Boggle Rules Made Easy + Scoring Tips (2024)

Love finding words under the pressure of a timer? Thrive under the thrill of competition? Get the lowdown on all the Boggle rules you need to know to start playing the popular word game. It’s easy to learn how to play Boggle by following these easy instructions, including how Boggle scoring works. Ready to get started?

How to Play Boggle

Boggle is one of the most beloved classic word games. Ranking right up there with Words With Friends and Pictionary, Boggle is really easy to learn how to play. And the more you play, the better you’ll get at it too.

Standard Boggle Rules

The classic version of Boggle, originally distributed by Parker Brothers, consists of a 4 x 4 grid with 16 dice. A single letter (except for “Qu,” noted below) is printed on each of the six sides of each die. You need at least two players.

To play:

  1. Shake the covered tray to mix up the letter dice. Then, place it on the table so the cubes fall into place.

  2. Start the timer for three minutes.

  3. Connect adjacent letters -- horizontally, vertically, or diagonally -- to unscramble and form valid words. You can zig-zag your way around the grid, but you cannot use the same cube more than once per word. Each word must be at least three letters long.

  4. Plurals and conjugations are separate words. So, “care,” “cares” and “cared” are three separate words.

  5. Write down all the words you find. Each player has their own sheet of paper.

  6. Stop when the timer runs out.

  7. Tally up your points by following the Boggle scoring rules below.

  8. The winner is the player with the most points.

  9. If two players have the same number of points, the winner is the player who found longer words.

Big Boggle Rules

Also called Boggle Master and Boggle Deluxe, Big Boggle works in mostly the same way as standard or classic Boggle. One main difference is that the grid is 5 x 5 instead of 4 x 4. The other key difference is that words must be at least four letters long.

Super Big Boggle Rules

The even bigger Super Big Boggle follows slightly different rules too. Like Big Boggle, Super Big Boggle disallows three-letter words. Valid words must be at least four letters long. There is also a special die with solid squares on three of its sides. Solid squares are a word stop. You cannot use them in any word. The time limit in Super Big Boggle is four minutes instead of three.

Boggle Scoring Rules

Once you understand the basics for how to play Boggle, you then need to remember the basic scoring rules for Boggle.

Any player can challenge another player’s submitted words, just like challenging a word in Scrabble. You may choose to use whatever dictionary you’d like to decide if a word is valid. The official Scrabble dictionary is a general standard to follow. Remove invalid words from each player’s list.

When tallying up your points, only unique words count toward your score. Put another way, if at least two players write down the same word, the word doesn’t count for anybody.

Boggle Points

The number of points you earn depends on the length of the word:

  • 3-letter words and 4-letter words are 1 point each

  • 5-letter words are 2 points each

  • 6-letter words are 3 points each

  • 7-letter words are 5 points each

  • 8-letter words and longer are 11 points each

Big Boggle follows the same scoring rules, except you cannot play three-letter words.

The Special Case of “Qu”

The single letter cube with “Qu” on it counts as two letters, even though it is only one cube. So, finding the word “queens” would be worth three points as a six-lettter word. In some variants of Big Boggle, you’ll find other two-letter cubes for combinations like “Th” and “In.”

Super Big Boggle Scoring Rules

The scoring rules for Super Big Boggle are mostly the same. Aside from disallowing three-letter words, the other main difference is how to score words at least nine letters long.

  • 4-letter words are 1 point each

  • 5-letter words are 2 points each

  • 6-letter words are 3 points each

  • 7-letter words are 5 points each

  • 8-letter words are 11 points each

  • 9-letter words and longer are worth 2 points per letter

Tips for Better Scores

Want to get good at Boggle? Follow these tips to improve your game.

  1. Look for patterns. Just like solving any anagrams game, it helps when you start grouping certain letters together. C and H form CH, for example. Extend these two-letter combinations (digraphs) into as many words as you can find.

  2. Add an S to everything you can. This common Wordscapes tip applies equally to Boggle. If there’s an S on the Boggle grid, try to add it to the end of every word that comes near it.

  3. Follow iterations. Following on the previous tip, look for how you can extend or adjust words you’ve already found to find other words. BAR might lead you to forming BARN, BARS, or BARBER. Prefixes and suffixes, like RE- or -ED, can be real treasure troves too.

  4. Cut it up. Just as you should try to add more letters to words you’ve already found, also look for words within words you’ve already found too. Found TROWEL? Make sure you write down TROW and ROW too.

  5. Study word lists. A vast vocabulary is a huge advantage in playing Boggle. To help, we’ve got lots of word lists, including words that start with or end in every letter of the alphabet.

  6. Go backwards. An emordnilap is a word that, when spelled backwards, becomes another word. Take advantage of these when playing Boggle. DECAL backwards is LACED. FLOW backwards is WOLF. It’s like getting a two-for-one deal.

  7. Write down everything. There is no penalty in Boggle for writing down an invalid word. If you’re not sure if it’s a “real” word or not, write it down anyway. You can always check these words when it comes time to score them.

  8. Seek the unique. Even though you should definitely write down every word you find, remember that you only get points for words no one else finds. Common words are great (if no one else finds them), but unique and uncommon words are much better.

Practice Boggle Online

Once you know all the Boggle rules and how to play Boggle, you’ll need to start playing to get good at the game. We’ve rounded up several of the best online Boggle games on the web for your convenience. The great thing about playing online is that words are automatically verified. You can usually choose the size of your game grid too.

Michael Kwan is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience. Fueled by caffeine and WiFi, he's no stranger to word games and dad jokes.

Boggle Rules Made Easy + Scoring Tips (2024)


Boggle Rules Made Easy + Scoring Tips? ›

Keep in mind that long words get higher scores.

While short words are easier to find in Boggle and you will find more short words than long ones, try to find as many long words as you can. The longer the word, the higher the score.

How do people get such high scores in Boggle? ›

Keep in mind that long words get higher scores.

While short words are easier to find in Boggle and you will find more short words than long ones, try to find as many long words as you can. The longer the word, the higher the score.

How to score points in Boggle? ›

Scoring Your Boggle Game

In boggle, you only earn points if no one else has found the same word. If any two players have that word, then the word must be crossed off each list. When the first player is finished with their list, then the next player reads through their list and players cross off duplicate words.

Do 2 letter words count in Boggle? ›

Rules: You have to find as many words as possible on the grid. They must be 3 letters or more. You can move from one letter to another if it is a neighbour (in all directions)

What is the big boggle rule? ›

Big Boggle is a timed word game where players attempt to find as many connected words as possible from the face up letters resting in a 25 cube grid. When the timer runs out, players compare their list of words and remove any shared words.

Is Boggle good for brain? ›

It's like doing a fast-paced brain workout! The quick thinking needed to scan the letters and identify valid words gives my mind a good challenge. Playing daily has increased my pattern recognition skills and processing speed.

What words are not allowed in Boggle? ›

No individual letter cube may be used more than once in a word. No capitalized or hyphenated words are allowed.

How to master Boggle? ›

Boggle Strategy 101: How To Be A Boggle Beast
  1. If You Find a Bigger Word, Get All The Little Words Inside It. In Boggle, you receive more points for longer words. ...
  2. Look for Hooks. What are hooks? ...
  3. Learn To Look For Patterns. ...
  4. S Is Your Best Friend. ...
  5. Don't Look at the Clock. ...
  6. Don't Search, React. ...
  7. Achieve Boggle Zen To Win!
Mar 12, 2021

What is the average Boggle score? ›

A Boggle New board averages about 133 words for a total of about 193 points, a modest increase from older versions of the game.

What are the mechanics of Boggle? ›

Each player records as many words as they can create from the letters that are adjoining horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The key is that each letter cannot be used more than once within a single word. The more words a player can find, the more points the player earns.

Do proper nouns count in Boggle? ›

Types of Words Not Allowed Proper nouns, abbreviations, contractions, hyphenated words and foreign words that are not in an English dictionary are not acceptable.

Can you double letters in Boggle? ›

No letter cube may be used more than once within a single word. In this letter pattern, the words “fang,” “trait” and “mowed” are among those that can be formed correctly: NOTE: The letters on the double letter cube must be used in their sequence.

What is the longest word ever found in Boggle? ›

Using the standard 4×4 Boggle setup, the longest possible playable words are 'inconsequentially', 'sesquicentennials' and 'quadricentennials'. Despite their 17-letter lengths, each of these words would only score the player 11 points.

Do plurals count in Boggle? ›

If you can find a word in the dictionary, it's "fair game." Plural forms of words count as separate words. For example, if you see the word "apples," you are actually allowed to write down two words: "apple" and "apples." Words-within-words are allowed.

Which is better Scrabble or Boggle? ›

Time and pace. A game of Scrabble is going to take at least an hour with an average game consisting of 36 turns divided by the number of players. So in a four player game you would expect to spell nine words. A game of Boggle takes approximately ten minutes; in which you could spell as many as 50 words.

How do people get such high scoring words in words with friends? ›

Extend words with suffixes and prefixes.

Transform their play into even more points by adding a prefix or suffix to the word, like “UN-,” “-ED,” “-ER,” or “-ES.” Prefixes and suffixes are a great way to turn your opponent's own gameplay against them!

What is the longest word found in Boggle? ›

Using the sixteen cubes in a standard Boggle set, the list of longest words that can be formed includes inconsequentially, quadricentennials, and sesquicentennials, all seventeen-letter words made possible by q and u appearing on the same face of one cube.

What skills does Boggle work on? ›

In other words, boggle game can help the students in spelling and meaning aspect which help them in writing descriptive text.


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