webb Mr Webb was well liked by all bis patrons here and will make friends wherever he goG Cuts and bruises are healed ty Balm in about one third the time any other treatment would require because of its antiseptic qualities which cause the pert a to heal without maturation or sale Dusch Tell City Tlieo A Gaesser Troy Dr Lomax Bristow I have sold out my stock of Dry Goods and Groceries to Mr rank George (wish to thahk tbe public generally for the given mein thepast and llopa that they will still continue to trade i the same stand for we know tbat Mr George will treat his customers right Mils I ENA Hekatii The local option contest came before the Commissioners John Jennings Tice Jolly and 1 aylor Beard Sat urday July 7 in the old Tresbytenan churb Attorney for both sides presented their agruments after which tbe board decid ed In favoro the saloons The case wlltbe appealed to the circuit court' which convenes Clower port News 2 You assume no nsa you buy Cham berlain's Colic Cholera uud Diarrhoea Remedy Dusch Tell City Theo A Gaesser Troy Dr Lomax jiristsw will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it It is every where admitted to be the most success ful remedy inuse for bowel complaints and tbe only one that never falls It is pleasant safe and reliable DOORS SflSK BUNDS LOORING MOLDING And Everything in the Building or urnishing LlniK If you contemplate making Improvements or erecting qew buildings call at their place of business or writetnem They will give yon good work at low rates i'The Dubois County air Premium List was received kt this office the i past week The fair will beheld in iiuntingburg Sept iO 1112 1311 15 Mr Lahr of Evansville died list Tuesday at her home in Jivadsvilie Mrs Laba was formerly Miss Othnda Kipp of this city We extend sjm 7 pithy I i Rstnfind sinslnind a A4VV1H1S Ubi I UK a wvnu tu uraer THE UNIVERSAI OOD 'CHOPPER To morrow tve Air Line will run an excursion to Toulsville fare for the round trip 81 Receiver Jarvis of Hie A St was on an inspection tour on our bi atfch Wednesday John Bockhold threshed ibfifi bushels (wheat last week 'Quite a crop for this neighborhood Owing to a break in the engine the 1 Cabinet Makers Union will discontinue work for several days The Perry County Medical Society will have their next meeting on Au gust the 7th In Uns city Our macadamized street is being en joyed by a lot of Cannelton people Come we welcome you The Of enjoyed themselves very well under exlsting weather conditions last Sunday at Camp Sherman in mo Up to date Paper Hanger Mrs 11 staid accompanied' by I azel andJ fin cyr returued to their tioaie at aaJMM II I mk'iainniiwyr' John Mardi 11 spent Sunday with bls family Wade Napier spent Wednesday in HawesvniB a Mrs Geo enn and children 'wer friends ami relatives in Cau mlton last Saturdayr I'rank Adkinsand rank Ballis were up from 1 ruy Tuesday cloning7 Will A Ir 1 fine agent al Rockport spent Sunday with friends in tue eiiy i red Seqet zky of Rockport visited friends and relatives In the city last saNuttay Anton returnel from a trip ti Louisville and Indianapolis rank Oberle was seen In the city lust Sunday Mrs Peter Ludwig and children and Mrs Ernst Mtuehrk returned from iwensboro where they had been visit ing friends and relatives Mrs Heid accompanied by her childreneElsle and Leo lelt sunday tor Columbus wsieie they will make their future home Mr Heid follows later A crowd of young folks will leave tomorrow morning on the eteamer Tell CltyTiound for the Wyandotte Cave John Richards ex Commissioner of County was in tlis city 1 hursday looking liale and hearty Mrsi lleinzle and Mrs red Kaske spendl'hursday aj Troy Ind Win Bradshaw of Bristow was in our city on Tuesday Geo WPohl was seen In the city 5Veituesday evening Mr and Mrs Wendel Ilofman Mrs Aug Schreiber and Mrs tlood laaturwpent Tuesday in Cannelton skinner representing Bowen of Cincinnati was the city on Wed nesday (Jtto MitSlafif of Louisville is visiting at lus grandparents Mr and Mrs Schuler Sr Mr Ida Zollinger returned the past week from a trip to Switzerland Mr Vogt the popular glass drum mer of Louisville was In our city Wed nesday John Meyenberg the sculptor of Covington Jyr is visiting bis old iiowe A a WW nr R2 1 tWLJi 1 gj 4 1 'I v' '5 i 1 4 0 i I if 7 7 "7 777 3 1 77 7 X33 i 'LB I House ck Ph a pn Lt 7 i 3 3a Sr ES TJ 1 A A iirirfrsttihW'TsW rs a 1 is 'r: TiTTTnrnar iii4in 1 rr 't77 7 i ww 1 a 'sNaz 1MV 1 fc 7' las A A I Ani "77 'A a r' jg rS its 4 a M7 lOBfl 7 7" i 'UK i i ff a a 1 2 5" rf I 1 1 7 A ME 7 19 a s' MZd pis 'M a 7 ex tf a ew a I 'Xi 3 aBxi 7Z STREET With I 1 7'1 7 8E 7'H 4 7JK 'A" 8 Sign and Brescoe Painter zfl at jftap: WM It drawtatf ftArd IkVU Vlllt IV JH XX ZJxAZ'r 7'74 III.

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The Tell City News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Views: 5883

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.