Our NGO Assets are Rioting in Tbilisi to Keep from Being Labeled 'Foreign Agents' (2024)

by Scott Creighton

Our NGO Assets are Rioting in Tbilisi to Keep from Being Labeled 'Foreign Agents' (1)

In Tbilisi, Georgia supporters of foreign-financed NGOs are trying to disrupt a new law that forces those institutions to register as agents of a foreign power. Because... that's what they are.

The United States and the EU have tried to use their influence to keep the new law from being enacted and even had some success forcing (and/or bribing) lawmakers into changing the wording of the legislation, if not the intent.

You see, we made Sars-CoV-2 (Covid-19) in that city at a place called the Lugar Center. And by 'we' I mean the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Department of Defense (DoD), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), EcoHealth Alliance, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci.

We're still doing it, BTW.

'We' (read as 'they') have all sorts of projects going on over there where no one really pays any attention to what 'we' do so of course 'we' need to pay our employees good money to go to Tbilisi and cause a ruckus in hopes that 'we' can, once again, interfere in the ongoing politics of yet another nation... in our 'national interests' (read as 'Big Business's financial interests')

New data leak from the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia (archive) Sept. 6 2020

It's all pretty well documented and laid out for anyone to see... unfortunately... the Steve Bannons of the world pay alt-media types very well to deflect blame to China China CHINA China instead. Why? Because their regulated market economy is kicking our free marketeer economy's ass, that's why.

At the Lugar Center they had Project 1742 a.k.a Risks of bat-borne zoonotic diseases in Western Asia. Sound familiar? Here's some of the details of that project as revealed by a former Georgian politician who felt really bad about what was being done by these foreign-financed NGOs in his country.

(This was just ONE of HUNDREDS of contracts. But you might find it interesting. source)

Duration: 24/10/2018-23 /10/2019

Funding: $71,500 (notice the contractor and more importantly the end date)

Our NGO Assets are Rioting in Tbilisi to Keep from Being Labeled 'Foreign Agents' (2)

In 2017 the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) launched a $6.5 million project on bats and coronaviruses in Western Asia (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Jordan) with the Lugar Center being the local laboratory for this genetic research. The duration of the program is 5 years and has been implemented by the non-profitUS organisation Eco Health Alliance.

The project’s objectives are: 1. Capture and non-lethally sample 5,000 bats in 5-year period (2017-2022) 2. Collect 20,000 samples (i.e. oral, rectal swabs and/or feces, and blood) and screen for coronaviruses using consensus PCR at regional labs in Georgia and Jordan. According tothe project presentation, Eco Health Alliance already sampled 270 bats of 9 species in three Western Asian countries: 90 individual bats in Turkey (Aug 2018), Georgia (Sept 2018), and Jordan (Oct 2018).

Our NGO Assets are Rioting in Tbilisi to Keep from Being Labeled 'Foreign Agents' (3)

Coincidentally, the same Pentagon contractor tasked with the US DoD bat-research program – Eco Health Alliance, USA, also collected bats and isolated coronaviruses along with Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. EcoHealth Alliance received a $3.7 million grantfrom the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) to collect and study coronaviruses in bats in China from 2014 to 2019.

That last part there is how they get to try to blame the whole thing on China and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But the more you know, the clearer the picture becomes.

'We' had been planning this for a very long time. And with Mr. Baric's furin cleavage site modification in the Sars-CoV-2 bug just waiting to be found, 'we' kinda needed a scape-goat that could plausibly be blamed for the whole thing, if one didn't look to closely (or if someone didn't leak contracts out of Tbilisi)

Special concerns surround the presence of an unusual furin cleavage site (FCS) in SARS-CoV-2 (10) that augments the pathogenicity and transmissibility of the virus relative to related viruses like SARS-CoV-1 (11, 12). SARS-CoV-2 is, to date, the only identified member of the subgenus sarbecovirus that contains an FCS, although these are present in other coronaviruses (13, 14). A portion of the sequence of the spike protein of some of these viruses is illustrated in the alignment shown in Fig. 1, illustrating the unusual nature of the FCS and its apparent insertion in SARS-CoV-2 (15). source

So it was set to be released in Oct of 2019... same time Event 201 took place gaming out what MIGHT happen IF a 'novel coronavirus pandemic' just HAPPENED to kick off in the near future... and at the same time there just HAPPENED to be some international World Military Games taking place... in Wuhan... a mile from WIV.

Pretty nifty, right?

Of course, 'we' would need to get the virus into that closed environment so it could infect all those athletes and service workers and guests watching the games. So how would 'we' do that?

Well, 'we' might use yet another NGO in yet another nation to inject it in their military athletes so they could just... carry it right in there undetected.

Rona Patient Zero Were Likely Ukraine Soldiers Sent to Wuhan Games in 2019

'As Moscow unveils US DoD biolabs studies in Ukraine and I remember the 4,400 Ukrainian soldiers we experimented on since 2017 it occurs to me that I have been wrong all this time. The NIH and EcoHealth didn't infect our soldiers under the DTRA zoonotic bat coronavirus contact... they infected Ukrainian soldiers instead, sending them to Wuhan Super Spreader Games 2019.'

4,400 soldiers from Ukraine infected with a highly contagious flu-like bug sent into a closed competition with athletes from all over the world who would naturally be in very close confines with one another for an extended amount of time in a city where the workers would inevitably also become ill and the outbreak of the pandemic would be recorded. Right there next to the WIV.

Pretty nifty, right?

All this said, you see why nations may not want foreign-financed NGOs operating with impunity in their countries? I mean it should be obvious enough when employees of those 'national interests' of ours are being paid to riot outside their capitol in an effort to thwart such measures.

Kinda obvious, right?

Demonstrators opposed to a law that would require transparency from NGOs financed from abroad have attempted to storm the parliament in Tbilisi and clashed with police.

Debate on the bill, entitled “On the Transparency of Foreign Influence,” was disrupted by violence on Monday when an opposition lawmaker assaulted a member of the ruling party during a speech. Meanwhile, thousands of opposition activists rallied outside in a repeat of last spring’s demonstrations.

A group of protesters attempted to break through the police line and surround the building, according to a TASS correspondent at the scene. Law enforcement responded by bringing up water cannons and ordering the protesters to disperse under the threat of force. RT

Foreign employees of these NGOs of 'ours' are typically paid very well compared to similar jobs (if there are any) in the local economies so you can understand how these people would be so desperate to keep the gravy train a rolling right along.

The problem is the damage they do or could possibly do to national security. Let's face it, we passed laws stopping this kind of work being done on US soil because of the distinct possibility of accidental releases of highly toxic biological or chemical agents. Plus it's unethical and yeah, we aren't the only nation in the world who thinks of such things.

But our 'national interests' aren't about to let something as petty as a nation's sovereignty or self-determination get in the way of 'our' plans.

Last year’s attempt to pass the legislation led to days of riots outside parliament and tremendous pressure on Tbilisi by the US and the EU. Although lawmakers initially passed it in the first reading, they changed their mind following the violence...

The White House has said that the proposed law would undermine freedom of speech and hurt Georgia’s ties with the West. RT

Not entirely sure what NGOs making deadly pathogens have to do with freedom of speech but I guess it sounds noble... if you don't pay too close attention to the rest of the story.

USAID and the CIA and others are currently working on making more deadly variations of existing bugs they can claim came about thru some bat soup or pangulins or some other such nonsense. That would be the Predict Project and Deep VZN for the record... run by USAID... an NGO... for the record.

Here is a video of some of the unrest that's started up again on behalf of foreign NGOs in Georgia.

The population of Tbilisi was about 1,1 million in 2016. That's 1.1 million of Georgia's entire population of 3.6 million making it the largest city in the country by a long shot.

What would you estimate that crowd in the video to be... about 200?

200 or so foreign agent employees are looking to thwart the will of the people of Georgia for their own benefit. For money. They wish to keep being used by our 'national interests' in spite of the dangers those interests expose to their neighbor and fellow countrymen.

In Tbilisi, folks on the payroll in positions of power have been instructed to claim that this law is the work of da ebil commies in Russia and China. But of course that is their claim. What else could they say?

President Salome Zourabichvili has argued against the bill, claiming it would derail Georgia’s push to join the EU. She described the situation outside the parliament as a “massive peaceful demonstration of civil society in Tbilisi against the ‘Russian law’,” and accused the police of using violence against “civilians defending their European future.”

“Georgia will not surrender to resovietisation!” Zourabichvili posted on X (formerly Twitter). RT

When all else fails yell 'PUTIN!' and get out. Worked for Killary didn't it?

Several nations across the world have either restricted or outright banned 'our' glorious NGOs from their soil and been none the worse for doing so. That really isn't what's at stake here at least not immediately.

Once an employee's funding is labeled as coming from a foreign agent they tend to garner a bit more attention from the local governments and I am sure so too will those businesses doing the bidding of the DoD, DTRA, USAID, CIA and NIAID.

If everything was on the up and up there really shouldn't be any problem with the added attention.

However, if history teaches us anything, if the WEF's and Gates Foundations plans for Disease X is any kind of indicator, one might conclude 'we' have really good reasons why we don't want such a law to pass. I mean... it's not as if something they made over there once was part of some big plan to remake the world we live in or anything.

Our NGO Assets are Rioting in Tbilisi to Keep from Being Labeled 'Foreign Agents' (4)

Remember when we were told if you aren't committing any crimes, if you have nothing to hide, why worry about increased spying on US citizens?

Works over there as well. Guess they got something to hide.

Of course they do... and by 'they' I mean we.

Our NGO Assets are Rioting in Tbilisi to Keep from Being Labeled 'Foreign Agents' (2024)


What is the foreign agent law in Georgia? ›

What's in the law? The bill would require organizations receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as “agents of foreign influence” or face crippling fines. The legislation was drafted by the Georgian Dream party, which along with its allies controls parliament.

Why are Georgians protesting? ›

Protesters are angry at government efforts to pass a law against 'foreign agents' which mirrors repressive Russian legislation.

What is the significance of Tbilisi? ›

Great is the historical significance of Tbilisi, permanent capital of the Christian Georgian state from the days of its foundation up to present, "grand city" of the historical Silk Road in the course of centuries, centre of the whole Caucasus from the 19th c. onwards.

Who is considered a foreign agent? ›

A foreign agent is any person or entity actively carrying out the interests of a foreign principal while located in another host country, generally outside the protections offered to those working in their official capacity for a diplomatic mission.

What are examples of foreign agents? ›

Organizations under such foreign control can include political agents, public relations counsel, publicity agents, information-service employees, political consultants, fundraisers or those who represent the foreign power before any agency or official of the United States government.

Why did Georgians like the US Constitution? ›

Like most states, Georgia wanted to ratify (approve) the new US Constitution because they realized the individual states could not survive unless they were united together with a stronger national government. On January 2nd, 1788 Georgia was the 4th state to ratify the constitution.

What was the reason for the Georgian war? ›

After Georgia deported four suspected Russian spies in 2006, Russia began a full-scale diplomatic and economic war against Georgia, followed by the persecution of ethnic Georgians living in Russia. By 2008, most residents of South Ossetia had obtained Russian passports.

When did Georgia got freedom? ›

Georgia seceded from the Soviet Union, adopting the Act of Reestablishment of Independence on 9 April 1991, on the second anniversary of the Soviet military crackdown on a large pro-independence rally in Georgia's capital of Tbilisi in 1989.

Is Tbilisi a clean city? ›

Concentration of outdoor air pollution is highest in the city center due to Tbilisi's unique geographical characteristics. Factors like weather patterns, traffic congestion, and industrial emissions contribute significantly to high pollution levels.

Why did Tbilisi change its name? ›

Until 1936, the name of the city in English and most other languages followed the Persian pronunciation Tiflis, while the Georgian name was ტფილისი (Ṭpilisi). On 17 August 1936, by order of the Soviet leadership, the official Russian names of various cities were changed to more closely match the local language.

What is the main religion in Tbilisi Georgia? ›

Eastern Orthodox Christianity is the main religion in Georgia. Here, the icon by Mikhail Sabinin depicts the history of the Georgian Orthodox Church, which, to this day, is recognized as the country's majority religion.

What is the foreign agent law? ›

FARA requires certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursem*nts in support of those activities.

What is a foreign entity in Georgia? ›

A foreign entity is an entity that was initially formed in another state. In order to expand your business into Georgia, you must first register your foreign corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership with the Georgia Secretary of State.

What is foreign judgment in Georgia? ›

Foreign means from another jurisdiction, usually another state. In order to register or enforce a foreign decree in Georgia, the decree must be domesticated. Different procedures are necessary depending on the reasons you need your Order domesticated.

What do foreign agents do? ›

Collecting or dispensing money. Representing the interests of the foreign principal before an agency or official of the United States Government, generally by making direct contact with government officials.


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