Essential Living Foods Thanksgiving Recipes (2024)

Dear Friends and Loved Ones!

Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few fun recipes to try out… pick a favorite, and see what you think! (Make a big beautiful salad to go with these!)

I have been using essential oils in my cooking this year and I absolutely love it, so they are included in my recipes. Feel free to omit, substitute, add and play with these 🙂

Love, Julia


Turkey Cutlets

3 T. Flax meal + 4 T. flax seeds soaked in 1/4 c. water

2 C. yam or pumpkin or carrots grated (can use any grated vegetable you have on hand)

1 C. sunflower seeds soaked & ground

1/4 C onions chopped fine

2 C. Celery chopped fine

2 T. dried parsley

2 c. soaked pecans

4 T. red pepper chopped fine

2 t. nama shoyu (optional if cutting down on salty)

1/2 c. tahini ( if you don’t have tahini then use sesame seeds )

1 T olive oil

1 clove minced garlic

1 t. powdered rosemary

1/2 t. powdered thyme

1/2 t. powdered sage

1 t. sea salt

2 dates

4-6 fresh basil leaves

1 T. lemon juice

1 T. grated beet

1 T. grated ginger

1/4 t. cayenne or 1 jalapeno

2 drops doTerra Rosemary EO

3 drops doTerra Lemon EO

Process all wet ingredients, (nama shoyu, tahini olive oil garlic dates,

lemon j., beet, ginger) then put in bowl and set aside. Add grated items

into bowl. Process nuts & rest of seasonings and add to bowl along with

soaked flax. Make patties, sprinkle with paprika, and dehydrate for 10 hours or till mostly dry.

Serve with mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and a side salad. To make a loaf, dehydrate for 14-18 hours.

Variation: Add some chopped dried tomatoes


Mashed “Potatoes”

6 C chopped cauliflower

1/2 cup cashews

2 cloves garlic

1/4 cup olive oil

Salt and Pepper to taste

Spike All Purpose Seasoning to taste

Process cauliflower, cashews and garlic in a food processor with “S” blade, chop until “grainy”.

In a large pot, slow cooker, or electric skillet on the lowest temperature, add oil, spices and cauliflower,

stirring and tossing until coated and warmed to 105 degrees. Serve with Mushroom Gravy.


Creamy Mushroom Gravy

1/2 ounce dried porcini mushrooms, soaked in 1/2 cup warm water about 20 minutes

1 cup fresh crimini mushrooms, chopped

1 cup ground cashews or almonds (ground into a flour)

Juice of 1/2 lemon

1 tablespoon fresh thyme or 1/4 t. dried

1 tablespoon fresh sage or 1/4 t. dried

1 drop each of doTerra Lemon EO, and Rosemary or Thyme EO

Sea salt to taste

Remove porcini mushrooms from soaking water and place in a high speed blender. [Reserve the soaking water the puree]. Add remaining ingredients – nut flour, water, lemon juice, fresh thyme and sage, and sea salt to taste – to the blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Add doTerra EO’s and mix well.


Cranberry Sauce

2 C fresh cranberries

1 orange, chopped

1 apple, chopped

1 C dates, chopped

1 small piece of ginger, grated

1/2 cup pineapple, chopped

1-2 drops doTerra Wild Orange EO

Water for consistency if needed

In a processor: Add cranberries, orange, apple, , grated ginger, pineapple and dates and process until chunky texture. Add doTerra Lemon EO. Mix well. Add chopped pecans. Serve.


WALDORF PATE for Thanksgiving Turkey Dip

I got the idea and picture of using the pepper for the turkey face from The Happy Raw Kitchen’s blog. Brilliant!

1 Cup walnuts, soaked, rinsed and drained – grind in food processor, set aside in bowl.

2 red apples, cored and in chunks

2 long stalks celery, chopped

2 carrots, chopped

4 scallions

1 Tbsp honey

1 Tbsp oil

1 tsp salt

1/2 lemon, juice of and 1-2 drops of doTerra Lemon EO

1/2 lime, juice of and 1-2 drops of doTerra Lime EO

2 Tbsp sunflower seeds, ground

1 Tbsp nutritional yeast

1 tsp dried Italian herbs

1 Tbsp fresh parsley

Mix altogether in a food processor ’till a creamy pate texture. Strain off some of the excess liquid and shape into a round turkey body.

Cut into finger food strips: Yellow and Orange Bell Peppers, Carrot Sticks, Celery Sticks, sliced broccoli, olives, Radish, Purple Cabbage. And arrange to make the colorful turkey tail. Use a yellow pepper chunk head and neck, sesame seeds for the eyes, yellow triangle for the beak, red pepper carved into a tear drop for the turkey gobble neck.


Wild Mushroom Stuffing

This raw stuffing recipe will complete your raw food holiday menu. If

you have a dehydrator, or an oven that can be set to 100º F, this dish

will be even more authentic in both taste and appearance. Otherwise,

serve your raw food stuffing as a side dish or over lettuce.

To begin, marinate in dehydrator or warm oven in a metal bowl for at least 15 minutes:

1 cup fresh mushrooms, chopped

1/2 cup celery, chopped

1 onion, chopped

2 clove minced garlic in the following marinade :

¼ cup olive oil

¼ cup braggs

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

In a bowl of warm water, reconstitute 1 cup of dried mushrooms. Set aside.

Next, blend in a food processor:

1 cup raw walnuts

1 cup raw sunflower seeds

1 cup raw pumpkin seeds

When the mixture has taken on a fine texture, add to it:

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp black pepper

2 tsp chopped thyme

1 ½ tbsps fresh rosemary, chopped finely

2 tbsps fresh chopped parsley

½ tsp dried sage

1-2 drops each of doTerra Rosemary, Lemon, Thyme EO

Pulse until it begins to come together, like a nut pate. Add a little of the mushroom liquid to get it moving. Mix this with:

1 ½ cups grated carrot

3/4 cup zucchini, chopped into cubes

Add the marinated mushroom mix, using or reserving liquid depending on how “wet” you want the stuffing to be.

Next, coarsely chop:

1 cup dried mushrooms (variety or sh*take), reconstituted in warm water & patted dry

½ cup pecans

½ cup raisins

Add the chopped mushrooms, nuts and raisins to the stuffing, chopping in some additional parsley sprigs.

Adjust Salt and Pepper

Dehydrate or place in a warm oven in a large metal bowl (take out your racks and use your dehydrator as an oven) 30 minutes or until warmed.


Stuffed Mushrooms

1/3 C pine nuts

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/3 C fresh cilantro, packed leaves, chopped

1/3 C fresh basil, packed leaves, chopped

1 T lemon juice

1 C tomato, chopped

2 T Braggs or to taste

1 drop doTerra Rosemary EO

Put all ingredients into a food processor, except the tomatoes, and pulse chop several times. Stop to scrape down the sides and repeat. Add the tomatoes and continue to pulse chop until just blended. Keep a texture to a pesto, it should not be a puree. Remove stems from mushrooms and stuff the filling into the cap of the mushroom. Place on a dehydrator sheet and dehydrate at 105 degrees for 2-4 hours.



10 apples, cored

1 lg. butternut squash, peeled

2 oranges, peeled

1 lemon, peeled

1 med. red onion, peeled

3 C almond milk

1-1/2 C pumpkin seeds

1 bunch parsley

1/4 C tarragon, dried

2 drops each doTerra Lemon EO and Wild Orange EO

• In a vitamix blender, combine all ingredients and process thoroughly, and allow to gently warm on the stove or in the mixer.



2 – 3 sweet potatoes (or yams)

1 C coconut, dried

2 apples

1/4 C ginger root

4 lemons juiced

2 oranges, juiced

1 C walnuts, chopped fine

2 drops each of doTerra Wild Orange EO and doTera Lemon EO (variation: doTerra On Guard EO)

• Chop sweet potatoes, apples, and ginger, and run through Champion juicer with blank plate. (Alternatively, grate sweet potatoes, apples, and ginger).

• Remove mixtureto a large bowl. Add shredded dried coconut, lemon and orange juices, and chopped walnuts.

• Mix thoroughly



To make champagne rejuvelac the rejuvelac must be covered with a tight fitting lid during fermentation. In this way, CO2 gas created during fermentation remains in the finished drink, causing bubbles.

1 C whole millet

1 T raisins

• Sprout millet for 24 hours, then rinse and drain well.

• In a mortar, lightly pound the millet with a pestle, to bruise the grains.

• Place the sprouted millet in a large jar.

• Fill the jar no more than 2/3 full with fresh spring water (approx. 4 C)

• Add 1 T raisins.

• Tightly close the jar with an airtight lid.

• Ferment for 2 to 3 days, shaking the jar gently once each day.


Variation: Add 2-3 drops of one doTerra Essential Oil of choice (Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange)

Millet is most suitable for making Champagne rejuvelac as it produces a slightly more sour taste than do other grains, providing for a more champagne-like flavor.


Pumpkin Pie with Cinnamon Cranberry Pecan Crust

Cinnamon Cranberry Pecan Crust

Makes 2 cups

2 cups pecans, soaked and dried

1 cup dried cranberries, fruit sweetened

1 Tablespoon grade B pure maple syrup, or agave nectar

Pinch Sea salt

1 drop doTerra cinnamon essential oil


Process pecans and cranberries in a food processor until meal texture.

Add remaining ingredients and pulse chop. Do not over-process to avoid

turning the mixture into butter. Press mixture into a greased 10 inch spring

form pan. Crust can go up on the sides in a rudimentary fashion. Keep

thickness even throughout. Set aside or freeze until ready to fill with

Pumpkin Pie Filling.

Pumpkin Pie Filling

1 cup cashews, soaked

1 cup coconut meat

2 cups carrot juice

3/4 cup agave nectar

3/4 cup raw virgin coconut oil

1/3 cup dates ground into a paste

1 T. vanilla extract

1 T. ground cinnamon

2 t. ground ginger

1/2 t. ground nutmeg

1/4 t. ground cloves

3/4 t. sea salt

2-3 drops of doTerra On Guard or Holiday Joy EO

In Vita Mix or high speed blender, blend all the filling ingredients until completely smooth. Fill the crust while the filling is still at room temperature. Place the pies in the freezer to set.


Happy Apple Crumble Pie


2 cups soaked (30 minutes), rinsed and patted dry walnuts (can use almonds)

6-8 pitted dates

1/2 cup shredded coconut

2 heaping t. cinnamon

2 drops doTerra On Guard or Cinnamon EO

Process until well mixed and crumbly, set aside.

Apple Mixture:

Dice into little chunks 6 apples (organic gala and granny smith are good)

you can process them into chunks as well, but dicing them make them pretty.

Apple Sauce: process one apple into a sauce, add a dash of olive oil, 1 t. vanilla, 2 T. cinnamon (or more to taste), a dash of nutmeg, a pinch of ginger, 1/2 c. raisins or 4 dates to sweeten, 1/2 lemon juiced, and 1-2 drops doTerra Lemon EO, and 1-2 drop doTerra On Guard EO, or 2-3 drops of doTerra Holiday Joy

Mix with diced apples.


Layer 1: 1/2 crumble on bottom of pie plate, and gently press in evenly

Layer 2: apple mixture

Layer 3: rest of crumble on top

Chill to set.


Key Lime Pie

Macadamia Crust

2 cups raw macadamia nuts

1 cup shredded, unsweetened dry coconut

1 Tablespoon lime zest

2 Tablespoons lime juice

Seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean pod, or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 drop doTerra Lime EO

4 packets stevia (or can use more agave, however too much will make it runny)

2 tablespoons agave nectar

1 Tablespoon macadamia oil or other nut oil (olive is fine)- this is for oiling the pan. Can also use wax paper instead.

Place the nuts and the processor bowl in the freezer to chill for a few minutes. Once chilled, place all of the ingredients except the oil in the processor bowl and pulse until well combined, but still a bit chunky. Be careful not to over-process or the nuts will become oily. Lightly oil pie pan with removable bottom with the nut oil. If using pie pan without removable bottom, line the pan with overhanging plastic wrap, and skip oiling them. Gently press dough into pie pan evenly. Wrap in plastic and place in freezer to chill until firm.

Lime Mousse:

5 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted

1/2 cup lime juice + 2-3 drops doTerra Lime EO

1/4 cup packed lime zest (from 6 limes)

2 Tablespoons coconut butter

Seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean, or 2 Tablespoons vanilla extract

1/2 cup agave nectar

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

5 packets stevia, or to taste (or can add more agave, however too much will make it runny)

In a food processor, process all the mousse ingredients except the stevia until smooth. Add stevia (or agave) to taste and process.

Use the overhanging edges of the plastic wrap to carefully pull pie crust from

the pie shell (or push the bottom if using a pan with a removable

bottom). Replace back in the pie pan and fill the pie shell with the mousse, cover with wax paper.

Fill the pie shell with the Lime mousse, cover with wax paper, parchment, or plastic wrap (surface will discolor while setting), and chill in the fridge or freezer. Plastic wrap will peel off easily once it is set.

If you freeze the pie, let defrost for 15 minutes before serving.


Lemon Whip Cream

Makes 2 cups

1 packed cup young coconut meat

1 cup soaked cashews

1/2 cup virgin coconut oil

1/2 cup coconut water

1/4 cup agave nectar

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 drops doterra Lemon EO

Pinch Sea salt


Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until creamy. Freeze to firm. Top pies when ready to serve.

Earth’s crammed with heaven

and every bush is burning

but only he who sees

takes off his shoes

–Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Essential Living Foods Thanksgiving Recipes (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.