How to Make a Beautiful Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index for Food Bloggers (2024)

How to Make a Beautiful Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index for Food Bloggers (1)

Every time I share a recipe on Anyonita Nibbles, my recipe index updates automatically! The index is driven by the labels or tags that I use on my blog and the code has been written to display the first image in each post and the recipe's title. Not only does this look absolutely amazing, but it's helpful for SEO and for assisting my readers in navigating through the 500+ posts and recipes. Every food blogger can use a recipe index of some kind, whether it's text or visual, requires manual updating or updates itself!
I'm quite pleased with this index--it was some three months in the making and took lots of tweaking from other similar codes. I knew what I wanted to achieve and I researched to see if someone had already created it. No dice. So I sat down with my nerdy and helpful computer programming husband and we tweaked and tested and arrived at this snazzy recipe index!

Some of the features and benefits of using this automatically updating visual recipe index:

  1. it automatically updates (Every single time you post, if you remember to choose the appropriate labels or tags, you'll see your posts in the appropriate section of the index!)
  2. it's succinct.
  3. it allows you to take control over your index; customize it to reflect the appearance of your blog.
  4. you benefit from the SEO of having a recipe index fully contained on your blog and not a third-party plugin.
  5. you don't have to index every label or tag on your blog; you choose what to include and what to ignore.
  6. you have the flexibility to add or remove tags as often as you wish.

    Written by: Anyonita Green


    Are you ready to transform your recipe index and make it absolutely beautiful? This process involves a lot of steps, but I promise you, it's worth it! To start things off, you'll need to make sure you have all the components needed to execute this index.

    You will need:

    • thumbnail images for each label or tag you wish to use
    • blog posts for each specific label or tag
    • a blank recipe index page
    • to have your labels or tags organized and each blog post tagged accordingly

    Let's get started:

    1. Organize your labels or tags into categories that reflect your blog.
    I stuck to conventional categories that recipes would be divided into. When necessary, I went a bit more specific. Be sure to choose categories that are broad and that reflect what people commonly search for. You can check out this blog post for help in determining the best way to come up with labels and tags.

    2. Create thumbnail images for each label or tag.
    Once you know what your tags will be, create individual images for each one. I created my thumbnails, arranged them in alphabetical order in a collage made with PicMonkey and then I used an image map to make each image clickable. Here's a tutorial for how to make each image a link.

    How to Make a Beautiful Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index for Food Bloggers (2)
    To see the live version of this image map, visit the recipe index.

    3. Create an individual blog post for each label or tag.
    This option made the most sense to me because Blogger limits the number of pages you can have, plus I didn't want to spend time editing the pages out of my site navigation. If you choose to create a blog post for each label or tag, I'd suggest you back date it to one month before your first blog post. This way, you won't have to worry about people stumbling across these blog posts, but still have the organization and the benefit of the visual recipe index. If you don't want these posts to show up on your recipe index, do not put any labels or tags on them.

    These are the posts that your category images from your recipe index will link to. For example, on my recipe index, the category "Desserts" links to a blog post called "Desserts" which displays every recipe on my blog with the label or tag of "desserts". Here's how it looks:

    How to Make a Beautiful Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index for Food Bloggers (3)
    This is how the category posts will look when you've implemented the code. View the desserts post live by going here.

    4. Add this bit of code to your blog's HTML template.
    In Blogger, go to Template >> Edit HTML. Be sure to back up your template before you begin! Then, copy and paste this code just before the < / head > section of your template.

     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425262728
    <script>// Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index by Tutorial at Free to use or share, but please keep this notice intact.//<![CDATA[function tb911rpGallery(root) {var entries = root.feed.entry || [];var html = ['<div class="tb911rp-gallery nopin" title="Get this from">'];for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {var post = entries[i];var postTitle = post.title.$t;var orgImgUrl =$thumbnail ?$thumbnail.url : '';var newImgUrl = orgImgUrl.replace('s72-c', 's' + tb911rpg_thumbSize + '-c');var links = || [];for (var j = 0; j < links.length; ++j) {if (links[j].rel == 'alternate') break;}var postUrl = links[j].href;var imgTag = '<img src="' + newImgUrl + '" width="' + tb911rpg_thumbSize + '" height="' + tb911rpg_thumbSize + '"/>';var pTitle = tb911rpg_showTitle ? '<span class="ptitle">' + postTitle + '</span>' : '';var item = '<a href="' + postUrl + '" target="_blank" title="' + postTitle + '">' + imgTag + pTitle + '</a>';html.push('<div class="tb911-item">', item, '</div>');}html.push('</div>');document.write(html.join(""));}//]]></script>

    5. Add this CSS to your CSS editor.
    In Blogger, go to Template >> Customize >> Advanced >> CSS. Then copy and paste this before < / b:skin >.

    /* Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index CSS Start */.tb911rp-gallery {padding:10px; clear:both;}.tb911rp-gallery:after {content: "";display: table;clear: both;}.tb911rp-gallery .tb911-item a {position: relative;float:left;margin: 0 15px 15px 0 !important;text-decoration:none;}.tb911rp-gallery .tb911-item .ptitle {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); background: #7f7f7f\9; display: block; clear: left; font-size: 11px; line-height:1.3em; height: 2.6em; position: absolute; text-align: left; bottom: 10%; color:#fff; padding:2px 5px; word-wrap: break-word; overflow:hidden;}.tb911rp-gallery a img {background: #eee; float: left; padding: 5px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); transition: background-color 0.4s; -webkit-transition: background-color 0.4s; -moz-transition: background-color 0.4s;}.tb911rp-gallery a:hover img {background: #ee7e22;}/* Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index CSS End */

    6. Add this script to each label or tag's individual blog posts.
    You will need to alter the code slightly for each label or tag.

    <script>var tb911rpg_thumbSize = 150;var tb911rpg_showTitle = true;</script><script src="/feeds/posts/summary/-/YOUR LABEL OR TAG?max-results=NUMBER OF POSTS&alt=json-in-script&callback=tb911rpGallery"></script>

    Change "Your Label or Tag" to reflect the name of your label or tag.
    Change "Number of Posts" to reflect the number of posts you'd like displayed. I usually change this number to 500 so that it displays all the posts.
    Remember, you will need to copy and paste and change this script for each label or tag.

    Further customizations:
    Change the thumbSize field to reflect the size you would like your thumbnails to be. Images are in pixels.
    If you do not want to show the title of the recipe, change "true" in line 3 to "false".

    And that's it! You'll have a brand spanking new, beautiful visual recipe index!

    Don't have time to do it yourself? I provide a visual recipe index creation for $45 / £30! I'll do all the work for you: from creating images for your thumbnails to implementing the codes. All you have to do is make sure each blog post has the right labels or tags! Shoot me an email to munchies [at] anyonita-nibbles [dot] com to get started!

    Please share this tutorial if you found it helpful! If you use this tutorial to pimp out your recipe index, feel free to come back and leave a comment linking me to your page! I'd love to take a peek! If you've got any questions, also leave a comment & I'll do my best to answer each one.

    How to Make a Beautiful Automatically Updating Visual Recipe Index for Food Bloggers (2024)


    How to make a food blog unique? ›

    Content Writing For Food Blog: 11 Ways To Stand Out
    1. Technique #1: Develop a Unique Voice.
    2. Technique #2: Use High-Quality Images.
    3. Technique #3: Tell a Story.
    4. Technique #4: Provide Recipes.
    5. Technique #5: Share Personal Experiences.
    6. Technique #6: Collaborate with Other Bloggers.
    7. Technique #7: Use Social Media Effectively.
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    What is the best platform for a food blog? ›

    While there are a few popular CRMs on the market these days (Squarespace, Wix, WordPress, to name a few), we highly recommend WordPress for your food blogging needs.

    How do food bloggers create recipes? ›

    Many recipe developers find ideas:
    1. In cookbooks or magazines.
    2. Through recipes on other food blogs.
    3. From family recipes.
    4. At local restaurants or bakeries.
    5. While traveling.
    6. From new ingredients or seasonal produce at a farmers market.
    7. On Pinterest.
    8. While watching cooking shows.
    Jun 9, 2022

    How to be a successful food blogger? ›

    Top 20 Tips for Food Bloggers
    1. I wish I had some magic secrets or shortcuts to share, but the truth is that food blogging is hard work. ...
    2. Be authentic. ...
    3. Don't give up. ...
    4. Post original content. ...
    5. Show your personality! ...
    6. Make friends and help each other. ...
    7. Make yourself accessible. ...
    8. Keep your site design clean and easy to navigate.

    Do food blogs still make money? ›

    Food Blogger Salary

    According to ZipRecruiter, the average food blogger's salary in the US is $62,275 a year as of Jan 31, 2024.

    How to write an attractive food blog? ›

    Always post high-quality content, whether it's recipes, restaurant reviews, op-eds on food items or a journey down memory lane. And high quality does not only mean the value you provide in your posts. It also includes readability. Use headlines and subheads that hook the reader.

    What apps do food bloggers use? ›

    The following are major apps used by food bloggers:
    • Spyne.
    • Snapseed.
    • Camera+
    • Adobe Lightroom.
    • FoodieFoto.

    Do people still read food blogs? ›

    Food, lifestyle, and travel niches have the highest percentage of blogs and more than 50,000 blog visits per month. 71% of bloggers say SEO is their most significant traffic source.

    Which food blogger has the most followers? ›

    Currently, the most-followed chef is also the most-followed food influencer on Instagram—Gordon Ramsey. He has over 14 million followers on the platform, with an additional 36 million followers on TikTok. After Ramsay, Jamie Oliver is the chef and food influencer with the next-higher follower count at 10 million.

    How many recipes should a food blog have? ›

    Your first 6 months. Your only job during the first 6 months of running your food blog is to get a new recipe put out every week. Do not underestimate how difficult this is. You need a minimum of 20 high quality, unique pieces of content (recipes) before search engines even consider you anything other than a spammer.

    How to create a recipe blog? ›

    Here are some steps for creating your own food blog:
    1. Decide on your niche. ...
    2. Choose a domain name. ...
    3. Find a reliable web host. ...
    4. Install blogging software. ...
    5. Choose a theme. ...
    6. Install plugins. ...
    7. Start posting. ...
    8. Monetize your blog.
    Dec 29, 2022

    How do you monetize a recipe blog? ›

    12 proven ways to monetize a food blog
    1. Make money from display ads.
    2. Get started with affiliate links.
    3. Leverage email marketing.
    4. Write sponsored posts.
    5. Set up brand deals.
    6. Sell an ebook or meal plan.
    7. Sell a physical cookbook online.
    8. Offer memberships.
    Jan 31, 2024

    What is the monthly income of a food blogger? ›

    Those food bloggers who have good knowledge about search engine optimizations (SEO) can substantially have higher income. They can earn a minimum of Rs 1-1.5 lakhs per month easily. Apart from this, depending on the efforts, consistency level, creativity etc. the monthly earnings vary hugely for food bloggers.

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    What Is the Average Food Blogger Salary by State
    StateAnnual SalaryMonthly Pay
    46 more rows

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    Food Blogger Salary
    Annual SalaryHourly Wage
    Top Earners$124,500$60
    75th Percentile$50,000$24
    25th Percentile$40,000$19

    How do I make my blog post unique? ›

    1. If possible, write about something you know and understand well. ...
    2. If you aren't an expert at anything, do this instead... ...
    3. Read your competitors' blogs (but not for the reason you might think). ...
    4. Teach people something useful. ...
    5. Simplify something complicated. ...
    6. Stick to one topic per post.
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    Write for a Specific Niche

    Writing for a specific niche is a great way to create unique content if you want to stand out online. Whether you're an expert on fashion, food, or technology, writing for a niche audience will help you connect with passionate readers about your topic.

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    #1 Recipes which work

    Building trust is at the core of food blogging so recipes must be tested thoroughly and work as they say they do. Food bloggers value carefully-written content which doesn't have poor spelling and grammar and isn't too long, confusing or ambiguous.


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    Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.