The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 at 12B CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, DECEMBER 5, 1954 CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT Male Help--Salary 33 MEN WITH CARS earn $2 to $5 per hour on nationally advertised Watkins Food route. No experience necessary, age 10 handicap. Part time work also available. Apply 172 Eastern Ave. 10-12 and 4-5.

MECHANIC Chevrolet trained. Good working conditions. Steady work, ployee benefits. Answer by niall stating experience. Box Union Office.

NEEDS 2 AMBITIOUS MEN FOR SPRINGFIELD Who can qualify for $95-3165 Weekly We are expanding our New England operation and If you feel that 800n you must make a decision to leave your present position because it seems to lead now here, we Would like to talk. to you. you are honest, ambitious and determined to be SUCressful. you will lave An oppty. to learn our business from the ground up.

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Our factory representative will give you A personal interview. Health unit. Also interested in 8 few mechanically. Inclined men. APPLY WED.

2 PAr SHARP 4. NO OTHER TIME KENMORE HOTEL Silver Room Kenmore Square, Boston. Mass. OPENING with males ability. Salary 'a 'commission.

Apply 8.30 119 Main 9.30 T'ville, Conn. betw. 8. PHARMACEUTICAL. SALESMAN Man who desires to build his own future with live progressive house.

Territory. Worcester, west to the New York Atate line. Salary, expenses. and full commission. For details write to Jos.

S. Crawley, Sales Manager, the G. F. Harvey Saratoga N. F.

PERSONNEL SERVICE ASSOCIATES 113. State Tel. 6-4749 Accountant, general A cost. single, for A American firm In Brazil. knowl.

of Portuguess desirable but not easential; Chemical Engineer (one plant In Maine. of to supervise maintenance dept. chem. plant); Draftsman, grad. engineer, pine.

structural, plant equipment; Methods Engineers (neToral) come rears experience: General Superintendent, full charge exper. MAmir. chine heavy shop. plate mchry equip, dealrable (Pennshop, Iron foundry, sylvania); Engineers. E.

or Instrumenta, abort training period at plant: Trainees (one Instruments, one pharmacal mig.) single Salesmen, chemist. sell to N. E. Industries, must know mfr. of paper: Steam Engineer, sound in the theory steam of in thermodynamics, exper.

in large plant required; Other attractive for Graduate listed. Engineers E.E., Electronics) PERSONABLE man with ability to Real see things through. For an established ensure A rood Estate livable Firm wage. A good opportunity with facilities to for 8 man who has thought of, but never has sold before. Box 430 I'nion Office.

wanted full time. for month Jewel- of PORTER December. Apply Manager. Gerber ers, 1558 Main St. SALESMAN Bank equip.

10 offica mil. ot Spild. chines, 25-40, Training period, sa'ary. draw or Reside within commission. fave good competent.

hard- Western Mass, We want a hitting executive type man who Cum- likes mins-Chicaco Corp. Asylum Ava. freedom onportunity. Write Hartford, Conn. SALESMEN Would you like to work for A nationally advertised firm.

the leader in it3 field? for Stark Brow, Nurseries will train men Its home landscaping service in your business. AreA. Year 'round earnings and repeat Car necessary. Respons ble men who want Guarantee your future. Commission bass.

to work. Call Windsor MUrdock 8-0329 OF write A. J. 67 Grande Windsor. Conn.

to arrange personal interviews. SINGLE MAN for dairy farm. Milker And driver preferred, Inq. 244 Shaker East Long. TWO MEN TO BELL Resuty Supplies Box $50.


FUTURE SALART BONUS. EXCELLENT FOR THE RIGHT MAN. APPLY PARK SPFLD, TOOL MAKER-machinist. Experienced in machine repairs. Steady work.

Riair Mic. 312 Birnle Ave. TOOL MAKER3 1st 2d work. Top Long rates. term overtime, Rood working cond.

program challenging Broad experience And AbOVA AVATAR Ability required along with' 1st class rating, Apply in person or call for appointment ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS, INC. Near Agawam Airport on Silver St. Tel. 4-6431 THIS MAY BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY 1F TOU CAN QUALIFY Good Income in professional sales reer with one of the largest Life Inaurance Companies in the USA, Excellent 3 yr. Training Program with budgeted income from the start.

Our method of lection whether or nnt you are suited to succeed in this prolegsion. College capacity preferred. For interview phone 3-3143. Mr. Picard.

TOOL GRINDER Experienred tool grinder for tool room work. Must have diversified on all phases of grinding. Many ployea benefits. Gond working conditions. All Applicants please apply at Employment Office between 9-4.

CHAIN REIT CO. 369 PLAINFIELD ST. TWO COLOR letter press operator experienced on Miehle equipment. Apply 10 Mass. State Employment Service.

Center St. Chicopee. Tel. Chic. 2200.

WANTED Retail location for building material's Should he on Main Road with ample parking facilities. Desired location in Springfield or surrounding communities. Write Box 1:,92 Union Office. WILL YOU WEAR NEW SUITS and topcoats without one penny cost and agree to show them to friends? You can make up to $50 in A day even in spare time. without canvassing.

PIONEER TAILORING Congress And Throop Dept. T-1237. Chicago Illinois. WHOLESALE Dealer Wanted: Man with door-to-door experience. The W.

T. Rawleigh Company program cludes opening of Wholesale Headquarters In Springfield. If you have ability to diseCt sales force and maintain stockroom, write for personal interview. Dept. Albany, N.

T. YOUNG MAN who likes to work with figures between office and plant. Reply to Box I Hazardville. Conn. 8 MEN WANTED to help ma in my work.

Full or part time. Tel. LU Retween 7 8 r. m. Male Help Salesmen 33A AUTOMOBILE--Salesman.

IVa WAnt clean cut aggressive salesmen to sell Relecte1 used cara. Salary and commission. Your earning in this field ArP unlimited. All applicants must apply in person. Ask for Mr.

DuPrev. Harry Silverman Inc Division of Spfld. Nash 1043 Main St.1, Mass. ADVO INCREASE TOUR INCOME! Our most profitable season! Thousands atdering our new 1936 advertising items NOW. We furnish you the greatest calendar and business gift line.

NO INVESTMENT. Repeat orders. Earn $10,000 FeAr up. Write LOUIS F. DOW Empire Stata N.


40 and 240-light book matches. BIGGER SPOT COMMISSION. Ever- busineSS a. prospect. Repeats.

Start withont men, women: full. part time. BUY NOTHING. Sales kit furn MATCH CORP. OP AMERICA, DEPT.

LX. Chicago 32. Illinois. BE FIRST to sell Automatic Fire Extinguishers with amazing new CM-T. Replaces Carhon Tetrachloride, Top Commissions.

Thousands of new prospects. Free use of samples. Write Red Comet, Inc. Dept. Littleton, Col.

MAKE $30 to $500 per sale. Exclusive territories to salesmen and distributors. NET MIRACLE OUTDOOR LIGHTS sweeping country. Enormous demand from SAg atations. stores, night-spots, drive-ins.

auto agencies. Written Money -back GUARANTEE clinches sales. No samples. No inVestment, No lichting experience required. IV.

H. LONG Chicago 10, Ill. Established 1911. SALESMEN $200 PLUS Some of our men are making this kind nt money every week. J.

C. $332 earned last week, HI, I. $300. G. R.

$387. (Names earning roof gladly shown upon request). Full training of selected. No canvassing. It you think you have it apply.

If not. don't waste vout time' or ours. This is not fly-by-night offer. but A Anlid company in business 01 Pr 35 9. 9.40 noon only, A Boston Rd.

EMPLOYMENT Male Help Salesmen 33A SALESMEN guaranteed salary contmission sell to businessmen. in Western Conn. Opportunity TO participate in managemen. Write to National Advertising Co. Box 39.

Union Office. or Female 31 ROOMING business makes opening available for responsible man or woman with to call on farm women In Hampden County. Full. or spare time, Opportunity 10 109 make $40 A dav. Write Mr.

McVEY, Market Place, Baltimore 2. Md. able ville, to type. P. O.

Box 210 ThompsonEXPERIENCED ottice worker. must Conn. plant. EXPERIENCED artiat for offset printing Must be Able to do first class work. Box 363 Union Office.

HELPER. partner or investor 10 expand develop soft beveraca business any affiliated line. liol. 9509. situations Wanted- -Femalo 36 CURTAINS, laundry done at home.

Call £: deliver, EXPER, practical nurse Doctor's widow. 1 Maternity, post opera chronie, etc. hir. duty. Dow, Holyoke 4917.

with EXECUTIVE over secretary and Gal Friday 10 years diversified experience Tel. 3-3607. position in Springfeld or vicinity. EXPERIENCED Woman desires housework or 3 days week. Box 401 Union Office.

EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires typing 8 at home. Will call deliver. Tel. 3-04. EXP.

WOmAn wants housework by 'the day, $6 de carfare, B.k 127. Union Office. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. ER. PERMANENT POSITION DESIRED.

BOX 402 UNION OFF. in FORMER high school teacher, erperienced arts crafts, writing, newspaper work, proud music, education, book. -now mother reeded at horne. Eagerly Reeking rewarding work that can ba done at home. Very ambitious.

Has typewriter. Box 384 Union Office. LIC. ELEVATOR OPERATOR desires emp. Mon.

thru Fri. Tel. 7-4568. I'. N.

destres position in doctor's office. Tel. 3-0407. NURSE AVAILABLE TEL. 6-7835 or 2-6528 PRACTICAL PERIENCED.

NURSE PHONE 3-3433. AVAILABLE. A TYPING done at home. $2 per hour. Tel.

4-1633 after 3 WANTED general office work or clerk typlat. Full time. Call 3-4346. WOMAN panta housework by the dav. Experienced.

$6 day and car fare. 3-1346, WILL COOK in private home, Non. thru Friday. Exparienced. 9-1773.

WOULD LIKE care of aick, It. housework 5 days A week $10 week. Refs. exchanged. Dox 414.

Union Office. WOMAN will iron in her home or yours. clean or baby sit YOUNG WOMAN With medical exp. desires position in A doctor or dentist office. Ref.

Tel. 8-4265. Situations Wanted--Male 37 AMBITIOUS hich caliber man desires' new affiliation by Jan. 1. Experienced In merchandising personnel.

Will conaider other fields. Call A RELIABLE handyman will work inalde or out, Ava.I, Tues. de Wed Tel. WI 6-3090. Can do own set up.

blueALL AROUND MACHINIST, prints, operate milling boring mill. drill, planer. Also general maintenance tian. WRITE BOX 399 INION OFFICE BOY. 16 would like work in hardware store.

Ginod. carpenter. Mechanically minded. Pref. W.

Spfld. 7-344. BOOKKEEPER -Full ofe. InEr. 15 Urs.

exp. Know all tax Avail. at once. Tel. BOOKKEEPER -TYPIST capable ot handling full set of books, 15 yrs.

married. excel. ret. Avail. at once.

Tel. BOY 13 wants work after school A Saturdays. Call 7-6750. BOY 15- desires after school Sat. work, baby sitting.

9-4171. CARPENTER WORK -Neatly. economically done. Tel. Spfld.

EXPERIENCED registered pharmacist wants PERMANENT position full-time. Box 421 Union Office. FLOORS cleaned waxed. woodwork windows cleaned. Tel.

STARRIED man license, want work of any kind. MASON bricklayer wants inalde repair work. Winter rates. 9-4171, RELIABLE man 34 with drivers license. would like part time work Tues.

and Sat. Tele. 3-0400. YOUNG MAN would like odd jobs part time evenings to 8 and Reek ends, call 6-0951. FINANCIAL Business.

Opportunities 38 LONG LIST of businesses offered at reasonable GENTILE ASSOCIATES Tel. 3-0234 AROUT TO SELL, YOUR BUSINESS? 2-2700 DOLAN-GRADY AN EXC. RESTAURANT BUS. In the heart of the business center, Doing better than $12140. Week.

overhead. Very Reasonable. Terms, 0-3521. BUSY LUNCHEONETTE VARIETY est. for Vra.

Very busy neighhorhood. Worth looking at. Can be hnught right. WORTHY REALTY CO. 3-3321.

AN OWNER LEAVING STATE. Variety Store 20 eath. handles thing take home $123 wkly, a. m. 8 p.

m. 2-3704 DOLAN-GRADY eves. 7-5806 A SMALL TOWN STORE 20 miles from Spfld. Fountain parvice. gifts, tova, luncheonette.

greeting cards. etc. Ideal for drug store, 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADT A. LUNCHEONETE, DELICATESSEN An Ideal store for man and wife circ*mstance? CAUSeS most value. low excellent enu: pment.

2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY eveR. T-5804 A CAFE FOR $10.000 Short distance from Antid. STOAS vrly. Only $10 monthly, rent. Can Ta financed, 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY 1-5806 A PARTNER WANTED For excellent downtown cate, references.

exchanged. 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY eves. T-5806 A LUNCHEONETTE 083 Sumner Are. Tel. 2-4331.

Ing. 26 Montmorenci St. STORE One of Spild. 'a busiest cor. Locations very profitable.

2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY 7-5808 A LITTLE DIFFERENT BEER WINE PACKAGE STORE, combined with excellent grocery store, annual gross near $100.00. property included. 2-3700 PVA8. T-5806 A modern licensed 14 room, rooming house. IncomA $40 Ino.

Exclusive Inc. Owner Ill. No reas, offer refused. Tel. 3-3521.

ATTENTION Doctor. Nurse or Business wonderful opportunity, State Jicensed Convalescent Home, doing excellent business in city. Write Box 373 linion Office. BRAY FLAS FOR SALE Gas Atation, Church St. for young man who wants his own business, is making, money nOW.

Greenhouse doing good buainess, cost $10.000, sell for $10.000. Front Orchard Sta. lot 37 237. real business location. Market Office Storage spare.

Coat abt. $10.000. Will sell for Springfield Grocery Meat store -with and wine package Store license. CHARLES W. BRAY, REALTOR Tel.

Chic. 143 F.ARN $10,000 NET A YEAR Be Your Own Boss Own A WESTINHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Equipped Hail-Hour Laundry Become independent. maka A. good living with only a minimum own And operate your own Westinghouse laundromat -equipped Half- Laundry. This essential public service business 1s growing sensationally--millions now using them.

Original outlay required is Financial help available un t.o on equipment. Free help and advica from the national Laundromat seif-service distributor gets you started. A number nf good locations now available. Write, wire or phone IMMEDIATELY ALD New T6rk, Inc. Mr.

F. Witkin. Belcher Ave. Brockton, Mass. Tel, 3794M.

FINANCIAL A Venetian Blind repainting Opportunnies machine 38 business for sale. ('all 3-2073. cor. Groc Meat. stk, fatres.

$3000 day wk. Down $150 wk-ventral-by appt. $22,000 $18. 700 $11.500 Others. Teed Iteally, 1323 Malu G-4018 Full liquor lie.

Excl. huR. $10,000. Brattleboro, 1-0811. gond location, good income P'hone 3-4150, COUNTRY PACKAGE store, make offer this week.

Box 414. Union Office. COUNTRY STORE, full package license. $32,000. Nox 511.

West Brookfield. DRY CLEANING and laundry stove. estalilished in Spfld. Sacrifice for $250 for quick sale. Box 120 Union Office, DINER on Main lighway, doing VArY good bus.

Owner has other interests. Near Spild. Bot 401 Union Office. DRUGSTORE central location, good ness. Sell reas.

Box 413 Union off. FLORID.A PERNI 60 ACRES Florida's most beautiful section. Established 30 sears, Excellent irrigation tent, no labor problems. Unlimited potential. $30.000 handles.

Books open qualified buyers. Send for details. REO. 6 W'. 10th, KANSAS CITY.

MISSOURI, FLORIDA GENERAL STORK Beer, Wine, near Orlando, Doing excellent voltine. Illness, sacrificing $13,300. REO, W. 10th, Kansas City. Missourt.

FREE NEW BOOK: 2000 businesses, farms, income properties for male throughout America. 5100 Wilshire, 103 Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE Dot's A Variety Store Also hunting fishing equip. only one of It 3 kind 111 vicinity. Priced for quick 1313 Hubbard Ludlow, Come in and ape.

FOR. -Conv. good 18 or 3 best park loc. Owner 3-7439. GAS STATION on routes 5 10.

Terrific volume or business. Modern Only $20.000. Northampton Tel. 3448. GIFT SHOP HOME nicely located at 1003 Main in Agawam catering to the best trade.

Illness forces owner to sell. Buy Peal only OT complete with stork. POND BROTHERS. REALTORS GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD Store $750 weekly business, 31900. Tel.

3-1180. GOOD VARIETY STORE, $350 weekly, $973. Phone 3-4160. store. good location.

ReAsonable. Want to retire. Box 412 Union Off INN CARINA Restaurant Gas Station New Building. Gas l'umps, 5 Acres Land. 41 Ft.

Frontage. Living Quarters, on Route 28202, in Vicinity of Athol. Selling A. R. Palezynak! Agency 33 Elm Westfield, 'Tel.

355 INN the Rerkahies. Full Liquor License, Business Year Round, 11 Room (8 Double, Single for guests). 1 Dining Rooms, Seata 30, 1 Small, co*cktail Lounga Bar. Asking $26,100. A.

R. PALCZUNSKI AGENCY 33 Elm St. Westfield, Tel 355 IF YOU are interested In Distributor Franchise with A company that hAs been in business 68 years whose Comptometer adding and calculating machine is used by thousands of nationally knon firms, whose reputation for ethical practice well established and unquestioned, then hear this. We are now manufacturing the world's finest electronic dictation and transcription machine. Several thouaund of these units are now in dally Our diatrihutors are permitted to retail this unit in their home city and wholesale it to rezularly established Office Machine Dealers in their territories, You nped not have had previous experience in this business An show campaign you how.

Our national advertising to the ultimate user and our New Dealer advertising campaign now in full A modest investment in initial inventory of approximately is all that you need to start building a lifetime busiNess. Wa will pay you the courtesy of ansupring your response to this Ad. giving you full And complete information regarding this excellent opportunity. FELT TARRANT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Comptometer Dictation Machine Division ALGONQUIN, ILLINOI8 LUNCHEONETTE Park Estab. many SPATS, priced to app't.

Firakis 4-4807. LUNCHEONETTE in good location for both residential business trade. Sacrifica price of $1500. Excellent financing. Ry appt.

RAY SWEENEY SON 2-5465 ANYTIME MEMORIAL LUNCH 2283 Main St. For Sale because of health. MEAT GROCERY, variety items, neighborhood location, lORE esth. Man Wife operation. 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY 7-5806 A very 8004 business.

wit sacrifice MEAT A GROCERY STORE FOR sale. because of Illness. Tel. Holyoke 2-5386 before p. m.

or 2-0563 after 6.30 p. m. STROUT BUSINESS CATALOG Mailed FREE! Auto Gas Stores, Farma, Homes, etc. 3337 bargains described. 35 States.

WORLD'S LARGEST. 54 Years Service. STROUT REALTY, 810- AG Old South Boston 8. SOLID INVESTMENTS Cates, neighborhood. local.

Full license. Downtown and One with property. Excellent income, All priced right. Cala, small town. Full license.

Good Incoma. Excellently furnished. Living quarters. With or without property. $7,000 down.

Balance on PA gy E. Marrin. Realtor. 9-3945, 2-5159. Chic.

305W. 2-2817. SOFT DRINK bottling plant. Lg. capacity requires partners, investor.

new products, neiv Ideas. Picasa call Iolyoke 3509. TERRIFIC BUY Ice Complete cream stand. equipment Also to have establiab location. soft quickly, AAL REALTY CORP.

9-8577. 4-4475 Eve. or Sun. 7-6572 VARIETY STORE- Riverdale W. Spfld.

Plenty of business, illness. Rest offers. WANT A GOOD job? Buy A bread route, Be own boRa guaranteed $30 wk. to start. will talk good business with you.

Call Southhridge 4-4440. WALLPAPER PAINT store for Incated center of city. Owner retiring. Tel. 6-1798 after 6 p.

m. BAY GARAGE 30'x30' FAR atation, steam heat. 0-5811 or 2-8010 after 6 Bus, OpportunIties Wanted AUCTIONEER buys stores estates, mach. Young. 4-7638 or 2-0171.

BUTER OF STORES Machy. mdse. etc. or liquidate for you. Ily Gloth, 3-4372.


R.1 GAMBLE, 9-4701, 9-3131, QUINN REALTORS. Wanted--to Borrow 41 I WANT TO BORROW $1500 with exreptionally good interest. Box 422 Union Office. OUR CLIENTS want $100,000 from private parties. lat 21 mortgages.

Write full particuiara. Box 371, Union Office. LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 AKC REG. Toy Collie Sheltia pupa. 10 old.

Tel. T'ville. RI A HUNAER'S DREAM for Chriatmas: fa. Fine. setter.

9 started hunting partridge And pheasants at 7 mos, Ex. background: A gift at $60. Bill Ezhicki. Tel. 1528-M.

Amherst. ANC BOXER pups 2 beautiful brindle males, Very reasonable. Geo. F. ProNost.

Federal Belchertown, Cali Amherst 191M3 A "'Rare'' Christmas gift GREAT PYRENES large. gentle, white. Idolize children. excellent guard for country estate. Pet.

show stock. Pupa, young dogs. CRETE de PINS KENNELS, Reg. Amherst, Mass. Tel.

232. AKC Boxer pups beautifully marked males 11 wks. old, cropped inoculated. Count Von Brindy of Coronada. Stud.

737 Shaker Rd. Longmeadow. A BEAUTIFUL lot of Beagles And Chihuahua pups. 1.g. choice.

M. Griswold. 34 S. Main. Longmeadow.

Tel. LA 7-3628 A. K. C. Collie pupa, 2 litters" sable white tri, small deposit will hold til Christmas.

T'ville RI 9-4557. AKO Weimaraner puppies. Beautiful "'Grey Ghosts' reasonable. Permanent shots call Southwick, JOrdan 9-5422. AQUARIUM CENTER 069 COLUMBUS AVE.

Tropical fish. planta. tanks. Everything for the tropical fish hobbyist. Gold flah, young parakeets.

Oren daily 10-5 p. m. 7-9 p. m. Tel.

7-9185. A. K. C. BLACK co*cker Spaniel stud.

Excel. pedigrea 2R champions in 4 'generations, Fee or choice ol litter. Call 7-8749 AKC Reautfiul Boxer Pup: All day Sunday, Sibley Westfield. AKC Registered German shepherd beautifully' marked. stud service, 2-5071.

AKC Rog. Boston Terrier puppies. Ruy now have housebroken for MAS. Hendricks' 668 Center at. Ludlow AVAILABLE at atud.

Black standard French Poodle. AKO Excel. padegree Tel. Spild. 4-6338.

LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 AKO REG. -Butt co*cker spaniel. Male, mos, old. Noat, JO 6-3230, lampden. A wonderful gift for anyone At Christmas.

cage, We will hold anything for you unut Christmas. Come parly AVoid the rush, Special for this end. Neons for $1. WA CATTY complete line of supplies A Open dailv 0.9 inclines Sunday. 'The Tropical Miah Bowl, 411 Shaker at Long.

BABY rAgE $6.05. T'111 hold til Christmas. 82 Day St. 1V. Sprld.

4-6016. rabbit dogs, $10 and up. 89 North Wast Antherat. KITTENS Male de forale, ('all Sunday or 2-0007. BOXER CHAMPION AT STUD or pick of litter, Pupa for Two young Boxers at stud WI G- Parakeets normals, opalines, pieds.

Australian lutinos and Albinos. co*ckatiels, African love birda. co*ckatoo and Macaw. Parrots wanted. French.

Southbridge Auburn (001 rolle 12) Tel. Worceater 3-2082. BOSTON TERRIERS Toys. ARC rPg Puppica grown dox. Cooker apaniela, collice.

scotties, foX terriers. Also 01088 breeds, watch dogs. Lewis Farm KenAllenSt.7-Ga 04 11:19 11 8 OX nel4, 1130 Allen St. BUY A Peruvian Cany for Christmas Makes 11 excellent for both young old. 'riced right.

Tel. 6-0218. BONER DACHSHUND PUPPIES E1-MAR KENNELS 171 PORTER AD. LONG. LA 5-3081 CANARIES yellow, white vairgated.

l'ink frosted. red. finches, parakeets, breeders in normal rarea. co*ckatiels young 3. buildera.

love hirda. Monkey. white faced ringtail. Cages, atanda Inas, Tel. 2-2171.

Wysock, 113 Adams seed, URA our layaway plan ChristTIA 4. 'Tel. 2.2171. Wysock 143 Adams St. A CUTE Collie Shepherd pupples.

Also Terrier pups. $10. Deliver 3-0394. COLLIE puppies for sale $5 each. Granby, Mass.

Tol. 48-5. co*ckER POPS also Tov FOx Terrier pupa $25 up. 7638. CHIHUAHUA TUTS for Ideal mAR gifts.

Tel. I.T. DOG HOUSE pen tor sale, Suitable for large dog. Ph. 4-2679.

or 3-3101. DALMATIAN puppies reg. Small deposit will hold one for Christmas. Charles A. Clifford, Stancliff Kennels, Park Conn, co*ckER Spaniel purples reg.

Small posit will hold ole for Christmas, Charles S. Clifford, Kennels, Park Hazardville, Conn. DACSHUND l'ups, black tan. $3.3 and $50. P'arakeets, Canaries, anteed to sing, $7.05: Finches, 89 pair.

Monkeys, 15. Turtles And Hainaters, Goldfish, Aquatic plants and pet supplies. Open weekdays until 9 p. Saturday until 4 ty, COMMUNITY PET SHOPPE 38 Arnold Across from Fire Station WESTFIELD, MASS. DACHSHUNDS quality blood lines from excellent show prospects.

Tel. Chic. 1578-R. DOG SITOW TODAY LUCITANO IALL. LUDLOV JUDGING BEGINS AT 1:15 FOR SALE Red Factor canaries--bale female.

Colors. Red, orange frosted pink. Few Demerfhic. Louis Mythowicz. 18 Lyman Nt.

cor. Pine. Hol. FOX TERRIERS wirehaired. Show pet stock.

puppies ARC. Stud. Service. Rock Kennels, North Woodstock R1. 1.

I TRIA. 93) Southbridge. Mass. Shepherd puppies. friendly cheerful.

AKO Reg. Excel. blood lines. Kennels, RED, Bernard. 'Tel.

P'R MERMAN Shepherds $11) 0p. English Springers up. Golden Retrievers Al AKC Reg stud service. Hilltop Kennel. Knights Belchertown 4813.

HURRY HURRY BUY AT DIVE'S SAVE Specials: Parakeet Care $6.95. Black 4 for 99c. Angel fish 2 for 090. 100 tanks ot tropical fish plants to choose from at low prices. Free fish given with every Aquarium bought.

Orange, yellow white canaries. Guaranteed singers. Hare parakeets. Finches, Hendryz CAKES $3.95 op. Visitors WAlcome.

Open till 9 evea. plan for Christmas. 21 Adams St. Willlmansett. Tel.

Holyoke 4893. KILDOONA SHELTIES (Toy Collie) Tel. TV I 6-4127. MONKEYS, 1yr. old, tame, Exc.

child a pet. Also young parrots, finger tamed, starting 10 talk. J. R. Kennel Shop.

Tel. Worcester. 1-9661. MERRY SHELTER- ork. Excellent Christmas gifts.

Chic. 3-7506. PARAKEETS, young baby All colors. Also cages. WILl hold for Christmas.

170 Piper W. Spild. Tel. 9-1102. PERSIAN KITTENS Blues by Lavender Jacknates.

Tel. 2.4540, PUPPIES 6 wks. old $3 to $7. 1280 Page Blvd. PARAKEETS Young and breeders, all colors.

$4 00 each. 115 Cyman Drive, Chicope Tel. 226W. PARAKEETS rare normals, All colors. 132 Chestnut West Spild.

Tel. 8-0017. POMERANIANS PEKINGESE puppies for A Christmas gift. Heavy coated orange orange sable. Shown before 2 p.

m. daily or all day Sunday. Harrison 3-0102. Ray-Lee Rte. 8.

Columbia. Conn. REDBONE Coon hound pups 8 wks. old. Also some atarted dogs.

304 PeR Rd. East Lonemeadow. PUPPY Ahout 4 mos. old. Part English Shepherd.

Tel. Southwick JO 9-3870. REGISTERED tomala Boston Terrier. flarry Mollison. Worthington, 2173.

SIAMESE KITTEN FEMALE Telephone 9-4375. SIAMESE KITTENS male: RPVAN weeks old: 835. Tel. Northampton N4T-R. puppies.

housebroken, AKC will hold for 58 South 4.314. SMOOTII Fox Terrier DADA ANC registered. Tel. Westfield 1359.1. SUPER-co*ckERS.

black. by top, 1051 American champion. black night. Rare opportunity to gAt the best at $50 each. Tel.

2-2975. STOP Refora you huy your Christmas pup drop nut to the Lusitano Hall today talk with the breeders at the dog show. WANTED to huv thoroughbred young dog or puppy. Must be reas. Holvoke or Mrs.

Conner, 25 Quincy view. Mass. 8 WK. OLD mixed Shepherd pupples, cheap. del.

4-1667 Feeding Horses. 'Cattle. Vehicles BLACK white Shetland pony, sound, gentle cute. Will ride drive. Saddle halter Included.

9-4876 for app't. ITAL.F ARABIAN geiding for sale 6 yrs. old. Sound ready to do it all. Not for children.

Tel. New Boston ALpina 8-3825. NEW milch POW springers also 3 rond family cows. take other stock in trade. J.

A. Nazarda, 29 Loomis Southwick. Tel. JO 9-3803. ONE HORSE TRAILER $100.

Ernie's Trailer Sales, Boston Palmer. PALAMINO mare, 1 Chestnut gelding, For app't. call Holyoke 3-1770. SADDLE horses ponies, All colors. One black horse $95.00, walking horse.

I'lenty of tack, I. W. GondVeal, Sunderland, Mass, SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PONY AUCTION Friday Night -Dec. 10th at 7.00 D. m.

Ponies of All Sizes Also saddles. brides, harnesss, etc. DON'T MISS THIS SALE Whether you want to buy or have ponies to Sell. Heated sales Ring-Seats for Everyone. Equipment will be aold from 7.00 to 9.0) IVe will start selling ponies At 9 sharp.

MADOW'S EAST CANAAN. CONN. Between Canaan Norfolk on Rt. Phone TArlor 4-5251 or TAylor 4-7820. VEAL CALF for sale.

R. Hampton, Woronoco, Masa, 100 FANCY dairy COWS. New shipments Arriving weekly, Goldatein At Gurwitz, Palmer Ware Mass, Poultry Sappho? 19 A BETTER price for live poultry, fowl. our specialty. Superman Poultry.

OP orice paid for 10wl, chickens, capons and broilers. Large capettes are 01T specialty. Call Frank Zelazo, West 3-2310 and 7-2327. ALL KINDS of poultry wanted. Top prices pale at farm.

Impoco's 4-6339. BLACK Cochin white Wyandotte Bantams, Also white crested black Pollah. 102 Fair Oak Rd. "Special on OAKES 10 hole NESTS $13.05. Fountains Waterers, Water Warmers, Heaters and METHE INC.

288 Taylor Phone 2-119-1 SEX-LINKED pullets. Now laying. priced Will delivar. TV. A.

Adam-, Northwest Wastffleld, Tel. 3200-1V2. 00 CHICK electric brooder. $30 delivared. Sloat.

JO6-3230. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 AMER. FLYER Trains (2 sets) Diesel Locomotive. All equipment. Tel.



PARTS DOLL NEEDS AT REPAIR SERVICE WAGNERS 74: MAIN OPEN 9 TO 9 TEL. 2-8278 ABSOLUTELY the best buy, All extruded comb. windows, sell storing. no extra $16.90 Installed, must ho SPAn 10 appreciate, free. demonstration, 4-0214.

A LARGE variety of gift Bavarian bone china, pottery, figurines, dishes, Jamya, Wrought Iron, Gibson Grecting Cards At Variety 11 State opp. Dwight (l'arking in rear). AT THIS IVEEK PAINT THE TOWN Country) with paint from CHAPIX. Finger paints Are water colors at only 00c. Oil Paint (do it yourself) seta are $2.10 and $1.90.

Trays, Baskets Magazine racks to paint. ALL KINDS of appliances CHAPIN, 37 l.yman Street. Toasters at 811.87. deep fryers, waffle Irons, coffee-makers and many others. BOATS with engines, well built and sturdy, on batteries from $3.00.

Trains for American Flyer and HO Gauge. PHONOGRAPIERADIO combinations now $29.93 at CHAPIN. Portable radios at $2095. Three speed phonographs while they last $19.75. Kiddies at $13.50.

WATCHES JEWELRY at sensational values. Conte in and compare our prices, WALKING DOLI. at only $1.50 Many others to It ose from. TOROGGANS Just received at only $3.15 each. JUST RECEIVED now shipment of Globes.

25: A. C. GILBERT chemistry and erector one out. the rest Atay on. From CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHT SETS when $1.20.

Outdoor meta $1.73. Bubble Light set at $1.85. OUTDOOR SANTA CLAUS 5 Carolerg, Santa w. Reindeer, Santa, Snowman, with lights, from $1.25. CHAPIN SPECIALTIES INC.

37 Lyman. Street Springfield. Mass. A BARY carriage $14, Practically new. 000 Sibley West Spfld.

ASH A- rubbish cana. drums for burning rubbish. lerlihy, 201 Stafford St. 4-4812. A General snow tires.

size 7.10 13. No retreads and real good. $25.00 for both. Tel. 4-3301.

Combination windows (11.) Good cond. 3-0210. betore 8 p. m. A SCHICK NO razor.

like new at Aacrifice price, $12.30. Tel. 2-6320. A 17' TV console with doors. har channel 8-13 61.

Roys new Bike A tricycle 35 Brookline Are. after 4 p. 111. BOOKCASES made to order. 47 Edges wood St Tel.

3-2373. 0-0043. BARY CARRIAGE coach atyle, foam rubber mattress carriage cover. Reas. priced.

RICYCLE boy': 20" Columbia light weight. Very good cond. Call 7-6720. BENGAl, white gas oil. GE cah.

radio. control. dressers, metal bed complete, tables. RUUD MONEL 30 gal. Auto.

hot water heater, practically new. Reas. 9-2128. B.ICK NUMBER magazines And used books. Stan's, 162 Hanco*ck St.

BARBER CHAIR--Mah. bookcase (10 glAss doors, office mattee, A1 electric drill furnace blower completa with gate? valve (4 in. newt. Dr. skis.

4 pr. snow shoes, HolJoke heater and many other items. All Very estate. BIG Balsam Xmas traps for inside and outside use for clubs, churches. companipa.

(tc. Write to Raymond Wricht 1: l'earl St. Johnsbury, Wt. will deliver trees anywhere. BOYS 18 inch Bike, reasonable.

Rials, 139 Maynard St. City. RABIES high chairs combination car had chair. Nursery chair. play Ten Pad.

Call. LA 5.2521. BABY CARRIAGE. coach style. bathenette 031 bed.

Good condition. onable. 1'h. 9-1203. BALI, I PENS Retractable P'rinting Refills, B.

B. S. etr. 2-3313. BABY CARRIAGE, play pen, other baby things.

Tel. CHRISTMAS GIFTS--Lovely centerpieces, heautiful corsages, elec. novelties, dolls, jewelry, candles, rift wrapping. aprons. decorations.

16 Walcott Sptid. 2-9762. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, Plyword for Train Tables, 4x9 only $4.40 per sheet. Springfield Lumber 61 Tel. 3-3168.

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL-Work Benches. ft. only $10.50 knocked down at our Sell Service Store. Sprintield Lumber 61 P'agA Blvd. Tel.

3-3168. CANADIAN BALSAM- wholesale retail. Can be ReAD cor. Main South St Easthampton, day or night. Tel.

or 020 MK E'Ilampton. CHRISTMAS TREES- Wholesale. Harry Peters. Phone P'almer 1073. CAR RADIO, Holyoke wAter heater, 30 gal.

galvanized tank fittings, side arm heaters. unfinished utility trailer, extra wheels tires. Cordless Plec. iron, Pl-c. motors all ai7.

up to 1-3 11. P. Oid picture frames, 1089 Allen St. CLOTHES POLES shape $13.50. Cave Welding.

380 Bay Spild. 3-1427. CHIFFORORE $10. Coffee table $7, 6 Searle St. TREES- -Beautiful selected balsams, $2.60 bundle.

290 Chestnut St. or 2-1024. CHRISTMAS TREES, wholesale retail. Boughs. Spacial trees, Order now.

3-4840. CHRISTMAS TREES fresh Balsam Spruce, Boughs wreaths. 6-1191. doz. 30 boxes $8.

Few odd lots. 2-3313. CHRISTMAS cards. Boxes of A cards COLUMBIA ITi-FI portable 3 and. record player.

Special white hide case. Brand new. Orie. $189. Sacrifice for Tel.

6827. CHRISTMAS TREES (Wholesale) Nursery grown Norway Spruce and Balsam. retty to cut. will sell entire plantation. For details write.

C. Weymouth. 30 Lovera Lane Road. Greenfield. CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS Fancy and win wrapping paper -Very low prices coro: huff and paper displays for interiors and windows.

339 Worthington St. CHILD'S ROCKER $1.95 FIRE TRUCK $9.93 Open every eve. until 9. Tanner's Trading Post 2135 Main St. CHRISTMAS WREATHS of reideer moss.

$1.23. 1000 tinkham Rd. Wilbraham. Tele. DUO-THERME pot burner with blower.

Excel. cond. Tel. 9-3505. DOLL CARRIAGE for 5-7 yr.

old. Good cond. $0.00, I'hone 6-1303. DISCONTINUING Toys, Dolls, actors games. Redured 00 per cent to 50 per cent at Variety Inc 110 State St.

opp. Dwight St. (Parking in Rear) ENCYCLOPEDIA American, new furnished doll house. Tel. 9-0322.

EXCELLENT RECEPTION for that extra set; half-door talevision conAolt in good condition. Smart cabinet styling. Only $09.97 takes it. Ask for Mr. Henry at 161 Chestnut St.

ELECTRIC MOTORS- -Hobby Shop, ADpliance. Industrial. New- Used. Assoc. Elec.

51 State. 9-1078. ELECTRIC football game smaller games Also 90" lined drapes. 4-7710. CU.

elec. stove, kitchen set, parlor set, Secretary desk, Jet VAC cleaner. Cheap price. 7-4413. FENCE White picket.

approximately TO It. Need new post3, Make An offer. Box 397 Union Office. GUNS loading tools bought. sold, traded rented.

Call 2-1609. GUNS: Antique glass and hardware: Snowshoes; tools: 46 Haumont. GIRLS J. C. Higgins bicycle.

Perf. cond. Childa roll top desk $. Call 2-5267. GREEN HOUSE 28 16 wooden frame.

Tel. GIRLS Columbia bicycle, $15. 10-7181. GOOD USED REDS- 4 mah. walnu: $7.

round mahogany table with glass top chairs rockPTS round ceiling elec. fixture $5. -doctors hahy scale $50. 3.39 Worthinston St. STAND, Made, rugs all new wool, home dyedbraided.

Call WI 6-3069. HOCKEY hard toP. Size 8. Slightly used. Tel.

4-7072. HARDWOOD Lumber. Maple, Birch. Cherry. Walnut, Mahogany, I stock Also llardwonnd Plywond.

S. R- B. Wood Specialties, 74 LaSalle St. E. Long.

Tel. 14 5-7104. IDEAL 3 sect. holler with tankless hot water. Thermostat controls.

275 gal oil burner tank. $100 Tel. 7-0865. KELVINATOR 2. DOOR REFRIGERATOR Reconditioned and guaranteed.

$130. terins: desired. Perfect for tea room. small, apt or big family. May be Reen BAILEY-WAGNER WAREHOUSE 806, STATE ST.

OPEN 9 to 9 JUKE BOX combin. radio, barnboo chairs. Tel. 1.0 7-5148. 35 Warwick St.

Longmeadow. LAWN ORNAMENTS- CaRt atone metal deer, lions. pixles, jockeys, Negro hitching posts. bird batha, lawn tables, benches. gazing globes, flamingos, ducks, urns flower boxes.

Oil Jars Vases. jardinneres. colora sizes. Also large selection religious. garden fountain statues.

Many other articles. Open daily eves. Sundays, 1841 Riverdale W. Spud. Rte.

3. LIONEL TRAIN SET. four way control taoluded. Call LO MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 MANS CHICAGO roller skates, black, size 8 with cage used 3 times. Coat $26.

Sell $18 Tel. 4-8350. MAN'S figure skates, size 12, used once. Phone 4-2380. oil hurner, complete with controls Aultabla for 4-5 rms.

Only used for 7 3-5573. MAYBELLETTE MOTOR bike imported, from France only used 10 hrs. AutomAliC clutch. saddle hag extra apat included. Call 1.0 NEW BRUNSWICK CHRISTMAS TREES Balsam Spruce, wholesale Tel.

Northampton 1064 NUT VENDING MACHINES (18) 3 Col. Used 10 floar stands. Best offer, 47 MARTIN ST. SPRINGFIELD NEW knotty pine play rD1. bar.

5 ft. long. Wholesale price $37. Tel. 9-1395.

OIL HEATER- Pot type, used RPA9011, 5 run. size, output. $68,000 BTU. Reas. Call 3-7017, 10-2.

ONE BURNER circulating heater. Gond condition. $1.00. Tel. 4-1087.

YOKE COMPLETE. Excellent condition. Spild. Lr 3-4746. OLD RADIO abl.

other obl. elec. gadgets for elderly man. Tel. 9-6448.

NATIONAL pressure cooker CAnS, 7 100 qt. canning jars all for 815. Tell0. l'UMI'. 12 ga.

new. $19.00. Bolt action $20, Guns. bought sold traded 2100 Main St. PERFECTION NEW gas space heater, 10 Merwin St.

PORTARLE RADIO $4, boys ice katea $150. Boudoir lamp $.60, 2 pr. ladies pumps $1.00. Tel. 9-1587.

PRACTICALLY NEW living room rug, 9 12, Tel. 3-1679. PREPARE FOR WINTER International 0. I Roller Rated 570 Sq. 10 rolls paper, 18 vd border, 2 lbs.

Valves ea. Dole 1.08 ea. Dust Filters, 69c And up. Asbestos cement, pipe coverIng, complete line heating supplies. LOW'S THRIFTY STORE REMINGTON Automatic 12 gauge 5 shot modified.

New $85. 6-7168. RESNOR gAS unit heater. 120,000 BTU output. Call 4-0787 weekdays.

SNOW TIRES 650-16. 1 yr. old also car heater. Keas, Call aft. p.

In. 4-1265. STORM WINDOWS-00 30 4215. 30 Also screens 3-7910. SHOTGUNS ammunition to co at cost or below.

16 gauge slugs 50c per pkg. Open eves. All day Sat. Holyoke Bait Gun, 117 fligh Holyoke. Tel.

4235. STORM OFF Comb. up WESSELI. LUMBER, 911 STATE 6-3157. SKI size 8 $30.00 new.

Will sell for $15.00. Worn twice. Also girls pair. mize 8 $5.00. Call 7-4750.

SKATES ICE ROLLER. Men's used ahoe. Buy sell trade Victor's Shoe. 2477 Main. SNOW-FLAKE' SPECIALS Anti-freeze 79c gal.

louse brooms, reg. $1.70 1.19 Mother of Pearl toil seats 7.9. Insulate hunting 4.50 A. good selection of hunting coata and hats. Korean $11.93 Electric Jig RAW reg.

$12.90 9.95 Electric paint sprayer reg. $13.95 9.93 Electric Band saw reg. $39.50 $29.00 Electric drill Reg. $32.95 $29,50 OPEN TILL 9 P. M.

NOWAK'S INC. 343 Columbus Springfield 318 Meadow Willimansett SPRINGFIELD semi auto. 00 06 rifle, like now. $16. Tel.

Holyoke TELEPIIONE BOOK COverS. 5-7108, Choice of decorator colors. Tel. LA THREE pairs damask drapes, 2 electric irons, man's ice skates. size 11, All clean almost new.

3-3504. THAYER CARRIAGE $13. Collier stroller $10. twin carriage $10. Curtain stretcher.

(new) $2.50. Call 9-4995. before A p. In. UTILITY trailer $60.

Snow tire on mounted wheel 2050-16. $10. Baby bathinette $8. baby walker high chair $7. antique chairs A 18 PA, Gallon jugs Tc eA.

190 Center Ludlow. USED FURNACES coal, oil gas, Also new furnaces installed. Reasonably. 6-8290. 6-0703.

VICTOI: table radio Ampro tape recorder, like new. cost $110 will sell Tel. 7-3708. VENETIAN BLINDS Especially priced at $2.75 regularly $3.98. Enclosed head box.

Baked enamel steel slats, off white neutral 1ADeR. 18 10 36. Cash, carry. Also custom made Venetian Blinds and window shades. Springfield Window Shade Mfg.

82 Vernon St. 6-3145. VENETIAN BLIND long. dark green tapes. 2 mos.

$20. 78 Bexhill St. 4-8833. WHITE kitchen oil range $20. Also utility trailer $45.

Ph. 2-2488. WHOLESALE retail Balsam Spruce trees, wreaths. roping boughs. center pieces.

Damon's, Northfield Rte. 10. Bernardston, Masa. Tel. Midway 8-3771.

(VINDOW' SITADES first quality "Crown, not irregular. cloth cut mounted to fit your roller to 36" 6 ft. solid colors $1.10. WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND CO. 11 Central opp.

Post Office, W. S. 9-9673 WELDING CUTTING equipment. New used. Deferred payment.

Taft Welding Equipment 3171 Main St. USED guns bought sold. Stratto's Sport Shop. 2211 Main City. 30 GAL.

atone steel hot water tank, used copper pipe. valves, 6-9027. GUNS--Winchester rifle .32 S. P. Winchester shotgun 16 ga.

T'ville Rt 9-4014. WEATHER VANES full bodied gold leat roosters, horses, dogs ft golfers. Also Any type custom made, Reasonable prices. Call 6-6223. WINDOW SHADES-Irrex.

on your rollers cents up 36'' 6 It. Pioneer Shade Screen 41 Armory St. 7-5374. 21 JEWEL, Hamilton Railroad watch. Cost 870.

sell for $30. Oil burner with controls $30. pair Army shops, size 1012. wood lathe with metal attachment. 100 feet 11 Manila rope.

690 Springfield Feeding Hills. T-8458. Cameras and Equipment 51A BOLSEY mm -of 1-10 to B. T. Synchromatic Range Finder.

CASP. flash. Tel. CAMERAS. equipment, supplies wanted for resale call Kaleda 0-0429.

CONTESSA, case, like new. $75. L. Klather. Turners Falls.

UN 3-4452. COMMERCIAL photographic equipment. Tel. 7-3723. FILMS.

OLD Mit useable No. 116. No. 616 $8-100 few 120, 620. Will exchange for cameras etc.

2-3313. KODAK 31 3 projector with 2000 ft. of film. Used twice. $30.

Tel. Holyoke 3-2447. 4X5 PRESS CAMERA. OMEGA Enlarger numerous misc. equip.

Excel. cond. Reas. T'ville RI 5-8446. Business Equipment 52 A BETTER assortment of office furniture, desks, chairs, files, type stands, safes, tables complete outfitters for your ofice.

Wond or steel priced very TAAsonable. Broadway Office Supply 51 Worthington St. Cor. Broadwry. Furniture Dept.

4-2040. A BUSY Remington Hand fireproof file cahinets, legal card. Like new. off list. 530 Dwight St.

A LARGE assortment used new metal, wood desks, office furniture equipment. tables. chairs. adding machines, typewriters. Metal filing 309 WORTHINGTON ST.

SPFLD. DISPLAY FIX CO. 9-8457 BURN low cost No. 5 fuel. oil In your garage, shop, apartment house.

factory, etc. Reconditioned. fully guaranteed. No. 5 OIL.

BURNERS 2.5 low 8.8 $149.95. Call 3-83533 day or night. BAKERY PiZZA oven. Mixer, donut mach. fryer.

Scales working bench. Frigidare dough retarder, Knapik. 3-3736. BRAND NEW FOUNTAIN. FOOT 3 SINKS.


Upricht. Brand now. 5 YEAR PROTECTION UNIT. SAVE TEL. 8-7601.

ELLIOT Addresgograph. Good condition. 1421 Main St. Im. 405.


t'sed but in good cond. Holyoke 2-3787. Howe French Seko Model 80 Laboratory analytical balance acale. Tel. 4-1630.

NOT GOLD Stamping Machine. Prints 1" $125 or lease. 2-3313. ELVINATOR 2 DOOR REFRIGERATOR reconditioned guaranteed. $150, terms.

1: desired. T'erfect for tea ba room, small Ar big family, May seen BAILEY WAREHOUSE 875 State St. Open 9 to 9 MARKET EQUIPMENT A ft. TYLER OPEN DAIRY CASE, sect WALK IN BOX 13 cu. ft.

Deep Freeze. All with 31 ft. Self Service wood whelving. Elec. add.

cas. reg. Check out counter. Late type equip. Priced right.

4-9586. MEAT CASES-10 ft. compress. 1. Like brand new.

Must be moved Immed. Cheap. 6-3313. NET USED meat, dairy, ver. slicers, grinders, scales, blocks othera.

6-3313. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Store fixtures, McCray refrigerators fountain fryers, coffee makers, chairs, countora. supplies; nAW and used. KITTREDGE STORE FIXTURES Dwight 9-9679 SOUND SCRIBER dictating machine with telephone attachment In condition. Bargain price.

Box 409, Union Office. SM. BATE FOR HOME OR STORE. TAT IT. MERCHANDISE Business Equipment SOFT DRINK MIg.

Co. with trucks, plant apace, facilities, personnel, wants new venturas and or partners investors for expansion in any line, or full or part time 118A of facilities. Please call Holyoke SLICER. ELECTRIC GRAVITY FEED, WONDERFUL CONDITION. CLOSE OUT.

$00. TEL. 8-1601. USED 8' self service meat case. Tel.

Hampden JO 6-8663. USED 8' self service fruit vegetable CH.3e. JO 6-8603. 3 dark pastry or candy showcases high $25. JA--Cigar showCage, 60 $25-4-display cases for! hooks, general etc, open can be used against wall $20 EA.

hanging garment wall cases with glass aliding doors 850. -Tables 3 $10 Cube ateak machine elec. time clock $125. -Tab files for IBM ayatem $80. Desks $13 up --Chairs $:.00 up--Very clean steno.

oak posture chairs $8. Springfield Display and Office Furniture Co Worthington St. 9-6437 Boats and Accessories 53 ALl, 1955 boats Johnson motors on display. The finest service dept. in New England for overhauling repairs to all make motors.

Motors winterized stored. See the new 18 ft. off shore Thompson Fisherman beam 42'1 bow At An amazing price. 73 used motors. Open eves.

Time paymia. Bassett Bait Boat 883 Alden St. 4-8361. CHRIS CRAFT boat kits, runabouts, cabin cruisers, sea- skiff. 470 Main St.

7-2483. CLEARANCE sale on warranted Mercury motors; 1914 Mercury Mark 20 (demonstrator) $205; 1953 Mercury Mark 2, $225; 1971 Mercury Hurricane, $160; Mercurv Thunderbolt Quicksilver unit. $200: Mercury Marine Sales, Rte. 47, Hadley, Mags. Northampton 1493-R.

EVINRUDE MOTORS -1955 Models. Sales and service. De MONTIGNY SALES 343 Wilbraham Rd. Open eves. til 8.

EVINRUDE used motors. Lay away spring. 1935 models also in stock. Bohts marine supplies. De Montigny Sales 343 Wilbraham Rd.

Open eves. til 8. EVINRUDE MOTORS 1003 models, the ideal Christmas gift, easy terms, 1m- mediate delivery. Closed Sun. Mon.

Beiqua Boat Sales 261 Appleton Holyoke, FISHERMEN-8' Pram, completa $69.50. Christmas gift for the man. Excellent car-topper, 63 Ibs. LAY-AYay 13 River W. Spfld.

KINGCRAFT boata, Evinruda motors. Lawrence N. King. 7-3336. RAYTIIEON radio.

Direction Raytheon finder. gas moni- Compiete batteries. tor. Spild. Sound 712 Worthington St.

Tel. 4-9334. Building Materials 51 ALT. I BUILDING MATERIALS, Greatly reduced. Framing Floorinc.

All aize pipe. Doors. 2 panel like nAw. Steam radiator. Wire glass, AX wire Hand raila.

(Vindow sash. LavAtories with chome faucets. Flush tolJets. Soil pipe and fittings, blackboard alate. Calking lead A.

A. Wrecking 79 Kel4o West Springfield. (oft Park St.) 6-1195. CALL 7-5814-Thin tube convector type radiators. Toilets, comb.

sinks, alum. ahowers. lavatories. Excellent framing, all dimensions; boards. Good hard face brick.

start delivery next week. Just couple of bldga. 20 100 left. Save money--remove them vourselt. Need good used typewriter? (Va have a fewcomp.

overhauled guaranteed. B.A STATE WRECKING CO. 17 Heywood West Spild. A-1 WELL tile, wells dug and cleaned. NEW ENGLAND WATER SUPPLIES PHONE LU 3-3001 OR LIT 3-3629 AT LUMBER CENTRA Western Kiln Dried 2 4.

All lengths per Min. ft. Western kiln dried bds. per lin ft. Combination doors Ponderosa pine, bronze screen $15.95 each Conolite.

Forfect covering for table tops counters 590 per AQ. ft. DOR-O-MATIC Automatic Garare Door Opener. Complete for only $49.75 LUMBER CENTRE INC. "whor* the Smart Bullder $90 Albany St.

Tel. 3-2141 CEMENT Any Quantity East Longmeadow Lumber Co. LA RE comfortable--buy storm ansh for your picture windows. Made to Call today for price. J.

G. Roy Lumber Chicopee. Tel. Spfld. 0-4737, Chicopen 1180 or Holyoke 2-9468.

BUILDING MATERIALS For real value in quality building mAtrials for your row home see the UNION LUMBER SUPPLY CO. The vard known for quality at low prices. 15 Dale 6t. Tel. 3-8570.


TESTED CINDER BUILDING BLOCKS. TEL. 4-6533. FRAMING lumber -sheathing roofers, 6" Also knotty pine, Galanek Lumber College Highway, Southwick. Tel.

JO 9-3378. FOR SALE New pine plywood 4 8 size $9.75 A sheet. also new nalis hy the key size 6-8-16-20 89.85 a keg. Call 7-255S. OAK FLOORING- -Wholesale clear red $212 per M.

Birch flush doors, stain grade. $9.50 ea. Call READY MUC5D-Concrete, garage doors. $.34, Sand, gravel, Inam fill delivered or loaded. LU 3-8321.

SHOP ANGERS LUMBER CO. SAVE have all the items 30u need for your nAw hOmA in money ing SPECIAL DISCOUNT3 ON NEIV HOUSES. 25 Portsmouth St. Tel. 4-6425 MASHED SAND gravel.

Loam atippings. Bank run gravel. Sand f11 crushed gravel. LU 3-5631. 30 ACRES of gravel bank, 10 acres sand loam fill, just over Westfield line, 14 mi.

over Southwick line. All open with good road. Water for washing gravel. J. A.

Mazars. Tel. Jordan 9-3805, 29 Loomis Southwick. Fuel and Feed 54 ALL DRY slab wood. $13 cord up.

hard wood lumber. Call Chic. 188. A-1 SLAR WOOD soft $10 cord, hard $16. Stove, furnace fireplace.

2-4340. BEST slab wood, soft $8.30. Hard $11.50. Kindling, cheap. Immediate delivery.

Call Westfield 2334-TV4. CLEAN--Dry hard wood for fireplace, $18 a cord. Call 3-4310. FIREPLACE wood, $18 cord. Delivered.

Call after 5 p. m. Tel. 2-620. SLAB WOOD Stove length $6 a load.

Del. 60 cu. It 9-0158 100 TONS baled hay, alfalfa. brome, mix $27 ton up. Loading At Westfield or I'almer.

Call Palmer T. Livestock taken In trade. Good Things to Eat 57 APPLES best quality eating cooking. Cider, fresh, refrigerated. Open daily Sun.

BLUEBIRD ACRES 731: Parker St. (off Allen St.) East Long. AVERAGE 13 lb. roast stuffed hen turkey gravy $10, Ready Christmas Sunnoon or Any time. Order now.

Othote. 2-3113. 206 Belmont AVP. APPLES Raldwins. $1 basket up.

BurOrchard. 321 E. long. Bring containers, FRESH dressed -turkeys, capons, cut-up poultry. Farm Store.

Tel. Thompsonville Riverview 9-8074. GREEN MT. potatoes $1.25 per 50. Richard Taylor, 126 South Westfleld Feeding Hills.

GEESE for meat breeding purposes. Call after 7 p. m. Holyoke 3-0203. like In California, domestic rabbit meat whenever V011 want it.

Mulberry Rabbitry, 44 Mulberry St. 7-2550. SOLIARIO TURKEY FARM fancy broad breasted turkesy. dressed to order. 578 No.

Westfield Feeding Tilla 7-1109. SOFT DRINK ME. will bottle distribute special products. Trucks, drivers. office plant space AVAilable.

Holyoke 9790. Antiques 58 ANTIQUE China, glass. furniture, largest assortment in Atate, 69 State St. FRENCH brass inlaid desk, cherry drop leaf table. long leaves, met of 4 Victorian side chairs.

2 Victorian armchairs newly upholstered, marble top chest, bric-Abrac. many other pleces. 894 State St. PLANK seat old church benches. Hanging lamps, complete.

Shades parts for old Tampa. Open 9 A. D. m. OAK GROVE USED FURNITURE ANTIQUES, Springfield Rd.

Southwick Rte. 37 EE OUR lovely selection of choice antiques for Christmas rifts: mirrors; chairs: tables; what not; vase: china: candlesticks: colored and many other Items. THE PINE NOOK 88 CHERRY HOLYOKE, MASS. Household Goods 69 ANDES all white comb. ran oll range, chrome pipe.

6-3168. AN excellent buy Magic Chat ERA range. brand nAw, reg. Magic $219.95. Chef Sacrifice gas $150.

A real bargain A ranKs reg. $279.95. nO $180. I. L.

Bousquet, 3068 Main St. Tal. 9-3868. AIR conditioner M. 125.

Ron4tr sate. weah, machine. 1-4222. MERCHANDISE Household Good's 59 A LINOLEUM SPECIAL 20 Ids. MANTEX LINO.


GUAR. USED REST MAKE, AS LOW AS $25.00 USED WASHING MACHINES $10.00 USED PARLOR SETS $15.00 USED BEDROOM SETS $25.00 USED KITCHEN SETS $10.00 USED television sets, 21" consoles, table models all famous makes $20.95 110. USED STOVES HEATERS $10.00 MAX OKUN FURNITURE CO. 1935 MAIN ST. OPP.

STOP AHOP The New Store With the Green Front ALL KINDS of used bedroom sets. parlor seTS, heaters, washers. stOVeR etc. lowest prices. Bargain Annex, 13 Clinton NI.

A-1 ILAND MADE braided ruga. Large And GInAll Good selection and good Also Pine highboy. Call at R. Winter, South Grand West Suffield, Conn. (Route 187).

Sunday, Dec. betw. a and SALE 5. of elec. ranges, TV.

etc. at Homemakers, 1200 State St. Open eves. A HOLI YAOOD bed, box spring mattress, like new. Bargain.

Tel. 2-9386. A 2-4827. CHROME kitchen set $33. Call A BIG CLEARANCE AND REMOVAL SALE Upholstered chairs, 20 bedroom sets, from mahogany drop leaf 1A- ble, value, Duncan Phyfe, lamps, $19.95, only 25 innerspring crib matset.

tresses. $6.05: wrought Iron living room Alding Lawson And maple aring, very door wardrobe; large chrome breakfast RATA. $74.93. COME IN LOOK AROUND--BARGAINS GALORE. EVERY.



TEL. 7-9753. AN 2-7748. 8 pc. walnut diningrm.

set $35, Tel. ALL NEW mahogany coffee $9.88 ea. Steven Bros. 460 Liberty St. 6-5653.

BARGAINS AT KIMBALL'8 Odd Sofa Used Furniture Dept. 5 G. Pr. Breakfast Set 10.00 5.00 E. Refrigerator 29.95 Pc.

Rock Maple Den Set 37.00 Mattresses or Springs 5.00• KIMBALL FURNITURE CO. 2110 Main St. Below the Arch BABY TENDA, CArriage play pen. Mah. LO bedroom set, maple table, baby scale.

T-3534. and BARGAIN BAsem*nT SPECIALS used slightly used furniture, atoves, reState frigerators, washers. See Harry, 1200 St. Easy terms. Open eves.

BRAND NEW Refrigerators. Fully Automatic. At Dealers cost. Standard Elec. tric Co.

37 St. BEAUTIFUL, white gas range in A1 condition, $25. Call 7-2358. BENDIX deluxe ironer Gyromatic washer. $75.

Simplex 30" roll $70. Moving 4-4321. row BEAUTIFUL oak 3' bevelled mirror in naroffice, frame. excellent for doctor's dance studio or home. 4-4405.

BUY tresses BETTER at sleep. Orthopedic type matBrian't 1984 Main St. deliver. BLACKSTONE auto. washer for sale.

Will Tel. 2-0967. $25. COMPLETE crib wardrobe, light birch Call 1-0573. COMB.

offer White EAs oil stove. No reas. refused. Chic. 2064W.

$059, 9 ft. new deluxe freezer. Reg. CROSLEY only $230. Acme Electronic, 6-1051.

West COLDSPOT Spfld. Deep Freeze 403 Dewey St. sonable COMPLETE also set of bedrm. fireplace equipment reachaise lounge. 4-4848.

$1. CRIB--Maple, Studio couch, 88. Playpen. $5, Highchair, Tanner's $20. Bunk beds, $9.05.

(Open Trading Post, Main St. every evening til Ing. reas. Hallicrafter Tv CROSLEY REFRIG. 43 Warriner Ave.


$27.95. LArgA variety oleo. $150 for your old TV towards Dow with Stromberg-Carlson Deluxe Onneole set list 8520. BA VA $214.95. $50 on new Ironer.

Save Special $200 prices on auto. water heaters. on our last Youngstown $50 washer extra sink. reg. Idat $100.

Food disposed New one full each size Hot alec. ranges $100.96, Just Point, Kelvinator Universal. Other prices. washers freezers at very special USED APPLIANCES Comb. elec.

oil ranges from $80. Post war Hop Point dishwasher sink, one $193.10. AINO Hot Point ft. Deluxe 1746 Refrigerator $98. Cher refrigerators, ranges, washers 1 cleaners At rare bargains.

Good freezers 6 to 57 cu. ft. Bargala prices. Open Friday Night Until 9.00 Flenty of Free Easy Parking BRIDGES Hazardvilla, Conn. RI P-8321 DUO THERM pot type parlor stove.

Tel. 4-6346. DUNCAN Phyfe mah. dining room, looks new, Bargain Annex, 15 Clinton St. DISHWASHER GF.

portable. $50. Tel. 6-0008. DRAPERIES made to order AT low A 3 $10 pr.

Alco valances cornices. T. G. Stuebi, 9-279T. New Fall Fabrica.

EVERHOT electric roaster 4 yrs, old $15, Tel. 3-7907. EASY Washing machine with spin dryer. $20. Tel.

6-8124. ELECTRIC steam radiator. Ilardly used. Make an offer. Tel.

2-3267. ELEC. RANGE Westinghouse. yrs. old.

Excel. Cond. Must sell. 6-3071. EXCHANGE your present worn out OIL BURNER for a guaranteed reconditioned burner.

including inatallation for AN littie A8 19.93. 3-8383 day or night. EASY -S dryer washing machine, 2 yrs. old. $17.

9-4532. EASY washer with spin dry, take it for $27. Bargain Annex, 15 Clinton St. FLOOR SAMPLES demonstrators Ver. Lewyt, Eureka GE vAcuum cleaners At reduced prices.

AlsO a few used rebuilt Lewyt, Hoover, Electrolux, etc. Forbes Wallace, 9-7211. FRIGIDAIRE in perfect condition. will sell cheap. Tel.

3-6006 betw. 12-1 5-7 p. 111. FULL SIZE Roper gAS range Rood 9-6367. FULL size box spring? $5, Beds $7.

Bargain Annex, 15 Clinton St. FRIGIDAIRE (1) used 6 ft. $75. 1 used Norge refrig. ft.

$83, used elec. cooking stove 3 burners $80. Tel. 6-1177. -comb, alove, good cond.

$10. Tel. GAS refrigerator excel. cond. Vary THAN.

Homemakers, 1200 State St. G. F. electric refrigerator. good, $23.

Bargain Annex. 13 Clinton St. GAS RANGE deluxe Florence CP (no matches needed) used only 3 mos. lik4 DAw. Sold new $229, Only $129.

Must ha SPAN to appreciate. 1113 Main St. Call 6-2872. G. F.

Refrig. 10 ft. G. E. elec.

stove. Maple knee hole desk, 1 pr. mahog and tables. mine. items.

1312 Page RIvA. 6-7411. GLENWOOD STOVE. comb. RAM of1.

good Call after 3.30, 4-0564 GLENWOOD all white KAR rAnge 3 old. Reasonable, Tel. 4-0734: GE ROASTER grill cabinet. Like new. Reasonable, Also large doll carriage alightly used.


GLENWOOD white comb. range, kas oil, Lynn burner. Good cond. $80. 6-6004.

GRANDFATHER wall clock. Hand made. Small hand carved clocks. $3.50. Wooden shoes, wind mills, 300 TI Southworth W.

Spfld. Tel. 9-0271. 5 G. E.

Auto washer. Florence gas apt. size atove, $120, both Tel. Belchertown 3402. HALF PRICE SATE Simmona Beauty Reat box New full half aize, Call 3-0182.

HOTPOINT Alec. stove, deep well cooker, electric timer, calrod hi-speed unit. Like Heaoquarters for Do It Yourself Upholstery, materials and supplies. Visit our rammant room, materials Valued up to $10.95 yd, SELLING AT $2.00 to $3.50 v4. Springfield Upholatery Awning Co.

33 Dwight St. Tel. 7-2634 HOME FREEZER 23 cu. ft. "Deepfreeza." Flat model.

$430. Tel. 4-8048. JAMES P'ORTABLE AUTOMATIC dish. washer.

practically brand new. Call 10 7-7060. KITCHEN SET maple walnut, 6 chairs, Good cond. Reas, 2-0800. KELVINATOR elec.

range, timer Included. Excel. cond. 9-0807 after 3 D. m.

or Sat. VINATOR 2 DOOR REFRIGERATOR And guaranteed, $130, terms desired. Perfect for tea, room, smAll roat. or bit fAmilv. May ba coon BAILET-WAGNER'A WAREHOUSE 835 State St.

Open 9 to 9 A 3.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.