Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (2024)

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Fun Easter sensory bin for kids.

Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (1)

Brought to you by Nuffnang and The Reject Shop.

The kids had (and are still having) loads of fun with this Easter-themed sensory binthat I put together almost entirely with items you can find at The Reject Shop, who is the sponsor of this post today.

Have you been into The Reject Shop lately? They have all sorts of crafty knickknacks at greatprices – just perfect for putting together an Easter sensory tub for kids (or a sensory tub to go with any theme really).

Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (2)

Almost all the items we used in our Easter sensory bin were bought from The Reject Shop, including:

  • plastic Easter eggs
  • small Easter-themed erasers (that handily fit inside the plastic Easter eggs)
  • mini fluffy chicks (that also fit inside the plastic eggs – my kids loved it when they ‘hatched’)
  • a fluffy ‘mummy’ hen who clucks
  • a plastic hen who clucks and lays eggs! The kids think it is hilarious! (Technically it comes with jellybean eggs, which I mayhave accidentally eaten, but FYI small gumnuts work just as well.)
  • a plush Easter Bunny, who is so soft and cuddly
  • bunches ofartificial flowers (which I turned into individual stems by cutting the bottom of the bunches off with secateurs)
  • speckled egg decorations (that come with handy ties to hang the eggs up on the flowers)
  • adorablemetal buckets in pink, blue and green and a yellow metal tub (from the gardening section)
  • even more adorable colourful mini ice cream scoopswith handles that are small enough for little hands
  • anegg timer to add a playful maths element to their play

Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (3)

We also used acouple of our own items, just because we had them at home already. You can buy the same (or very similar) at The Reject Shop if you don’t already have these:

  • a standing mirror (because I’ve found mirrors are great for these sorts of activities)
  • an under-bed storage tub with nice low sides so the kids can reach in easily.
  • a plastic tablecloth to act as a spill mat – it makes it easier to sweep up any loose rice and pop back in
  • a little dustpan and broom, for said sweeping

And lastly we also used some old foam packaging (that I’d saved from the rubbish bin)to poke the flower stems into, and of course, thegreen rice that we made earlier in the week. (Doesn’t it look like grass!)

Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (4)

I set up our Easter Sensory Bin while JJ (4.5 years old) was at school and Bee (2.5 years old) was having a nap, so it was one of those rare moments where I was able tohave everything just so.

The flowers added height and colour, and I (ahem, I mean the Easter Bunny) hid eggs underneath. Some of the eggs had Easter-themed erasers hiding inside, which added an element of surprise.

The kids soon discovered that you can use the plastic eggs in all sorts of ways. The little chicks can hide inside, and then hatch to join the rest of their family. You can scoop rice inside the plastic eggs, and turn them into little egg shakers. The little speckled eggs even fit inside them!

Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (5)

The kids scooped, poured and role-played for the rest of the afternoon, and then begged to play again the next day. Everything fits back into the plastic tub, so it’s easy to pack up and bring back out again.

I love that sensory play, like this Easter sensory bin (and our earlierocean-themed sensory tub), encourages thekidsto play calmly and collaboratively outdoors, in an area of our backyard that often misses out on theaction.It even gave me a chance to hang the clothes on the line. 🙂

Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (6)

The Reject Shop has everything you need for Easter (have I even mentioned the aisles of chocolate??), and ahuge range of crafty products at savvyprices.You don’t have to stick to the craft sections either –there’s lots of ‘real life toys’ that your kids will love to play with. (And if they are playing, they are learning – it’s just hidden under squeals of laughter.)

****The below giveaway has now ended. Congratulations to Cass who was the lucky winner (as announced here).***

I have a $100 Reject Shop gift cardto giveaway to one of my readers. To enter, please answer the following question in the comments below:

What Easter presents would you purchase for your friends and family with a $100 Reject Shop voucher?

(This giveaway is open to Australian residents only, from Tuesday 24th March 2015 until 5:00pm AEDT Wednesday 1st April 2015. Please click here for full terms & conditions.)

Good luck, and #getsavvy!

xx Danya

Previous: How to Make Really Vibrant Coloured Rice (for Kids Craft or Sensory Play)

Next: Crayon Resist ‘Magic’ Paintings


  1. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (7)Holly

    How awesome this is. My 2 year old would absolutely adore something like this. She is also obsessed with those surprise eggs, so I need to grab lots of little toys to fill them. I have a lot of nieces & nephews who would enjoy similar so this would give me the chance to spoil them all with Easter gifts (and a little chocolate).
    My recent post Main Bedroom Declutter Update


  2. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (8)Kate Lloyd

    Love this. I would get some of those adorable metal buckets in various colours. They can be used for almost anything and for any age.
    My recent post Easter bunny whiskers


  3. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (9)kate

    What a cool sensory play idea!

    If we had $100 to spend at the reject shop we'd stock up on crafty items – there is nothing better than spending the holidays using all kinds of new and cool crafty things!!
    Oh we'd have to get some more of those tiny erasers too.. they are fab for loose parts play and maths learning!
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  4. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (10)Aly

    I would buy a variety of craft goodies from the Reject Shop to make crafty treats with my toddler!


  5. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (11)livinglovinglaughing

    I would get chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and as many of those adorable little chicks as I could fit in my basket!! 🙂


  6. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (12)Kate@thecrafttrain

    What a lovely sensory bin! My kids would definitely adore this too – don’t know what it is about those fluffy chicks but they really love them! I think if I had that much money to spend at the Reject Shop I’d choose some of their lovely gardening supplies. For the kids in our family I’d put together a little pot with seeds, potting mix, a little Easter character or one of those bouncy garden decorations on a stick and something to decorate the pots with like paint and sparkly stickers.


  7. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (13)Chelsea

    We don't celebrate Easter but I love the Reject Shop for crafty stuff in general, it usually has whatever I'm looking for and more! To answer the giveaway question though, I could always do with some more chocolate hehe 😉
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  8. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (14)Bek @ Just FoR Daisy

    This is amazing! I want to play!!! That rice is amazing – I hadn't seen you make it earlier in the week so thought it was a mat of fake grass! I think we'll have to copy this one Danya – my girls would love it and we haven't played with rice in quite a long time!
    I would LOVE $100 to spend at The Reject Shop! It's one of my favourites when I head into town because I can always find some great bargains to add to our crafts, garden supplies, you name it actually – I could go nuts in there! hehe! Fingers crossed!
    My recent post Something like Baby Led Weaning. And a giveaway for you!!


  9. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (15)Debs

    We get heaps of our supplies from the Reject Shop. There are some things that you really don't need to spend extra money on!

    Rather than chocolate at Easter, I'd love to get some of the gorgeous decorative garden tinware they have and gift them with a potted plant inside and some of the little chicks for decoration. (To "Easter" it up a little, haha)


  10. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (16)Melissa

    Wow! So many awesome Easter inspired goodies. We try to minimise chocolates at Easter, so I would definitely raid the craft aisles of the Reject Shop and using some of those gorgeous metal buckets create some Easter Craft gift baskets. So many possibilities 🙂
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  11. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (17)Cass

    For our family, it's really all about the chocolate. I've got two daughters a husband and a father living in this house so they hoover through the Easter goodies like nobodies business! In fairness though, I'd probably also take a little money out to buy a small walking harness for the ferrets (The reject shop has everything, seriously!) My older boy is too lazy to walk, but my active girl could do with the stimulation so that'd be her Easter gift.
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  12. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (18)Lisa

    What a great idea! I'm going to set something like this up for my Miss 2! Master 5 months can look on and drool with jealousy 🙂

    Easter is all about new beginnings, so I'd get some things to show this off – fuzzy little chickens, eggs (love those hollow ones to fill yourself!), some pens and paper for creative play, stickers for helping express things visually when they don't have the words, pipe cleaners and pom poms to help with dexterity, and google eyes just because they're fun. Then I'd add in a couple of treats – some sneaky chocolate, and maybe something with feathers and sparkles!


  13. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (19)Janice

    The Reject Shop has absolutely everything for play ideas and crafty activities. You can lose hours just walking up and down the isles, lol. 🙂 Your sensory Easter Bin looks like so much fun and I love the addition of the mirror, my girls would absolutely love this!


  14. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (20)newintstudents

    I would purchase lots of big easter eggs for my chocolate loving readers.


  15. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (21)Emma Edwards

    Oh how I wish I lived closer 🙂 Looks an amazing shop!


  16. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (22)modernmedusa

    I was planning on creating some healthy vegan bliss balls for my family this Easter. I think placing them inside the plastic eggs would be a nice touch and add an essence of surprise to the gift. The Reject Shop always has such a wonderful selections of glass jars which I would purchase for the adults gifts.

    For my cousins' kids, I would set up an egg hunt with the speckled egg decorations and the plastic eggs (some filled with bliss balls, others with the cute little chicks) scattered around the garden. Easter doesn't need to be expensive, but with The Reject Shop it can still sure be fun.
    My recent post Froothie Easter Sale


  17. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (23)modernmedusa

    I was planning on creating some healthy vegan bliss balls for my family this Easter. I think placing them inside the plastic eggs would be a nice touch and add an essence of surprise to the gift. The Reject Shop always has such a wonderful selections of glass jars which I would purchase for the adults gifts.


  18. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (24)Sarah

    I would obviously have to get a little bit of chocolate because I don’t think I’d be forgiven otherwise but we get pretty much all our craft stuff from reject shop so lots more crafting goodies (love the bonnet kits we bought last week). Also the little plastic eggs for the Easter hunt and some of those lovely planters to make a herb garden.


  19. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (25)Kylie

    Those mini icecream scoops look like they might just jump into my trolley while hubby isn’t looking!!

    With a $100 The Reject Shop voucher to buy Easter gifts for loved ones I would purchase some of the gorgeous Easter tins, some plastic eggs, little chicks, and a little chocolate. My two cherubs would adore using their imagination to come up with some pretty amazing combinations. This mummy will probably be right in there too. As for the chicks, they will be carried around for the next 12 months by Miss2 along with her other “precious” things. Love it!!


  20. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (26)Teneille

    This looks like so much fun. I would love to be able to make a similar sensory bin for my son, he would love it


  21. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (27)Kathryn C

    Wow! What an awesome idea to keep the kiddies entertained. I love it! If I was lucky enough to be a voucher I would stock up on all those beautiful Easter decorations and toys. And maybe a chocolate or 2 🙂


  22. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (28)Lillian M

    I would buy some Easter goodies for my friends and family, and some craft goodies for my little munchkins to great crafty over the Easter holidays!


  23. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (29)carolyn k

    I really love this! You’ve inspired me to have a go at making my own surprise sensory bin for my 3 year old to celebrate Easter Sunday. I would definitely spend a reject shop gift card on that! I especially love the hidden erasers inside the eggs. Such an awesome touch!!


  24. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (30)Charmaine Campbell

    Easter eggs, crafts, some toys and maybe a canvas or two to keep the kids busy in the school holidays making cards and Easter gifts for the whole family. Would also help beat any school holiday boredom.


  25. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (31)Helen

    I love this idea, so many great learning opportunities in it and so easy to add onto or change as the season changes.
    I love the Reject Shop for collecting my craft supplies, so this would be great for purchasing lots of Non Chocolate activities and treasures for keeping everyone entertained over Easter and the school holidays.


  26. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (32)cleo sids

    Soft bunny toys, chocolates , baskets and eggs, decorative gifts to share and enjoy , making them from the great range on offer , even an Easter card with some decorated Easter stickers to brighten up and lift spirits.


  27. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (33)Summer Hinaki-McDade

    I purchase easter bunting, decor and easter dinnerware and treats and invite them round for an Easter Sunday brunch.


  28. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (34)michelle wang

    definitely as many easter eggs i can as well as easter baskets so the kids can go easter egg hunting and have the time of their lives


  29. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (35)Gemma Westacott

    What a fabulous idea! My daughter would love it but my son is so excitable he'd likely destroy it on her in his eagerness!
    I'd love to use some of your ideas for an Easter egg hunt, using the plastic eggs with a variety of the fluffy chick, erasers, stickers and mini chocolate eggs inside. I'd also love to have clues that led them to a grand surprise of lots of crafty items, so they could get creative with Easter bonnets, baskets etc.
    A great way to have some Easter fun, while using their immaginations and creativity, without too much sugar.


  30. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (36)sapna

    I would love to buy Bouncy Spring Headbands for my son's school friends and all of his cousins along with Paper Cut Out Figures 8pk to make Easter fun for everyone.


  31. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (37)Stacey pearce

    Now this is one awesome easter idea and its a great alternative to the chocolates love it


  32. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (38)Corrie

    E-Egg-citing canvas for egg paintings,
    A-A whole lot of egg-cellent surprise empty eggs for an egg hunt,
    S-Sensory egg chicks
    T-Terrific craft paper for drawings
    E-Easter eggs of course!
    R-Rocking Reject Shop Savvy bargains to fill our days with joy!


  33. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (39)Curious Charlie

    One word – chocolate!


  34. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (40)Chau

    I would use the voucher to bring old school Easter back, planting some carrots in the garden. painting eggs and bringing the friends over for a Easter hunt.


  35. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (41)Debbie Dye

    I love this idea, especially for my son who is vety tactile. Anything that inspires kids’ imaginations and keeps them busy gets a thumbs up from me!


  36. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (42)Beck

    Wow! Great ideas! I would use a gift card from The Reject Shop to buy lots of crafty items for my kids and my nieces and nephews… I often bring a craft to family get togethers, and love watching the kids all play and get creative together. Their ages range from 10 down to just a few months old.


  37. Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (43)Lam

    Wow, I am in love with your creativity. Wishing everyone a happy Easter!
    With a $100 voucher, I would like to purchase those cute baskets. My kids will be so excited when they can collect their Easter eggs on Easter in this very sweet fluffy basket that’s been personalised with their name! Also, what a better way to get your kids in the swing of it than with some fun Easter craft? Would love to grab some materials from the Reject Shop such as bunny masks, Easter egg placements, bunny ears and hand-print Easter cards to get my kids creativity blossoming. My family enjoy seeing the kids put their imagination into good use so a $100 Reject Shop voucher would come in handy and make our Easter unforgettable!


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Easter Sensory Bin for Kids – Danya Banya (2024)


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